CDZ Do you Believe Americans Would ever Turn in Our Guns?


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
Considering the horrible event in Florida this week, we've again heard all about the idea of banning some or all type of firearms from private ownership by private citizens. We've heard anecdotes about Scotland, England and Australia doing such things.

It's been talked about on tv, radio, and from the mouths of parents who have lost children, among many others. My wuedtion is this...

Do you really believe that the vast majority of American gun owners would turn in their guns if rewuired to?

I dont believe thst the majority of American gun owners would. Here's why...

Three different rdgistratoon/ban attempts gave been made here in the US in the last five years or so. All have fsiled miserably in their attempts.

1. The NY SAFE Act passed in 2013 required gun owners to register "assault weapons" already in their possession by January 1, 2014 or face confiscation.
RESILT: Only a few thousand "assault weapons" registrations were ever filed. Even as of 2018, the number I've heard is less thsn 50,000 guns (A minimal number considering the NYS definition of an assault weapon)

2. At the same time the Stste of Connecticut demanded the registration of all "assault weapons" AND all high capacity magazines by January 1, 2014.
RESULTS: Less thsn 5,000 rifles and less than 3,000 high capacity magazine.registrstion forms filed.

3. After the Las Vegas shooting in the fall of 2017, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts banned bump stocks and trigger cranks, effective February 1, 2018. Owners of such devises were not allowed to sell or transfer them, but expected to turn them in to the Police (without compensation).
RESULT: As of the last report I heard on the radio only one bump stock and three trigger cranks had been turned in.

So, whst does this mean?... If the gun owners in some of the most Liberal areas of the country will not comply with these orders, why would anyone expect other gun owners to do so? Especially when the Governors of all three states hsve failed to impose any form of punishment for the defiance?
With 300 million guns, it is unlikely

Best we can hope for is limiting access to some guns and accessories and moving away from a gun culture
Considering the horrible event in Florida this week, we've again heard all about the idea of banning some or all type of firearms from private ownership by private citizens. We've heard anecdotes about Scotland, England and Australia doing such things.

It's been talked about on tv, radio, and from the mouths of parents who have lost children, among many others. My wuedtion is this...

Do you really believe that the vast majority of American gun owners would turn in their guns if rewuired to?

I dont believe thst the majority of American gun owners would. Here's why...

Three different rdgistratoon/ban attempts gave been made here in the US in the last five years or so. All have fsiled miserably in their attempts.

1. The NY SAFE Act passed in 2013 required gun owners to register "assault weapons" already in their possession by January 1, 2014 or face confiscation.
RESILT: Only a few thousand "assault weapons" registrations were ever filed. Even as of 2018, the number I've heard is less thsn 50,000 guns (A minimal number considering the NYS definition of an assault weapon)

2. At the same time the Stste of Connecticut demanded the registration of all "assault weapons" AND all high capacity magazines by January 1, 2014.
RESULTS: Less thsn 5,000 rifles and less than 3,000 high capacity magazine.registrstion forms filed.

3. After the Las Vegas shooting in the fall of 2017, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts banned bump stocks and trigger cranks, effective February 1, 2018. Owners of such devises were not allowed to sell or transfer them, but expected to turn them in to the Police (without compensation).
RESULT: As of the last report I heard on the radio only one bump stock and three trigger cranks had been turned in.

So, whst does this mean?... If the gun owners in some of the most Liberal areas of the country will not comply with these orders, why would anyone expect other gun owners to do so? Especially when the Governors of all three states hsve failed to impose any form of punishment for the defiance?
They would have to pry it from my cold dead hands.
With 300 million guns, it is unlikely

Best we can hope for is limiting access to some guns and accessories and moving away from a gun culture

There is no "gun culture". There are hobbyists, and then there are those prepared for business. That's it.

Deal outright with crime and madness, and 90% of the problem goes away.
With 300 million guns, it is unlikely

Best we can hope for is limiting access to some guns and accessories and moving away from a gun culture

There is no "gun culture". There are hobbyists, and then there are those prepared for business. That's it.

Deal outright with crime and madness, and 90% of the problem goes away.

America was raised in a gun culture

Cowboys and Indians, hunting, fathers teaching sons how to shoot

Kids don't play cowboy anymore, hunting is down in this country, fewer fathers are shooting with their sons
Do you really believe that the vast majority of American gun owners would turn in their guns if rewuired to?
If you're talking about assault weapons and high capacity magazines, I think the answer is yes but not for this generation. It won't happen for another generation or two. Strict registration of rifles and pistols, but not confiscation, will also take another generation or two.
Since this issue seems to divide along party lines to a significant degree, Have their been any instances of left wingers handing in their guns en masse? Or at all?

Not in this country. In England, Scotland and Australia there hsve been but not here. See the OP for three examples of Liberal Anerican States where registrstion/confiscation schemes have not worked.
If you're talking about assault weapons and high capacity magazines, I think the answer is yes but not for this generation. It won't happen for another generation or two. Strict registration of rifles and pistols, but not confiscation, will also take another generation or two.

I'm talking about firearms in general.

I hope you're not right. If so, then American gun owners will only haveoirsekves to blame for failing to teach our children the need for private firearms in this country.
I hope you're not right. If so, then American gun owners will only haveoirsekves to blame for failing to teach our children the need for private firearms in this country.
Maybe the lesson they need to learn is that if they want to protect the country from tyranny, armed insurrection is not the best way. I'm hoping they will engage in the democratic process and take it back from the special interests and return it to the people of America.

I think they'll find that if no one has an assault rife, no one needs an assault rife.
America would rather see it's children dying in a pool of blood than to ever give up it's guns

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