Debate Now Do Racism, Conservatism, and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand?

A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.

Anyone that believes this horse shit,is way dumber than what it claims any conservative to be.
Only a weak person would say such a thing.
All Dems are crazy,all dems are communist,see just how stupid this line of thinking is,but considering the source??!!.

I don't think you read any of the links posted, did you?

What this study and those before it suggest is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing. Dr. Brian Nosek explained it for the Huffington Post (link is external)as follows, “ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simple solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies.”

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today
As bad as you people want to be considered smart and not racist you sure need to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone.

Who is "you people"? Sounds like one of Anne Romney's comments.
The other day I was having a conversation with a liberal about VA health, and retirement benefits that the President, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs want to cut back. The liberal commented that my dim view of the Obama administration proved that I was racist. I asked him how he arrived at that conclusion. He told me that I didn't like Obama because he was black. I told him that I didn't like Obama because he was incompetent, a liar, and decidedly anti American. I could only think of a quote that I believe I saw posted on this board. "The race card is a tool that is used by the intellectually weak, and lazy. It is used most often by liberals when they are having difficulty countering logical argument our refuting factual data." Conservatives aren't racists. Liberals are racist. Minority communities have been particularly hard hit under the Obama regime. In many black neighborhoods unemployment has reached epic levels. Liberals have taken the American dream away from entire segment of our society. What could be more racist then that? Hillary for 2016? Really? Another anti American, anti military, liar. Yep that does fit the mold of the ideal liberal candidate doesn't it?
This is the critical debate question. I will continue to ask until it is addressed.

If I.Q. is somehow related to political affiliation by the same logic why cannot it also be related to race or gender?

Why would it? Any race or gender can belong to any political affiliation. The study makes sense, and is no surprise to me. All racism is, is ignorance. So why is it so shocking that people with low IQ's would be more likely to be racist?

I think they should have added religion into the mix. IMO, people with low IQ's are more likely to take the Bible literally and believe in talking snakes. People with high IQ's don't normally believe a man really lived inside of a whale, and are less likely to give their hard earned money to con men/women who fly around in private jets.

Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
  1. Gordon Hodson and
  2. Michael A. Busseri

Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models.

Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes

Being intolerant of those holding religious beliefs or different political opinions is a form of bigotry. Measuring true intolerance and bigotry in such a context would be virtually impossible. As impossible as accurately measuring the variables in the OP "studies."

This is my field.

The studies cited by the OP are frankly ridiculous. They are hateful and ignorant imho and are academically a joke. No serious academic would support them. They are just as bigoted as the "racism" you decry.

I realize you do not see this and never will because you have a false sense of moral superiority (i.e. those who are Christian or Conservative are automatically in your mind racist, ignorant, and bigoted). The attitudes expressed by the OP and many on the left are extremely offensive and intolerant. The studies the OP cites are a direct example of these bigoted views. It would be the same as a member of the KKK finding some bogus study about cranial capacity to say blacks are inferior to whites. It would be bogus....and equally offensive as what the OP is doing.

You pull out stats to show how black people are inferior all the time. I have no doubt that your bogus statistics are very offensive to black people.

I understand it's hard for you to swallow a dose of your own medicine.

I think there's some truth found in these studies, but it can also be applied to low information liberals as well. You know, the kind that responds to sound bites, does not verify the information received, etc...

False. Blacks are not "inferior." There are legitimate issues in the black community (e.g. crime, poverty, lack of educational attainment) that are well known and supported by mountains of legitimate data. Pointing out these facts and discussing the root causes in not racist. To say so is bigoted and ignorant.
As bad as you people want to be considered smart and not racist you sure need to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone.

