Do You Support Federal Funding For California's High-Speed Rail?

Do You Support Federal Tax Dollars Being Spent On California's High-Speed Rail?

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Poor short-sighted Conservatives. Always standing in the way of Progress. Always making it so easy for history to look back and laugh and point.

Quit parroting bullshit you hear from your masters...

This crap isn't progress its thievery - furthermore I highly doubt it's even economically viable.

If progressives didn't insist on using unions California could most likely afford the project on their own.....

If they want to be dumb and build a high speed rail they can do in on their own coin.....

100% legalized theft.
How is it theft when its in the constitution that its up to the feds for upkeep?
Seriously fucking Russia has a high speed rail and we don't. You people are just pathetic.

Roads and bridges bitches,road and bridges
Looks like Non-Californians don't want to be forced to pay for their farce. And i'm pretty sure many many Californians don't want to either.

I don't mind paying for it....I like the future, it has wonderful things in it.

And that, my friend, is precisely the point. Conservatives want to dig our heels in, and at the very least stay where we're at, if not regress. Liberals want to push the country forward. It's pretty easy to see on pretty much every policy issue.

They have no problem spending a massive chunk of GDP on bombs and guns because you know, we have to have the biggest dicks and balls in the world, but a mere sliver of that budget to build some newer, more efficient travel systems?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Goddamn you really don't get how tourism works, do you? Or did you drink that brain cell away too? Of course tourists pay higher taxes. They always do. But again, until my beloved state stops having such awesome shit to bring people in by the millions, your claims will continue to be the drunken ramblings of a compete assclown.
Complete morons like yourself are doing a great job sending residents of california fleeing to other states.

I've been in Cali several times; about 11 billion people live in Orange County alone <sarcasm>. If anyone is leaving CA, it's news to us who were on the 405 for 3 hours that one time, the 210 that other time for something like 2 hours, and crossing the Bay Bridge is where I spent most of my adult life.

Yes, more people that live in California are leaving, as opposed to citizens that live elsewhere relocating to California. Hard to bElieve, given how beautiful it is here. I am guessing conservederrrp is greatly responsible for this shift.
Poor short-sighted Conservatives. Always standing in the way of Progress. Always making it so easy for history to look back and laugh and point.

Blind partisanship makes you look so stupid.

Oh yeah? What's that? Why don't you expound on that since ad hominem is fun and all, but I'd like you actually tell me what about my post sounds stupid? I mean, I guess if you're a Conservative you'd hate to be called out and told exactly what history thinks of your movement, but that's on you guys, not me.

Conservatives stood in the way of progress at every turn in this country. Abolition of slavery, Jim Crow Laws, keeping women out of the voting booths, interracial marriage, now marriage equality. By your movement's very DEFINITION you stand in the way of Progress because you're trying to "conserve" the old way of doing things.

This is poli-sci 101 folks. Oh wait, that's right. You guys hate higher education too. Never mind.

When you're an idiot you will be called an idiot....

Anyone who believes it's my responsibility to pay for a choo-choo in a state that's 2,000 miles from my state is an idiot... Hell, anyone who believes its a logical request is an idiot..
Blind partisanship makes you look so stupid.

Oh yeah? What's that? Why don't you expound on that since ad hominem is fun and all, but I'd like you actually tell me what about my post sounds stupid? I mean, I guess if you're a Conservative you'd hate to be called out and told exactly what history thinks of your movement, but that's on you guys, not me.

Conservatives stood in the way of progress at every turn in this country. Abolition of slavery, Jim Crow Laws, keeping women out of the voting booths, interracial marriage, now marriage equality. By your movement's very DEFINITION you stand in the way of Progress because you're trying to "conserve" the old way of doing things.

This is poli-sci 101 folks. Oh wait, that's right. You guys hate higher education too. Never mind.

When you're an idiot you will be called an idiot....

Anyone who believes it's my responsibility to pay for a choo-choo in a state that's 2,000 miles from my state is an idiot... Hell, anyone who believes its a logical request is an idiot..

I truly want California to fall on thier asses like greece and come begging to my State for money.

Thier answer? *NO*
Forget the argument about what it costs until you answer the question of "what it is" !!!

It is NOT HIGH-SPEED rail service from LA to SFran... We've already done that part in another thread....

<<flacaltenn>>> -- from an acceptable source..

NO ONE is gonna ride that as a COMMUTE mechanism. I used to jump onto a PSA flight every morning in San Jose and be in Santa Monica before 10AM.. Not gonna happen with a LOW-SPEED commuter link at Gilroy.. That's just mindless and painful to consider...

Doesn't EXIST in the plans. In no shape or fashion -- so you're debating a pink pony here. One that the taxpayers just purchased...

I think they'll use it, if the travel time isn't that much more. And you just make a good argument for expanding the project sooner than later to include more high-speed links.

I've traveled high-speed rails in Europe. The ride under the chunnel was fucking EPIC cool and super fast. There's no reason this country can't do the same. I mean, other than Conservatives being short-sighted pricks and pretending that infrastructure spending is ever a bad thing, I mean.

