Doctor Revolt in California


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
The article below is about the reaction to Obamacare by California Doctors.

If true, it seems that Obamacare is going to be a real disaster in California, at least.

So, I ask you Liberals to point out where it is wrong and why. The truth is where we all want to start.

But if the article is true...well, it looks serious. alifornias-obamacare-exchange/article/2540272
Sorry. Nevermind.

Well, it said that 70% of the Doctors will not accept the insurance offered by Obamacare.
Here's another so-called 'unintended consequence' of Obamacare. Shame no one read the fucking bill before they shoved it through. Either the ones who supported it really are ignorant of what is in it or they just don't care because it doesn't apply to them.

Now Obama wants to cut medical benefits for military and retired military, no doubt to force them into the exchanges. If they can't afford it, well, too bad so sad.

Polls show that the young people just aren't interested in enrolling in Obamacare and I hope the entire law implodes.

It's going to get really bad. More people are without insurance now than when they started fixing things, costs are way up and we'll have less doctors. At what point do they admit that their solution is only making things worse?
Yep, the commiecrats in CA will soon sink it like Detroit. Come on to TX CA docs.
Sounds good. Selling a home in a place like San Diego California, can buy a decent home in most cities in Texas, with lots of $$$ to spare. Texas is also a great place to raise a family.
I am trying my best to understand Obamacare...because it will affect me next year. I have an individual policy that renewed in November...fortunately.

It is one of those policys that Obama says is shitty because it doesn't give me childhood dental care...never mind that all my children are grown...and I don't need it...the Government says I do and it pisses me off. It is an insult...another lie...another tax... masquerading in childhood dental care clothes.

I checked on the Obama Care site, though, and if I had to renew this year it would more than double in price.

Me and plenty more citizens got lied to by our president....over and over again...on purpose...because it was best for me. I am too stupid to know that I actually do need childhood dental care.

I am supposed to make decisions on my healthcare based on what some huckster from the Chicago Mob assures me is best for me.

Obviously, I must be on my toes...I am trying to looks like things suck in California.
Yep, the commiecrats in CA will soon sink it like Detroit. Come on to TX CA docs.
You really do not understand economics, do you?
If doctors in California do not accept medicare patients they can expect to see a large drop in the number of patients in their practice. As the patients get fewer and fewer the profits become less and less. The fact of the matter is that if people cannot afford the doctor they will not go to the doctor! The bottom line is this, those doctors who initially decide not to accept medicare will be forced to do one of three things.
1) To rebuild their practice they will have to lower their rates.
2) They will have to re-evaluate their positions on medicare.
3) The will have to leave their profession and seek work elsewhere. The problem is this, they have special training in medicine and little training in anything else. That means they will be pushed into the poor jobs market with few skills to sell.
Some of you will say how terrible this is and the doctor shortage will be a huge problem. Wrong. There is such a thing as a physicans assistant or PA. A PA can do many of the same simple tasks that a doctor does and they can gain those skills in two years. The PA's are under a doctor's watch but one doctor can have several PA's.
Let me give you an example. My wife has a failed back. Implanted in her abdomen is a small pump that delivers medicine directly to her spine. The pump needs to be filled about every 6 weeks. However, when she gets the pump filled she does not see the doctor. She sees a PA who fills the pump. If the PA sees anything out of order she reports it to the doctor and then he takes over. She hasn't see her pain doctor in 2+ years.
I am trying my best to understand Obamacare...because it will affect me next year. I have an individual policy that renewed in November...fortunately.

It is one of those policys that Obama says is shitty because it doesn't give me childhood dental care...never mind that all my children are grown...and I don't need it...the Government says I do and it pisses me off. It is an insult...another lie...another tax... masquerading in childhood dental care clothes.

I checked on the Obama Care site, though, and if I had to renew this year it would more than double in price.

Me and plenty more citizens got lied to by our president....over and over again...on purpose...because it was best for me. I am too stupid to know that I actually do need childhood dental care.

I am supposed to make decisions on my healthcare based on what some huckster from the Chicago Mob assures me is best for me.

Obviously, I must be on my toes...I am trying to looks like things suck in California.