Who is "you people"? Sounds like one of Anne Romney's comments.
The other day I was having a conversation with a liberal about VA health, and retirement benefits that the President, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs want to cut back. The liberal commented that my dim view of the Obama administration proved that I was racist. I asked him how he arrived at that conclusion. He told me that I didn't like Obama because he was black. I told him that I didn't like Obama because he was incompetent, a liar, and decidedly anti American. I could only think of a quote that I believe I saw posted on this board. "The race card is a tool that is used by the intellectually weak, and lazy. It is used most often by liberals when they are having difficulty countering logical argument our refuting factual data." Conservatives aren't racists. Liberals are racist. Minority communities have been particularly hard hit under the Obama regime. In many black neighborhoods unemployment has reached epic levels. Liberals have taken the American dream away from entire segment of our society. What could be more racist then that? Hillary for 2016? Really? Another anti American, anti military, liar. Yep that does fit the mold of the ideal liberal candidate doesn't it?

What exactly does your posting have to do with the information in the OP?
As bad as you people want to be considered smart and not racist you sure need to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone.

Who is "you people"? Sounds like one of Anne Romney's comments.
The other day I was having a conversation with a liberal about VA health, and retirement benefits that the President, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs want to cut back. The liberal commented that my dim view of the Obama administration proved that I was racist. I asked him how he arrived at that conclusion. He told me that I didn't like Obama because he was black. I told him that I didn't like Obama because he was incompetent, a liar, and decidedly anti American. I could only think of a quote that I believe I saw posted on this board. "The race card is a tool that is used by the intellectually weak, and lazy. It is used most often by liberals when they are having difficulty countering logical argument our refuting factual data." Conservatives aren't racists. Liberals are racist. Minority communities have been particularly hard hit under the Obama regime. In many black neighborhoods unemployment has reached epic levels. Liberals have taken the American dream away from entire segment of our society. What could be more racist then that? Hillary for 2016? Really? Another anti American, anti military, liar. Yep that does fit the mold of the ideal liberal candidate doesn't it?

The entire "racism" meme is so utterly tired and played out. It is a tool used by the cowardly and weak minded.
As bad as you people want to be considered smart and not racist you sure need to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone.

Who is "you people"? Sounds like one of Anne Romney's comments.
The other day I was having a conversation with a liberal about VA health, and retirement benefits that the President, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs want to cut back. The liberal commented that my dim view of the Obama administration proved that I was racist. I asked him how he arrived at that conclusion. He told me that I didn't like Obama because he was black. I told him that I didn't like Obama because he was incompetent, a liar, and decidedly anti American. I could only think of a quote that I believe I saw posted on this board. "The race card is a tool that is used by the intellectually weak, and lazy. It is used most often by liberals when they are having difficulty countering logical argument our refuting factual data." Conservatives aren't racists. Liberals are racist. Minority communities have been particularly hard hit under the Obama regime. In many black neighborhoods unemployment has reached epic levels. Liberals have taken the American dream away from entire segment of our society. What could be more racist then that? Hillary for 2016? Really? Another anti American, anti military, liar. Yep that does fit the mold of the ideal liberal candidate doesn't it?

What exactly does your posting have to do with the information in the OP?
I think he just trolled your thread, are you going to report him?
This is the critical debate question. I will continue to ask until it is addressed.

If I.Q. is somehow related to political affiliation by the same logic why cannot it also be related to race or gender?

Why would it? Any race or gender can belong to any political affiliation. The study makes sense, and is no surprise to me. All racism is, is ignorance. So why is it so shocking that people with low IQ's would be more likely to be racist?

I think they should have added religion into the mix. IMO, people with low IQ's are more likely to take the Bible literally and believe in talking snakes. People with high IQ's don't normally believe a man really lived inside of a whale, and are less likely to give their hard earned money to con men/women who fly around in private jets.

Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
  1. Gordon Hodson and
  2. Michael A. Busseri

Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models.

Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes

Being intolerant of those holding religious beliefs or different political opinions is a form of bigotry. Measuring true intolerance and bigotry in such a context would be virtually impossible. As impossible as accurately measuring the variables in the OP "studies."

This is my field.

