Do Republicans believe in the politics of retaliation?

Obama goes after conservatives with the IRS, and closes national parks and he's not retaliating? He cuts off benefits for family members for dead soldiers and he's not retaliating?

Still trying that IRS thing? Issa has been releasing partial transcripts to try to make the Obama administration look bad.



Against Issa's wishes, that dern Elijah Cummings went and released the ENTIRE transcript. Fucking Hilarious!

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played - Esquire

Bucking Issa, Cummings releases IRS transcript | MSNBC

Why do you think there has been nothing new on this since June? Republicans feel they've done the damage and all they need to do is scream, "IRS IRS IRS" and Americans have been properly fooled.

Only it doesn't work anymore. Except on your kind.

The rest of us know.

And how many times did Lois visit the WH? You are trusting the fox to run the henhouse and we all know how that turns out in the end....don't we.
Obama goes after conservatives with the IRS, and closes national parks and he's not retaliating? He cuts off benefits for family members for dead soldiers and he's not retaliating?

Still trying that IRS thing? Issa has been releasing partial transcripts to try to make the Obama administration look bad.



Against Issa's wishes, that dern Elijah Cummings went and released the ENTIRE transcript. Fucking Hilarious!

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played - Esquire

Bucking Issa, Cummings releases IRS transcript | MSNBC

Why do you think there has been nothing new on this since June? Republicans feel they've done the damage and all they need to do is scream, "IRS IRS IRS" and Americans have been properly fooled.

Only it doesn't work anymore. Except on your kind.

The rest of us know.

And how many times did Lois visit the WH? You are trusting the fox to run the henhouse and we all know how that turns out in the end....don't we.

Yup, they clean it up for the next Democrat administration to mess up.....
The Clinton Administration took all of the Ws off of the typewriters when they left office and trashed the place. Bush said, forget it and just move on.

Robert Gates said that every meeting with the president (Obama) began with a period of Bush-bashing.

Yup, the Repugs are vindictive Mofos, aren't they.

You do realize that this never happened, right? That this was a blatant lie spread by RWNJs, right?

It never happened.
You asked for a quote, I provided it.

We can certainly pretend that he doesn't support such a strategy (although he's clearly advocating it to an important voter base), because we can pretend anything.

That's the beauty of partisan politics, just make stuff up.


Because a politician refers to it once does not mean that he advocates it. Rather, his record will tell you.

Has Obama directly exacted revenge on anyone?

Apparently, Christie has.

You can't prove or disprove either one.

But again, in partisan politics, who cares, right?

You have your side to protect, and that's what you're gonna do.


Actually, that's not quite true.

Were it to be proven that Obama had exacted revenge on people, I would trash him for it, too.

But the RWNJS make up so many scandals that are not scandals so that the entire media-waves are inundated with well-flung poo, so that should anything like this ever have happened on President Obama's part, we probably missed it.
Yup and one has to remember the Dems make promises all the time. They get what they want and never do what they promise. Reagan and Bush I could attest to that.

Pretending is Obamas mantra. Hell. He's pretending he's a president and has been for the last five years.

Well, that was fun, but fact-free.

He is not pretending. He IS the potus. He was elected - TWICE to that office.

Well your right. He does hold the office of POTUS but he's pretending he knows what he's doing. Hell. My dog could do a better job.

Well, you certainly have the right to that opinion, and I cherish your right to express it any way you wish. But if you think your dog can speak.... welll....
Obama goes after conservatives with the IRS, and closes national parks and he's not retaliating? He cuts off benefits for family members for dead soldiers and he's not retaliating?

Obama did not go after conservatives with the IRS. That is just plain old paranoid bullshit. The IRS investigated a number of groups, including Tea Party pacs that had no business in the world applying for tax-exempt status in the first place.

And excuse me, but who just forced a national government shut-down? The GOP did that. And the parks were closed with it. Please do try to keep up.

The RWNJ paranoia and bellyaching here in USMB is nothing less than astounding. Had you guys put just 10% of that energy into helping Romney actually run a decent campaign instead of baying like wolves, maybe he would have won, who knows....
What was the Democrat plan for Iraq?

Their plan was to be for it until it was politically convenient to be against it. Then do what they could to see failure. Simple plan not hard to implement

Let's see Bush drums up false support for the war and the American public is for it. The American public, most anyway, learned that the reasons for the war were all lies and are against it. The Democratic policy seemed to follow the American public's will whereas the Republican policy was to lie and then blame.