You're not getting it here Derps.. The commuter link from Gilroy (in the middle of garlic central) is about 1.5 hours on a good day. Same delay at the LA side. IT'S GONNA BE A LOT MORE TIME... NO business person is gonna commute on this thing.

And there is NO WAY --- that those high speed rails are coming thru the San Fran peninsula. 12 cities are already suing over the increased traffic on SURFACE GRADE rails that CalTrain uses.. You'd have to elevate the ENTIRE THING -- in freaking EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY over EXISTING rail and Bart Tracks. Same thing for the LA flatlands.
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Quit parroting bullshit you hear from your masters...

This crap isn't progress its thievery - furthermore I highly doubt it's even economically viable.

If progressives didn't insist on using unions California could most likely afford the project on their own.....

If they want to be dumb and build a high speed rail they can do in on their own coin.....

100% legalized theft.
How is it theft when its in the constitution that its up to the feds for upkeep?
Seriously fucking Russia has a high speed rail and we don't. You people are just pathetic.

Roads and bridges bitches,road and bridges

I don't give a fuck if Russia has faster trains.........

You seem to be under the delusion the federal government can do whatever the fuck it wants....

Congress has the right fund this project - not Obama or anyone else.

There is no way California will ever get federal funding for this project.
Forget the argument about what it costs until you answer the question of "what it is" !!!

It is NOT HIGH-SPEED rail service from LA to SFran... We've already done that part in another thread....

-- from an acceptable source..

NO ONE is gonna ride that as a COMMUTE mechanism. I used to jump onto a PSA flight every morning in San Jose and be in Santa Monica before 10AM.. Not gonna happen with a LOW-SPEED commuter link at Gilroy.. That's just mindless and painful to consider...

Doesn't EXIST in the plans. In no shape or fashion -- so you're debating a pink pony here. One that the taxpayers just purchased...

I think they'll use it, if the travel time isn't that much more. And you just make a good argument for expanding the project sooner than later to include more high-speed links.

I've traveled high-speed rails in Europe. The ride under the chunnel was fucking EPIC cool and super fast. There's no reason this country can't do the same. I mean, other than Conservatives being short-sighted pricks and pretending that infrastructure spending is ever a bad thing, I mean.
fan fucking tactic. You think people will use it if travel time isn't much more. I would assume you also think enough people will use it, or ticket prices will be high enough, to make it at least break even as an enterprise. But that requires an assumption on my part that the annual balance sheet is important to you. We know it is not. As long as it fits in with your understanding of progress, money for it should be virtually unlimited.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Goddamn you really don't get how tourism works, do you? Or did you drink that brain cell away too? Of course tourists pay higher taxes. They always do. But again, until my beloved state stops having such awesome shit to bring people in by the millions, your claims will continue to be the drunken ramblings of a compete assclown.
Complete morons like yourself are doing a great job sending residents of california fleeing to other states.

Oh yeah? Why's that, genius? Why don't you take this chance and drum up some reasons why you think people are leaving California. And then tell me how that ties into tourism, which is what my post was about.

Goddamn you're a fucking idiot, aren't you?

People are leaving California because they are sick and tired of being forced to be your ATM machine. So one could conclude that not all Californians are so naive. As for tourism playing a significant role in the financial justification supporting such a project is so pathetic, based on pure economic garbage and accounting legerdemain. But then again, California is fantasy land is it not? Some people are still bewildered as to why this country is in such a financial mess and yet you articulate this masterfully in your posts.:lol:
State of California Debt Clock
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

i think it is a great idea. The sooner we bankrupt the country the sooner the decentralization of power.

Agreed.... I've thought about it many times....

The second it happens the elitist progressives will go running to some exotic island and the progressive zombies will go running like cockroaches looking for any hiding spot they can find because they're too pussy to be in the middle of the conflict they created.
Quit parroting bullshit you hear from your masters...

This crap isn't progress its thievery - furthermore I highly doubt it's even economically viable.

If progressives didn't insist on using unions California could most likely afford the project on their own.....

If they want to be dumb and build a high speed rail they can do in on their own coin.....

100% legalized theft.
How is it theft when its in the constitution that its up to the feds for upkeep?
Seriously fucking Russia has a high speed rail and we don't. You people are just pathetic.

Roads and bridges bitches,road and bridges

WE aren't Russia...and thier priorities are fucked UP.

This is a classic mistake of you idiot Statists that use the rest of the world to measure by.

And probably WHY you agree with Obama on his 'American Exceptionalism' pronouncement that WE are no more exceptional than anyone else.

And WHY you're just a fucking bunch of idiots pulling the rest of us DOWN to your level...
Forget the argument about what it costs until you answer the question of "what it is" !!!

It is NOT HIGH-SPEED rail service from LA to SFran... We've already done that part in another thread....

<<flacaltenn>>> -- from an acceptable source..