Sounds like you understand it just fine.
Yep, the commiecrats in CA will soon sink it like Detroit. Come on to TX CA docs.
You really do not understand economics, do you?
If doctors in California do not accept medicare patients they can expect to see a large drop in the number of patients in their practice. As the patients get fewer and fewer the profits become less and less. The fact of the matter is that if people cannot afford the doctor they will not go to the doctor! The bottom line is this, those doctors who initially decide not to accept medicare will be forced to do one of three things.
1) To rebuild their practice they will have to lower their rates.
2) They will have to re-evaluate their positions on medicare.
3) The will have to leave their profession and seek work elsewhere. The problem is this, they have special training in medicine and little training in anything else. That means they will be pushed into the poor jobs market with few skills to sell.
Some of you will say how terrible this is and the doctor shortage will be a huge problem. Wrong. There is such a thing as a physicans assistant or PA. A PA can do many of the same simple tasks that a doctor does and they can gain those skills in two years. The PA's are under a doctor's watch but one doctor can have several PA's.
Let me give you an example. My wife has a failed back. Implanted in her abdomen is a small pump that delivers medicine directly to her spine. The pump needs to be filled about every 6 weeks. However, when she gets the pump filled she does not see the doctor. She sees a PA who fills the pump. If the PA sees anything out of order she reports it to the doctor and then he takes over. She hasn't see her pain doctor in 2+ years.

Didn't bother to read the link did ya.

From the link:

California offers one of the lowest government reimbursement rates in the country -- 30 percent lower than federal Medicare payments. And reimbursement rates for some procedures are even lower.

"In other states, Medicare pays doctors $76 for return-office visits. But in California, Medi-Cal's reimbursement is $24, according to Dr. Theodore M. Mazer, a San Diego ear, nose and throat doctor."

The economics are if a doctor can't make an income that gives him a decent return on his investment he can move a set up shop in a different State. Personally I'd like to invite them to TX. We have tort reform, no personal income tax and some of the best hospitals in the nation so it's a great place to set up a practice. That's real economics.
Yep, the commiecrats in CA will soon sink it like Detroit. Come on to TX CA docs.
You really do not understand economics, do you?
If doctors in California do not accept medicare patients they can expect to see a large drop in the number of patients in their practice. As the patients get fewer and fewer the profits become less and less. The fact of the matter is that if people cannot afford the doctor they will not go to the doctor! The bottom line is this, those doctors who initially decide not to accept medicare will be forced to do one of three things.
1) To rebuild their practice they will have to lower their rates.
2) They will have to re-evaluate their positions on medicare.
3) The will have to leave their profession and seek work elsewhere. The problem is this, they have special training in medicine and little training in anything else. That means they will be pushed into the poor jobs market with few skills to sell.
Some of you will say how terrible this is and the doctor shortage will be a huge problem. Wrong. There is such a thing as a physicans assistant or PA. A PA can do many of the same simple tasks that a doctor does and they can gain those skills in two years. The PA's are under a doctor's watch but one doctor can have several PA's.
Let me give you an example. My wife has a failed back. Implanted in her abdomen is a small pump that delivers medicine directly to her spine. The pump needs to be filled about every 6 weeks. However, when she gets the pump filled she does not see the doctor. She sees a PA who fills the pump. If the PA sees anything out of order she reports it to the doctor and then he takes over. She hasn't see her pain doctor in 2+ years.

"California offers one of the lowest government reimbursement rates in the country -- 30 percent lower than federal Medicare payments. And reimbursement rates for some procedures are even lower.

In other states, Medicare pays doctors $76 for return-office visits. But in California, Medi-Cal's reimbursement is $24, according to Dr. Theodore M. Mazer, a San Diego ear, nose and throat doctor.

In other states, doctors receive between $500 to $700 to perform a tonsillectomy. In California, they get $160, Mazer added.

Only in September did Insurance companies disclose that their rates would be pegged to California’s Medicaid plan, called Medi-Cal. That's driven many doctors to just say no."

Did you know that MediCal (Cali Medicaid) reimburses at a loss to a provider?

Do you see where Medicare reimbursements are NOW the same rate as MediCal?

Would YOU stay in business if you lost money every day?

It doesn't matter if a PA can do it. The PA reimbursement would be at the MediCal loss rate.