The studies cited by the OP are frankly ridiculous. They are hateful and ignorant imho and are academically a joke. No serious academic would support them. They are just as bigoted as the "racism" you decry.

I realize you do not see this and never will because you have a false sense of moral superiority (i.e. those who are Christian or Conservative are automatically in your mind racist, ignorant, and bigoted). The attitudes expressed by the OP and many on the left are extremely offensive and intolerant. The studies the OP cites are a direct example of these bigoted views. It would be the same as a member of the KKK finding some bogus study about cranial capacity to say blacks are inferior to whites. It would be bogus....and equally offensive as what the OP is doing.

You pull out stats to show how black people are inferior all the time. I have no doubt that your bogus statistics are very offensive to black people.

I understand it's hard for you to swallow a dose of your own medicine.

I think there's some truth found in these studies, but it can also be applied to low information liberals as well. You know, the kind that responds to sound bites, does not verify the information received, etc...

False. Blacks are not "inferior." There are legitimate issues in the black community (e.g. crime, poverty, lack of educational attainment) that are well known and supported by mountains of legitimate data. Pointing out these facts and discussing the root causes in not racist. To say so is bigoted and ignorant.

You're forgetting one thing, and that is we have a history of your racist remarks.'s already begun. Blacks could have been contenders for 2nd place, but they've been too busy killing each other and dying early from AIDS, drugs, and ghetto living.

It may be a brown America in 40-50 years.....but it will be a Latino brown. Poor blacks....they even fucked that up
. :lol:
As bad as you people want to be considered smart and not racist you sure need to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone.

Who is "you people"? Sounds like one of Anne Romney's comments.
The other day I was having a conversation with a liberal about VA health, and retirement benefits that the President, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs want to cut back. The liberal commented that my dim view of the Obama administration proved that I was racist. I asked him how he arrived at that conclusion. He told me that I didn't like Obama because he was black. I told him that I didn't like Obama because he was incompetent, a liar, and decidedly anti American. I could only think of a quote that I believe I saw posted on this board. "The race card is a tool that is used by the intellectually weak, and lazy. It is used most often by liberals when they are having difficulty countering logical argument our refuting factual data." Conservatives aren't racists. Liberals are racist. Minority communities have been particularly hard hit under the Obama regime. In many black neighborhoods unemployment has reached epic levels. Liberals have taken the American dream away from entire segment of our society. What could be more racist then that? Hillary for 2016? Really? Another anti American, anti military, liar. Yep that does fit the mold of the ideal liberal candidate doesn't it?

What exactly does your posting have to do with the information in the OP?
I think he just trolled your thread, are you going to report him?

Are you trolling? Don't you already have a thread in the FZ on how you are not going to participate in this thread?
A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.

I don't have to read further than the title of the post because the premise is in error from the start and completely illogical. You and others are suggesting that Liberalists can't be(or are less) racist or have a low IQ? That alone would prove the hypothesis incorrect. IQ knows no bias and isn't related to ones belief system. You either have a high IQ or you don't.

Certainly there can be Liberalist racism as has been clearly demonstrated in something Liberalists often promote and is commonly referred to as reverse racism. Racism is racism the reverse is all inclusiveness. I.E Affirmative action is racist as it inflicts preference of one race over the other in the name of equality? See the problem? You can't reverse racism and discrimination based on race by promoting racism and discrimination.
Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners
See racism defined for kids

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Reverse racism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Reverse racism is a condition in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant (or formerly dominant) racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often as an attempt at redressing past wrongs. It has been described as "preferential treatment, discriminating in favor of members of under-represented groups, which have been treated unjustly in the past, against innocent people".[1][2][3]

Take for instance the University of Oklahoma(see link below) who is recently in the news over a fraternity's racist chant. Surley there were Liberalists participating in said chant. The KKK has it foundation in the Democratic party which is commonly thought of as Liberalist. Now that's not to say there weren't some conservatives in the bunch, I'm sure there were. The point being there are racist and low IQ's on both sides, not one more than the other. Actually the links in and of themselves show bias,sensationalism and prejudice on the part of Liberalist ideas making any further investigation unworthy of my attention.

Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Closed After Video of Racist Chant - ABC News
A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.

I don't have to read further than the title of the post because the premise is in error from the start and completely illogical. You and others are suggesting that Liberalists can't be(or are less) racist or have a low IQ? That alone would prove the hypothesis incorrect. IQ knows no bias and isn't related to ones belief system. You either have a high IQ or you don't.

Certainly there can be Liberalist racism as has been clearly demonstrated in something Liberalists often promote and is commonly referred to as reverse racism. Racism is racism the reverse is all inclusiveness. I.E Affirmative action is racist as it inflicts preference of one race over the other in the name of equality? See the problem? You can't reverse racism and discrimination based on race by promoting racism and discrimination.
Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners
See racism defined for kids

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Reverse racism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Reverse racism is a condition in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant (or formerly dominant) racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often as an attempt at redressing past wrongs. It has been described as "preferential treatment, discriminating in favor of members of under-represented groups, which have been treated unjustly in the past, against innocent people".[1][2][3]

Take for instance the University of Oklahoma(see link below) who is recently in the news over a fraternity's racist chant. Surley there were Liberalists participating in said chant. The KKK has it foundation in the Democratic party which is commonly thought of as Liberalist. Now that's not to say there weren't some conservatives in the bunch, I'm sure there were. The point being there are racist and low IQ's on both sides, not one more than the other. Actually the links in and of themselves show bias,sensationalism and prejudice on the part of Liberalist ideas making any further investigation unworthy of my attention.

Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Closed After Video of Racist Chant - ABC News

There is no such thing as "reverse racism," you're either racist or you're not.

Reverse racism - RationalWiki
A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.

I don't have to read further than the title of the post because the premise is in error from the start and completely illogical. You and others are suggesting that Liberalists can't be(or are less) racist or have a low IQ? That alone would prove the hypothesis incorrect. IQ knows no bias and isn't related to ones belief system. You either have a high IQ or you don't.

Certainly there can be Liberalist racism as has been clearly demonstrated in something Liberalists often promote and is commonly referred to as reverse racism. Racism is racism the reverse is all inclusiveness. I.E Affirmative action is racist as it inflicts preference of one race over the other in the name of equality? See the problem? You can't reverse racism and discrimination based on race by promoting racism and discrimination.
Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners
See racism defined for kids

Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Reverse racism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Reverse racism is a condition in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant (or formerly dominant) racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often as an attempt at redressing past wrongs. It has been described as "preferential treatment, discriminating in favor of members of under-represented groups, which have been treated unjustly in the past, against innocent people".[1][2][3]

Take for instance the University of Oklahoma(see link below) who is recently in the news over a fraternity's racist chant. Surley there were Liberalists participating in said chant. The KKK has it foundation in the Democratic party which is commonly thought of as Liberalist. Now that's not to say there weren't some conservatives in the bunch, I'm sure there were. The point being there are racist and low IQ's on both sides, not one more than the other. Actually the links in and of themselves show bias,sensationalism and prejudice on the part of Liberalist ideas making any further investigation unworthy of my attention.

Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Closed After Video of Racist Chant - ABC News

You really SHOULD have read the OP.
A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.

Yes, apparently they do all go together.
As bad as you people want to be considered smart and not racist you sure need to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone.

Who is "you people"? Sounds like one of Anne Romney's comments.
The other day I was having a conversation with a liberal about VA health, and retirement benefits that the President, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs want to cut back. The liberal commented that my dim view of the Obama administration proved that I was racist. I asked him how he arrived at that conclusion. He told me that I didn't like Obama because he was black. I told him that I didn't like Obama because he was incompetent, a liar, and decidedly anti American.
You are basing your entire premise on your conversation with one liberal? That figures. Why don't you list the many ways you think that Obama is incompetent, what lies he has told and what makes him anti-American. All you are doing is repeating the "talking points" of a not very reliable news source.