NO ONE is gonna ride that as a COMMUTE mechanism. I used to jump onto a PSA flight every morning in San Jose and be in Santa Monica before 10AM.. Not gonna happen with a LOW-SPEED commuter link at Gilroy.. That's just mindless and painful to consider...

Doesn't EXIST in the plans. In no shape or fashion -- so you're debating a pink pony here. One that the taxpayers just purchased...

I think they'll use it, if the travel time isn't that much more. And you just make a good argument for expanding the project sooner than later to include more high-speed links.

I've traveled high-speed rails in Europe. The ride under the chunnel was fucking EPIC cool and super fast. There's no reason this country can't do the same. I mean, other than Conservatives being short-sighted pricks and pretending that infrastructure spending is ever a bad thing, I mean.

You're not getting it here Derps.. The commuter link from Gilroy (in the middle of garlic central) is about 1.5 hours on a good day. Same delay at the LA side. IT'S GONNA BE A LOT MORE TIME... NO business person is gonna commute on this thing.

And there is NO WAY --- that those high speed rails are coming thru the San Fran peninsula. 12 cities are already suing over the increased traffic on SURFACE GRADE rails that CalTrain uses.. You'd have to elevate the ENTIRE THING -- in freaking EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY over EXISTING rail and Bart Tracks. Same thing for the LA flatlands.

Those sound like obstacles, sure. But I guess I still believe in an America that sees obstacles as temporary impediments, but not insurmountable road-blocks.


Guess I trust American ingenuity, innovation, and work ethic more than you do.
Conservaderrps has watched field of dreams too many times. She thinks that if you just build it (regardless of the cost and who is footing the bill) they will come (in large enough numbers to pay for the construction and upkeep). What a dope.
Conservaderrps has watched field of dreams too many times. She thinks that if you just build it (regardless of the cost and who is footing the bill) they will come (in large enough numbers to pay for the construction and upkeep). What a dope.

Can you point to ONE time in history that spending on infrastructure hasn't paid MASSIVE dividends in the long run?
Personally, i could less what the nutters in California do. Just as long as they don't demand all Taxpayers pay for their Boondoggles. They want more Debt & Taxes? That's on them. The entire Nation shouldn't have to suffer.
Federal Funding ??? Not a F@*%ing dime.....................

However California should spend like mad to complete their own private Amtrak.........They just need to raise taxes on the wealthy, and get huge donations from bleeding heart public transportation liberals..............
I think they'll use it, if the travel time isn't that much more. And you just make a good argument for expanding the project sooner than later to include more high-speed links.

I've traveled high-speed rails in Europe. The ride under the chunnel was fucking EPIC cool and super fast. There's no reason this country can't do the same. I mean, other than Conservatives being short-sighted pricks and pretending that infrastructure spending is ever a bad thing, I mean.

You're not getting it here Derps.. The commuter link from Gilroy (in the middle of garlic central) is about 1.5 hours on a good day. Same delay at the LA side. IT'S GONNA BE A LOT MORE TIME... NO business person is gonna commute on this thing.

And there is NO WAY --- that those high speed rails are coming thru the San Fran peninsula. 12 cities are already suing over the increased traffic on SURFACE GRADE rails that CalTrain uses.. You'd have to elevate the ENTIRE THING -- in freaking EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY over EXISTING rail and Bart Tracks. Same thing for the LA flatlands.

Those sound like obstacles, sure. But I guess I still believe in an America that sees obstacles as temporary impediments, but not insurmountable road-blocks.


Guess I trust American ingenuity, innovation, and work ethic more than you do.

You should save all that good stuff for something more dramatic than a $50Bill train to nowhere.. Like maybe an Giant Space Ark to save humanity from the great Methane Outgassing that occurs in 2014. :badgrin:
100% legalized theft.
How is it theft when its in the constitution that its up to the feds for upkeep?
Seriously fucking Russia has a high speed rail and we don't. You people are just pathetic.

Roads and bridges bitches,road and bridges

I don't give a fuck if Russia has faster trains.........

You seem to be under the delusion the federal government can do whatever the fuck it wants....

Congress has the right fund this project - not Obama or anyone else.

There is no way California will ever get federal funding for this project.

It's another example of the FED picking winners and losers...California's fiscal house in in a shambles...WHEN they can pay it back and ensure such a project would be profitable? THEY have alot of work to do...MY answer is NO.
Complete morons like yourself are doing a great job sending residents of california fleeing to other states.

I've been in Cali several times; about 11 billion people live in Orange County alone <sarcasm>. If anyone is leaving CA, it's news to us who were on the 405 for 3 hours that one time, the 210 that other time for something like 2 hours, and crossing the Bay Bridge is where I spent most of my adult life.

Yes, more people that live in California are leaving, as opposed to citizens that live elsewhere relocating to California. Hard to bElieve, given how beautiful it is here. I am guessing conservederrrp is greatly responsible for this shift.

I tried to get a room at the Fairfield over near Ventura the other day. The f'ing thing was booked solid for about 2 weeks. I ended up staying at a Hyatt which was actually better. Gotta love the expense account.

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