*Best wishes to you and your wife.
Yep, the commiecrats in CA will soon sink it like Detroit. Come on to TX CA docs.
You really do not understand economics, do you?
If doctors in California do not accept medicare patients they can expect to see a large drop in the number of patients in their practice. As the patients get fewer and fewer the profits become less and less. The fact of the matter is that if people cannot afford the doctor they will not go to the doctor! The bottom line is this, those doctors who initially decide not to accept medicare will be forced to do one of three things.
1) To rebuild their practice they will have to lower their rates.
2) They will have to re-evaluate their positions on medicare.
3) The will have to leave their profession and seek work elsewhere. The problem is this, they have special training in medicine and little training in anything else. That means they will be pushed into the poor jobs market with few skills to sell.
Some of you will say how terrible this is and the doctor shortage will be a huge problem. Wrong. There is such a thing as a physicans assistant or PA. A PA can do many of the same simple tasks that a doctor does and they can gain those skills in two years. The PA's are under a doctor's watch but one doctor can have several PA's.
Let me give you an example. My wife has a failed back. Implanted in her abdomen is a small pump that delivers medicine directly to her spine. The pump needs to be filled about every 6 weeks. However, when she gets the pump filled she does not see the doctor. She sees a PA who fills the pump. If the PA sees anything out of order she reports it to the doctor and then he takes over. She hasn't see her pain doctor in 2+ years.

We are going to see more and more of this, and it's actually a good thing. I go to a Hematologist four times per year. One time I see the doctor and the other three I see a nurse practitioner. I actually prefer seeing the NP. She knows much more about my situation and the treatment necessary.
Yep, the commiecrats in CA will soon sink it like Detroit. Come on to TX CA docs.
You really do not understand economics, do you?
If doctors in California do not accept medicare patients they can expect to see a large drop in the number of patients in their practice. As the patients get fewer and fewer the profits become less and less. The fact of the matter is that if people cannot afford the doctor they will not go to the doctor! The bottom line is this, those doctors who initially decide not to accept medicare will be forced to do one of three things.
1) To rebuild their practice they will have to lower their rates.
2) They will have to re-evaluate their positions on medicare.
3) The will have to leave their profession and seek work elsewhere. The problem is this, they have special training in medicine and little training in anything else. That means they will be pushed into the poor jobs market with few skills to sell.
Some of you will say how terrible this is and the doctor shortage will be a huge problem. Wrong. There is such a thing as a physicans assistant or PA. A PA can do many of the same simple tasks that a doctor does and they can gain those skills in two years. The PA's are under a doctor's watch but one doctor can have several PA's.
Let me give you an example. My wife has a failed back. Implanted in her abdomen is a small pump that delivers medicine directly to her spine. The pump needs to be filled about every 6 weeks. However, when she gets the pump filled she does not see the doctor. She sees a PA who fills the pump. If the PA sees anything out of order she reports it to the doctor and then he takes over. She hasn't see her pain doctor in 2+ years.

"California offers one of the lowest government reimbursement rates in the country -- 30 percent lower than federal Medicare payments. And reimbursement rates for some procedures are even lower.

In other states, Medicare pays doctors $76 for return-office visits. But in California, Medi-Cal's reimbursement is $24, according to Dr. Theodore M. Mazer, a San Diego ear, nose and throat doctor.

In other states, doctors receive between $500 to $700 to perform a tonsillectomy. In California, they get $160, Mazer added.

Only in September did Insurance companies disclose that their rates would be pegged to California’s Medicaid plan, called Medi-Cal. That's driven many doctors to just say no."

Did you know that MediCal (Cali Medicaid) reimburses at a loss to a provider?

Do you see where Medicare reimbursements are NOW the same rate as MediCal?

Would YOU stay in business if you lost money every day?

It doesn't matter if a PA can do it. The PA reimbursement would be at the MediCal loss rate.

*Best wishes to you and your wife.

If this is true, then they definitely have a problem. My question is if they are paying out so little, where is all the money going?
Yep, the commiecrats in CA will soon sink it like Detroit. Come on to TX CA docs.
You really do not understand economics, do you?
If doctors in California do not accept medicare patients they can expect to see a large drop in the number of patients in their practice. As the patients get fewer and fewer the profits become less and less. The fact of the matter is that if people cannot afford the doctor they will not go to the doctor! The bottom line is this, those doctors who initially decide not to accept medicare will be forced to do one of three things.
1) To rebuild their practice they will have to lower their rates.
2) They will have to re-evaluate their positions on medicare.
3) The will have to leave their profession and seek work elsewhere. The problem is this, they have special training in medicine and little training in anything else. That means they will be pushed into the poor jobs market with few skills to sell.
Some of you will say how terrible this is and the doctor shortage will be a huge problem. Wrong. There is such a thing as a physicans assistant or PA. A PA can do many of the same simple tasks that a doctor does and they can gain those skills in two years. The PA's are under a doctor's watch but one doctor can have several PA's.
Let me give you an example. My wife has a failed back. Implanted in her abdomen is a small pump that delivers medicine directly to her spine. The pump needs to be filled about every 6 weeks. However, when she gets the pump filled she does not see the doctor. She sees a PA who fills the pump. If the PA sees anything out of order she reports it to the doctor and then he takes over. She hasn't see her pain doctor in 2+ years.