Most conservatives make Faux News their entire basis for news and information about what is happening in the USA. Faux News has been recognized as being the most unreliable and untruthful information provider, and here you are quoting the very same "talking points" that Faux News espouses every single day.

I could only think of a quote that I believe I saw posted on this board. "The race card is a tool that is used by the intellectually weak, and lazy.
That is another "talking point" coming from the conservative side. Whenever they make a racist comment or state a racist position, and they are called out on it, they immediately turn to their only escape - "You're using the race card". This just shows the total inability of racist conservatives to accept responsibility for the way they are, they way they think and the way they act. It's always the other side that is wrong, according to them.

It is used most often by liberals when they are having difficulty countering logical argument our refuting factual data." Conservatives aren't racists. Liberals are racist. Minority communities have been particularly hard hit under the Obama regime. In many black neighborhoods unemployment has reached epic levels. Liberals have taken the American dream away from entire segment of our society. What could be more racist then that? Hillary for 2016? Really? Another anti American, anti military, liar. Yep that does fit the mold of the ideal liberal candidate doesn't it?

Not all Republican/conservatives are racist, but the majority of racists are Republican/conservative. I've yet to meet a racist person that was Democratic or liberal. The only one that conservatives keep using is Robert Byrd, who was the only one that didn't go along with Republican Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, who used to be racist Democrats, but back around the time of civil rights abandoned the Democratic party to join the Republican party, where their racists attitudes were not only welcomed but praised. Robert Byrd apologized for his behavior, none of the others (Republican) ever did....yet conservatives still want to point Byrd as the reason why Democrats are racist.

And, I can't imagine anybody else for President in 2016 than Hillary Clinton. The first woman and one that doesn't ride a clown car and comes up with ways to screw the middle-income people by passing laws to allow the wealthy to keep their money in other countries to avoid paying taxes and reduces the amount they have to pay for that which they do pay taxes in the US.

Look through the threads here and look to see what political affiliation are those who loosely use the "N" word, who post racist pictures of Obama and other Democratic politicians, who claim they are not racist while making racist remarks. You'll be surprised to find they are all conservatives.
As bad as you people want to be considered smart and not racist you sure need to spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone.

Who is "you people"? Sounds like one of Anne Romney's comments.
The other day I was having a conversation with a liberal about VA health, and retirement benefits that the President, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs want to cut back. The liberal commented that my dim view of the Obama administration proved that I was racist. I asked him how he arrived at that conclusion. He told me that I didn't like Obama because he was black. I told him that I didn't like Obama because he was incompetent, a liar, and decidedly anti American. I could only think of a quote that I believe I saw posted on this board. "The race card is a tool that is used by the intellectually weak, and lazy. It is used most often by liberals when they are having difficulty countering logical argument our refuting factual data." Conservatives aren't racists. Liberals are racist. Minority communities have been particularly hard hit under the Obama regime. In many black neighborhoods unemployment has reached epic levels. Liberals have taken the American dream away from entire segment of our society. What could be more racist then that? Hillary for 2016? Really? Another anti American, anti military, liar. Yep that does fit the mold of the ideal liberal candidate doesn't it?

The entire "racism" meme is so utterly tired and played out. It is a tool used by the cowardly and weak minded.

You may want to believe that, but studying the facts and just observing the attitudes and actions of the racists will totally debunk that idea.
This is the critical debate question. I will continue to ask until it is addressed.

If I.Q. is somehow related to political affiliation by the same logic why cannot it also be related to race or gender?

Why would it? Any race or gender can belong to any political affiliation. The study makes sense, and is no surprise to me. All racism is, is ignorance. So why is it so shocking that people with low IQ's would be more likely to be racist?