Their plan was to be for it until it was politically convenient to be against it. Then do what they could to see failure. Simple plan not hard to implement

Let's see Bush drums up false support for the war and the American public is for it. The American public, most anyway, learned that the reasons for the war were all lies and are against it. The Democratic policy seemed to follow the American public's will whereas the Republican policy was to lie and then blame.

The Dems politicized the war.

What, and the GOP didn't....

Oh, fer fux' sakes....
Let's see Bush drums up false support for the war and the American public is for it. The American public, most anyway, learned that the reasons for the war were all lies and are against it. The Democratic policy seemed to follow the American public's will whereas the Republican policy was to lie and then blame.

The Dems politicized the war.

What, and the GOP didn't....

Oh, fer fux' sakes....

What do you think "politicizing" means?

FYI, everyone wanted us to go in including Hillary and every Dem in Washington, other than Dennis Kucinich.

Politicizing an issue or event is using it to attack the opposition. Like gun violence, unemployment, abortion, illegal immigration, voter-I.D.s, the shutdown, you name it. The Dems use it to attack the GOP. They used the war to attack Bush. Has the GOP used Afghanistan to attack Obama? No.
There are clearly some around Christie who believe in the politics of retaliation.

But then, what do you expect when the President endorses the politics of retaliation. He's stated multiple times people needed to vote for him to "punish" their political opponents.

I don't see any evidence of this being wide spread among Republicans. But it's top down with the Democrats.
You probably think raising a flag on the 4th is politicizing patriotism.

Was that aimed at anyone in particular, or are you just screaming at the air, as so many Righties are prone to do?

If you have something to say to me, then be man enough to do it.
Whoooo, pardon me Mr internet tough guy.

I thought I was pretty clear.

I was talking to you. And I wasn't screaming. It was an if the shoe fits type of comment.
You probably think raising a flag on the 4th is politicizing patriotism.

Was that aimed at anyone in particular, or are you just screaming at the air, as so many Righties are prone to do?

If you have something to say to me, then be man enough to do it.
Whoooo, pardon me Mr internet tough guy.

I thought I was pretty clear.

I was talking to you. And I wasn't screaming. It was an if the shoe fits type of comment.

Ahhh, but this time you were clever enough to us the quote function.

Bravo, you can learn indeed!!!
Capitulation and appeasment? Really?

Hmmmm... hardly. There has never before been an oppostion party so voracious and vicious as the GOP of the last 5 years.

You live in the same universe as we do?
Oh, please.

They're all voracious and vicious, right up until the time that it comes for them to fold up like pup tents.

The question about who is living in the same universe is the height of irony. :lol:

I am getting the feeling you don't have the highest opinon of the current crop of Republicans.... :)
I haven't had any regard for any of them since the 1990s.

Indifference turned to contempt when Bush 43 and the GOP majorities in both wings of the legislature spent six years making Clinton look like Coolidge in comparison.

The current crop is by and large populated with those same neocinservative pretenders. And it is they who have headed up the smear campaigns on the likes of Mile Lee, Rubio, Paul and Cruz.
Oh, please.

They're all voracious and vicious, right up until the time that it comes for them to fold up like pup tents.

The question about who is living in the same universe is the height of irony. :lol:

I am getting the feeling you don't have the highest opinon of the current crop of Republicans.... :)
I haven't had any regard for any of them since the 1990s.

Indifference turned to contempt when Bush 43 and the GOP majorities in both wings of the legislature spent six years making Clinton look like Coolidge in comparison.

The current crop is by and large populated with those same neocinservative pretenders. And it is they who have headed up the smear campaigns on the likes of Mile Lee, Rubio, Paul and Cruz.

I liked that.


(the Coolidge reference)
Obama goes after conservatives with the IRS, and closes national parks and he's not retaliating? He cuts off benefits for family members for dead soldiers and he's not retaliating?

Still trying that IRS thing? Issa has been releasing partial transcripts to try to make the Obama administration look bad.



Against Issa's wishes, that dern Elijah Cummings went and released the ENTIRE transcript. Fucking Hilarious!

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played - Esquire

Bucking Issa, Cummings releases IRS transcript | MSNBC

Why do you think there has been nothing new on this since June? Republicans feel they've done the damage and all they need to do is scream, "IRS IRS IRS" and Americans have been properly fooled.

Only it doesn't work anymore. Except on your kind.

The rest of us know.

And how many times did Lois visit the WH? You are trusting the fox to run the henhouse and we all know how that turns out in the end....don't we.

I wonder if Obama even knew who that was. Try to figure out why.

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