"California offers one of the lowest government reimbursement rates in the country -- 30 percent lower than federal Medicare payments. And reimbursement rates for some procedures are even lower.

In other states, Medicare pays doctors $76 for return-office visits. But in California, Medi-Cal's reimbursement is $24, according to Dr. Theodore M. Mazer, a San Diego ear, nose and throat doctor.

In other states, doctors receive between $500 to $700 to perform a tonsillectomy. In California, they get $160, Mazer added.

Only in September did Insurance companies disclose that their rates would be pegged to California’s Medicaid plan, called Medi-Cal. That's driven many doctors to just say no."

Did you know that MediCal (Cali Medicaid) reimburses at a loss to a provider?

Do you see where Medicare reimbursements are NOW the same rate as MediCal?

Would YOU stay in business if you lost money every day?

It doesn't matter if a PA can do it. The PA reimbursement would be at the MediCal loss rate.

*Best wishes to you and your wife.
The problem with your post is you do not provide ONE link that proves your case. Based on the fact that people like you have lied about ACA from before it was even passed I refuse to accept anything from you unless you can provide proof from a non partisan source. When you can prove what you are posting get back to us. "Death Panels" anyone???? PLEASE BE SURE TO EXPLAIN WHY MEDICARE WOULD PAY LESS IN CALIFORNIA THAN IN 49 OTHER STATES. SAYING SOMETHING IS SO, DOES NOT MAKE IT SO.
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Yes Obamacare is great.

Not only are you forced to have limited access you can't afford.

You get care from the Jr. varsity
You really do not understand economics, do you?
If doctors in California do not accept medicare patients they can expect to see a large drop in the number of patients in their practice. As the patients get fewer and fewer the profits become less and less. The fact of the matter is that if people cannot afford the doctor they will not go to the doctor! The bottom line is this, those doctors who initially decide not to accept medicare will be forced to do one of three things.
1) To rebuild their practice they will have to lower their rates.
2) They will have to re-evaluate their positions on medicare.
3) The will have to leave their profession and seek work elsewhere. The problem is this, they have special training in medicine and little training in anything else. That means they will be pushed into the poor jobs market with few skills to sell.
Some of you will say how terrible this is and the doctor shortage will be a huge problem. Wrong. There is such a thing as a physicans assistant or PA. A PA can do many of the same simple tasks that a doctor does and they can gain those skills in two years. The PA's are under a doctor's watch but one doctor can have several PA's.
Let me give you an example. My wife has a failed back. Implanted in her abdomen is a small pump that delivers medicine directly to her spine. The pump needs to be filled about every 6 weeks. However, when she gets the pump filled she does not see the doctor. She sees a PA who fills the pump. If the PA sees anything out of order she reports it to the doctor and then he takes over. She hasn't see her pain doctor in 2+ years.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Holy crap, what are you talking about?

1) To rebuild their practice they will have to lower their rates.

Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement rates are a fraction of what a doctor gets from an insurance company or if they go private pay. A FRACTION. If they drop all of their Medicare/Medicaid patients, they'll be saving money. They can just turn their practice into a private pay/supplemental pay boutique, fire the unneeded office staff, and be on their merry way.

2) They will have to re-evaluate their positions on medicare.
Providers already have to budget only a portion of their practice to Medicare/Medicaid because the reimbursement rates are so low. This is why it's so hard to find a doctor for so many seniors, the doctors can't afford to take too many of these people. Not to mention the fact that providers have to employ people specifically to deal with Medicare paperwork and general Medicare regulatory bullshit. Go to your local Senior Center and ask a few folks how hard finding a doctor can be. ALREADY.

3) They will have to leave their profession and seek work elsewhere.
No shit, damn right, and it's already happening. Providers who were close to retirement are leaving early; others are accepting only some of the plans coming up in 2014; others, seeing the flood of low-reimbursement Medicaid patients coming their way, are not accepting new patients; others are going the boutique route. ALREADY. It's gonna be ugly, and soon.

You accuse others of not "understanding economics". This isn't about "economics", it's about medical reimbursement for providers, and you clearly don't know what you're talking about here. The ACA has totally changed the environment for providers, and evidently the Democrats have convinced themselves that the providers are not going to react and protect their practices.

Yikes. First thing in the morning I have to see something like this. The apologists for this pig are ignoring tons of facts, and they're basing their opinions on abject ignorance of the system.

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