I think they should have added religion into the mix. IMO, people with low IQ's are more likely to take the Bible literally and believe in talking snakes. People with high IQ's don't normally believe a man really lived inside of a whale, and are less likely to give their hard earned money to con men/women who fly around in private jets.

Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
  1. Gordon Hodson and
  2. Michael A. Busseri

Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models.

Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes

Being intolerant of those holding religious beliefs or different political opinions is a form of bigotry. Measuring true intolerance and bigotry in such a context would be virtually impossible. As impossible as accurately measuring the variables in the OP "studies."

This is my field.

The studies cited by the OP are frankly ridiculous. They are hateful and ignorant imho and are academically a joke. No serious academic would support them. They are just as bigoted as the "racism" you decry.

I realize you do not see this and never will because you have a false sense of moral superiority (i.e. those who are Christian or Conservative are automatically in your mind racist, ignorant, and bigoted). The attitudes expressed by the OP and many on the left are extremely offensive and intolerant. The studies the OP cites are a direct example of these bigoted views. It would be the same as a member of the KKK finding some bogus study about cranial capacity to say blacks are inferior to whites. It would be bogus....and equally offensive as what the OP is doing.

You pull out stats to show how black people are inferior all the time. I have no doubt that your bogus statistics are very offensive to black people.

I understand it's hard for you to swallow a dose of your own medicine.

I think there's some truth found in these studies, but it can also be applied to low information liberals as well. You know, the kind that responds to sound bites, does not verify the information received, etc...

False. Blacks are not "inferior." There are legitimate issues in the black community (e.g. crime, poverty, lack of educational attainment) that are well known and supported by mountains of legitimate data. Pointing out these facts and discussing the root causes in not racist. To say so is bigoted and ignorant.

You're forgetting one thing, and that is we have a history of your racist remarks.'s already begun. Blacks could have been contenders for 2nd place, but they've been too busy killing each other and dying early from AIDS, drugs, and ghetto living.

It may be a brown America in 40-50 years.....but it will be a Latino brown. Poor blacks....they even fucked that up
. :lol:

I can't believe anyone would ever make such a remark, whether serious or joking and then claim that they are not racist, or that the remark is not racist.

If I ever held that opinion, I would just admit that I hated blacks.
Why would it? Any race or gender can belong to any political affiliation. The study makes sense, and is no surprise to me. All racism is, is ignorance. So why is it so shocking that people with low IQ's would be more likely to be racist?

I think they should have added religion into the mix. IMO, people with low IQ's are more likely to take the Bible literally and believe in talking snakes. People with high IQ's don't normally believe a man really lived inside of a whale, and are less likely to give their hard earned money to con men/women who fly around in private jets.

Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
  1. Gordon Hodson and
  2. Michael A. Busseri

Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models.

Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes

Being intolerant of those holding religious beliefs or different political opinions is a form of bigotry. Measuring true intolerance and bigotry in such a context would be virtually impossible. As impossible as accurately measuring the variables in the OP "studies."

This is my field.

The studies cited by the OP are frankly ridiculous. They are hateful and ignorant imho and are academically a joke. No serious academic would support them. They are just as bigoted as the "racism" you decry.

I realize you do not see this and never will because you have a false sense of moral superiority (i.e. those who are Christian or Conservative are automatically in your mind racist, ignorant, and bigoted). The attitudes expressed by the OP and many on the left are extremely offensive and intolerant. The studies the OP cites are a direct example of these bigoted views. It would be the same as a member of the KKK finding some bogus study about cranial capacity to say blacks are inferior to whites. It would be bogus....and equally offensive as what the OP is doing.

You pull out stats to show how black people are inferior all the time. I have no doubt that your bogus statistics are very offensive to black people.

I understand it's hard for you to swallow a dose of your own medicine.

I think there's some truth found in these studies, but it can also be applied to low information liberals as well. You know, the kind that responds to sound bites, does not verify the information received, etc...

