CDZ Do you want to protect schoolchildren right now or not?

Also, bullying today is not just regulated to the playground, it is all over social media and kids are plugged into a huge circle of people who feed it and feed off it.

I don’t know how you can begin to address that.

Well....when a parent sees it, the school needs to actually take action against the ones doing it...that would be a start...maybe even have the local police pay a visit to the bullies homes to talk to the parents.....that might work....
Locked doors with key card access for teachers for when the kids to out to recess......cameras at the rear and front entrance, with buzzer only access during the day.....if possible, shatter proof glass on any entrance door windows...

At a local school district they have police pull fire alarm stations where you pull up the plastic cover and pull down on the lever, but instead of calling the fire department, it goes straight to the police station.....bypassing the delay of calling 911, and any cops in the building immediatly go to the school, as the cars in the area also converge on the school.....

Then throw in getting rid of gun free zones.......allow a few trained teachers and support staff to carry guns........doesn't have to be all that many, but it has to be known that there are armed people in the school...

Then, you allow parents going to the office, to drop off forgotten homework, lunches or picking kids up for appointments to simply carry their legal guns with them...instead of forcing them to leave them in their cars or at home...

The last two would prevent killers because they would never know how many armed people would be standing in their way...or where those people are......
Well, you do what you can do. There's things you can do that aren't that expensive to keep the bad guys out of the school or deny them access to a classroom. You can barricade the door so a shooter can't get in for instance, if he has already entered the school building. The key IMHO is early recognition of a problem and denying entry if at all possible or denying access to the kids and that does not have to be costly. IMHO, the teacher doesn't really need a gun if he/she prevents a shooter's entry into the classroom. And it doesn't have to high-tech.

Right now I'm just thinking about the next 3 months. Maybe the state legislatures will fund some smart changes that work, or even the US Congress can fund security measures to the states. Do most schools already have security cameras? They ain't that expensive any more, plus monitors to watch and record movement. Somebody can be watching what's going on outside before the problem becomes a problem. Doesn't have to be a cop or even a guy with a gun if you can deny him entry into the school by locking the doors then you don't need a gun. But that means no propped doors, that can't happen. And no exterior doors that can be unlocked by shooting the glass. So, you need at least 2 people, one to monitor the possible threat outside and someone else to immediately check the external doors. And call the cops if the person looks suspicious. Better safe than sorry.

Simply arming a few teachers or support staff would likely stop this......killers would never know who was armed or where they were in the building......and letting parents carry their legal guns with them when they visited the school office.........

The killers wouldn't target schools under those conditions.......that would cost the least of all options.....
I recall a time when Alex Jones insisted that all the security initiatives like fences were a UN plot to turn schools into FEMA prisons. Now we are freaking out that schools aren't locked down like prisons.
I’m not

Schools here take REASONABLE precautions

Local school does this, and it isn't a doofus.......all visitors have to go to the main entrance, and get buzzed into the office, then from the office buzzed into the main building.
Simply arming a few teachers or support staff would likely stop this......killers would never know who was armed or where they were in the building......and letting parents carry their legal guns with them when they visited the school office.........

The killers wouldn't target schools under those conditions.......that would cost the least of all options.....
NO GUNS on school property had the Cumbria shooting and the Plymouth shooting where 6 were killed last year......nothing stopped those guys from going to one of your public or private idiot....they just chose a different public place to murder people.....

You have nothing to teach us..
Yes, every decade there's an incident in the UK due to gun legalisation. In America, you have several a year, with thousands of incidents below 4 victims.

You are correct, we have nothing to teach you you because you do not have anything between your lugs to stop and keep it in.
Local school does this, and it isn't a doofus.......all visitors have to go to the main entrance, and get buzzed into the office, then from the office buzzed into the main building.
Wut iz yore problem?
Yes, every decade there's an incident in the UK due to gun legalisation. In America, you have several a year, with thousands of incidents below 4 victims.

You are correct, we have nothing to teach you you because you do not have anything between your lugs to stop and keep it in.
I like England

I don’t like you
If you want to protect kids and adults, it will take decades. So the very start of this protection is to scrap the main cause, the 2nd Amendment (but 99% of Americans know this). Once that is done, work can start on making guns and the gun culture safe.

That is precisely ass-backwards. First of all, repealing the 2nd Amendment is not going to happen. Ever. If you're going to wait until that happens before you start trying to install better school security measures then you're going to see more mass shootings in schools. And BTW your 99% number is bullshit.

I don't mind if the Left wants to bitch all day long from now until the cows come home about gun control. Maybe something will get done, and maybe not. But it doesn't take decades to better protect our kids in school, that is ridiculous. Sitting around waiting for gun control legislation is dumb-shit stupid.
That is precisely ass-backwards. First of all, repealing the 2nd Amendment is not going to happen. Ever. If you're going to wait until that happens before you start trying to install better school security measures then you're going to see more mass shootings in schools. And BTW your 99% number is bullshit.

I don't mind if the Left wants to bitch all day long from now until the cows come home about gun control. Maybe something will get done, and maybe not. But it doesn't take decades to better protect our kids in school, that is ridiculous. Sitting around waiting for gun control legislation is dumb-shit stupid.
Here's a timescale where it does actually work. Learn from history -

Well....when a parent sees it, the school needs to actually take action against the ones doing it...that would be a start...maybe even have the local police pay a visit to the bullies homes to talk to the parents.....that might work....

A school suspension or expulsion works too, if warranted.
Well....when a parent sees it, the school needs to actually take action against the ones doing it...that would be a start...maybe even have the local police pay a visit to the bullies homes to talk to the parents.....that might work....
Maybe…social media is just so diffuse and hard to pin down who is who.

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