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Why Tax Cuts Hurt the Economy
by Russ Beaton
Never have so many been fooled for so long by an idea so totally lacking in economic logic, facts and theory. I am speaking of the religiously held and seldom questioned premise that (are you ready?): TAX CUTS STIMULATE THE AMERICAN ECONOMY.
Im fully aware that I risk excommunication from the Church of Economic Science when I argue exactly the opposite: Tax cuts actually hurt the economy. It isnt just that they dont help, or that theyre ineffectiveTHEY REALLY HURT!
I can hear you thinking (even if your values bias makes you otherwise eager to agree): Here comes the bleeding heart liberal, anti-trickle down, do something for humanity mantra. No, indeed. Im talking data herenumbers and empirical evidence. Check your values at the door and come on in.
Lets start by examining conventional wisdom. You know the drillCut taxes. Leave the money in the hands of the people rather than the depraved clutches of the government. That way the people, being good red-blooded (Visa) card-carrying Americans, will dutifully spend the money. This stimulates economic activity, creates jobs and well all live happily ever after. Why, the activity thus stimulated may be so vigorous that collection of taxes on this newly stimulated activity will soon exceed the amount of the original tax cuts! Its the economic version of perpetual motion.
The Idolatry of Ideology-Why Tax Cuts Hurt the Economy by Russ Beaton