False. Blacks are not "inferior." There are legitimate issues in the black community (e.g. crime, poverty, lack of educational attainment) that are well known and supported by mountains of legitimate data. Pointing out these facts and discussing the root causes in not racist. To say so is bigoted and ignorant.

You're forgetting one thing, and that is we have a history of your racist remarks.'s already begun. Blacks could have been contenders for 2nd place, but they've been too busy killing each other and dying early from AIDS, drugs, and ghetto living.

It may be a brown America in 40-50 years.....but it will be a Latino brown. Poor blacks....they even fucked that up
. :lol:

I can't believe anyone would ever make such a remark, whether serious or joking and then claim that they are not racist, or that the remark is not racist.

If I ever held that opinion, I would just admit that I hated blacks.

I'd be embarrassed.
Since racism is a child of "fear" and ignorance creates fear, I tend to agree that they go hand in hand.
yep. Racism is basically- fear of the unknown. If you don't "know" stuff then you are, by definition, un/under educated.

We no longer live in a homogenized (read- white) society no matter how many want to return to the 1950's
Last edited:
There is no such thing as "reverse racism," you're either racist or you're not.

Reverse racism - RationalWiki

Yet a person who actually possesses any intelligence would be quick to note the extreme bias of whoever it was who wrote that it is "wingnuts" who use the term.

Whatever it is called, the tendency towards overcompensation is so ingrained and reflexive that only those who are overcompensating fail to notice it.

When racism is defined in such a way that some people cannot be considered such merely because of the color of their skin, the very system of thought establishes a brand of racialism at its core towards which any truly intelligent person should be able to object if they actually do desire a color-blind society. Otherwise, it is just a game of identity politics so dumbed down as to preclude any possibility of intelligent discussion at all.

P.C. orthodoxy is not the product of an intelligent mind. It is the product of conformism.
A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.

Funny, links. Thanks for the laugh.

As to the question. Any survey such as these can be easily biased, by selecting High IQ people for the group you want to have the high IQ, while selecting Low IQ people for the group you want with the lower IQ.

From what I've read, your selected surveys have taken the view that anyone with a "classical liberal" opinion must be a democrat. Where clearly this is not the case since classical liberals make up libertarians and many republicans. tsk tsk...

Here's a better link than the ones you selected.
Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

So let's be clear, your question should have been do racism, authoritarianism, and low IQ go hand in hand?
A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.

Funny, links. Thanks for the laugh.

As to the question. Any survey such as these can be easily biased, by selecting High IQ people for the group you want to have the high IQ, while selecting Low IQ people for the group you want with the lower IQ.

From what I've read, your selected surveys have taken the view that anyone with a "classical liberal" opinion must be a democrat. Where clearly this is not the case since classical liberals make up libertarians and many republicans. tsk tsk...

Here's a better link than the ones you selected.
Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

So let's be clear, your question should have been do racism, authoritarianism, and low IQ go hand in hand?

I like that last question you posed better than the original because it is less prone to partisan presumptions.

Those who fail to see that the left can be every bit as authoritarian as the right are either acting dishonestly, or lack the intelligence necessary to notice. Those who rally against racism but fail to acknowledge the degree towards which identity politics has altered perceptions, likewise.

The one trait that ties all these themes together is conformity. Ultra conformist leftists view their prime directive to defend anybody who isn't white with such dogged determination that they become everything they claim to hate -- purveyors of a brand of politics where it isn't the quality of a person's character that counts, but only the color of their skin. They literally cover themselves with spittle at the mention that there could be such a thing "reverse racism", "white guilt" or any other term used to describe their pattern of behavior wherein they are so absolutely terrified of being called a racist that they are willing to create enormous double standards.

Go to any message board and you will see the same intellectual dishonesty played out over and over and over again. It's the parable of the Emperor's New Clothes at work here, and the truly intelligent people are the one's who notice he is actually naked instead of joining the adoring crowd.

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