China Pre-Empting Recession, (Post-Davos)


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Feb 22, 2009
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At the recent Davos Economic Meeting, Her Majesty's PM famously lectured the assembled and fomer, (aborigine), colonials regarding the meaning and use of the concept, "credit," in nation-building. The formerly English, and conquering, U. S. colonials were "somehow," less in attendance--who are more recently the vanguard of Nation-building efforts through military interventions--in Afghanistan and Iraq--in our time.

It is worldwide well-known that the new Administration has already learned a thing or two: About its appeal to the high-end educated, high-end income, heads-so-far-up-their-sands-of-Irag-that-they-can't-see-themselves-in-the mirror--Cross-over GOP rich folks, and some liberals. The New Administration knows about the money!

According to various reports, China will again be announcing March 5, an increase of the military budget in its own Pre-Emptive Budget: Responding, no doubt, to its own perception of the global, (aboriginie), worldwide economic downturn!

Taiwan, anyone now knows, is really not a threat to the Mainland Chinese anymore. Left in the equation, however, just possibly are "Terrorists," and from U. S. "Inner" and even "Capital" Cities. "Terrorists" have been impetus for such spending requirements in the past!

Millions will say, now that we're really past all that: That subsequent the installing of the New Obama Administration--that impetus worldwide is. . . well. . . underway!

So what do the Socialists, the Obama Administration, and Her Majesty's Labour Government all seem to have in common? Anyone might point to a clear grasp of world affairs, the peoples included, and the "policies" that each government seem somehow compelled to put in place.

No doubt as they admonish, even at the Ivy League: There is just something about the "Global Economy," anymore--that leaves the concept, "Circle The Wagons," a distant memory of a far simpler time.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Noting how dedicated the more advanced among us: Seem now to a clear, Christian, sense of world peoples in our time!)
A large part of their economy is built upon selling product to the US and Western Europe. Both economic giants are falling with no sigh of abatement. China can not come back until we start buying.

That looks to be a long way off.
A large part of their economy is built upon selling product to the US and Western Europe. Both economic giants are falling with no sigh of abatement. China can not come back until we start buying.

That looks to be a long way off.

you have no idea what your talking about. the market partly rallied today because unlike us china takes real measures. china can create real stimulus that will put people to work because they know if they dont keep people busy and working there will be social unrest. plus the pm can say what he wants and can get it. there's no politics there.
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China kept its "collective" mouth shut at its paliament meeting. The "Enlightened" civilizations of The West, which caused it all: Cut interest rates in Europe, filed fewer jobless claims in the United States, shopped 'til they dropped at Wal-Mart, and wondered about the fate of two companies, General Motors and General Electric.

The U. S. Stock market tanked, on low volume, awaiting last month's news about employment and unemployment.

China may be noticing that in fact the United States has put measures in place, starting at the beginning of last year--which are taking hold. Everything else has been sheer speculation, and continues to be sheer speculation. There is neither a buyer's nor a seller's market in place at the Western Stock Exchanges.

The Asian stock markets have plenty to look foward to, and are responding.

There are actually other companies in the world besides failed SUV manufacturers--catering to the failed peoples, (aka aborigines), that drive them: And failed bankers, and their (aborigines). They saw others, apparently like them, walk through the door: And gave them all their money!

Post-Davos, the ordinary working American can begin to ask the deeper questions, of the darker places, wherein the bankers. . . .welll.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(What did they know, And When Did They Know it, And who Taught Them About It, And are there now any left alive?!? Mostly, in the West, We know about the Great Christian Spirit of Davos, and have in fact known it for years! The Presidential West Wing, of the pricey schools, knows all about it!)
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i hoping the measures we put into place start working soon enough
Western Civilization regards corporations as legal individuals. Anyone knows what that means in America, of our "Blessings of Freedom." The last known attempt of the United States to create international stature and prestige--was when Secretary Powell assembled the G-7, post 9/11. Bridges and ties of sympathy to the Mideast could have commenced with bridges and railroad ties on the ground in Afghanistan.

But America is land of educated people instead! The intended behavior instead was War, intended like all wars: To kill participants.

Warbucks flowed, even to the Obamas, and even to the Obama campaign! The participant killings would even commence, after "The Surge," even right here past the shores of America! Circuit City, General Motors, Countrywide Financial. . .and on and on, where easily caught up in the slaugther.

The idea in Iraq had been to create the "Blessings of Freedom," with a Western-Styled Democracy like that one. Senator John McCain is even proud to this date: Of his own role in "The Surge!" Senator John McCain, of course, is even proud of his tagging of the names of the War Dead--On the Memorial Wall of Vietnam. He even sat the whole thing out, behind the lines, so later on he could come and see what he done: Clealy intended, clearly by him!

Billions worldwide can now see the "Blessings of Freedom" everyday in their lives. Tent cities are a blessing in America, just like in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Anyone will say that the Republican Conservatives have shown the world a thing or two: About the "Blessings of Freedom!"

All those people have "human rights," created by Americans!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Curious that people even now exist: Who don't seem to want to admit to their roles in all of this!)
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