Do people not realize that government is slavery?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?
Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?

Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?
You're correct. Especially where the U.S. government is concerned. The main reason for this, is the fact that governments in general, have way too much power. They gain power, then exert that power in all the wrong ways. They become a controlling power, with a thirst and hunger for greater power. Under the pretense of protector, public servant, and guardians of the rights of a free people, they engage in self-service, and promoting their own ambitions for more power and control. This becomes the breeding grounds for corruption, and almost a total disregard for those they once professed to serve. Sometimes the delusion of grandeur leads to the need to go outside their own realm of authority, and engage in wars, in order to conquer and extend their influence of power.

Throughout history, governments, leaders, and ruling bodies, have committed horrible acts, including the wholesale slaughter of thousands of people, just to satisfy their need for control, and to broaden their reach of authority. In modern times, we see examples taking place in Africa, and to an extent, the Middle East.

In the U.S., the government has become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. The U.S. government is a power, and to a degree, an absolute power. Our government basically controls everything. They basically own everything. They set the rules as they go, determine what best suits their agenda, and by laws ( by force ), they control the citizenry. They are a threat to everything freedom stands for. They are a threat to peace. And, they obviously feel justified, and just as obviously, feel they are serving the citizenry by imposing whatever laws and restrictions they deem necessary, regardless of whether those laws and restrictions comply with freedoms and peace.

In the U.S., there is as much propaganda and misinformation originated by the government, as any country on Earth. We're told the reasons we go to war, and later we find out that those reasons weren't exactly true. We're told certain foreign trade agreements are good for our economy, and later find out the extent of damage those agreements inflict on our economy. We're told that we're innocent until proven guilty, and later find out about innocent citizens in our jails and prisons. We're told that we have religious freedoms, and then later discover that we can't pray in public schools, or before sporting events. In reality, we have limited and restricted freedoms, rights, and liberties. This is illustrated by our loss of privacy.

Most governments are power mongers, control freaks, and harbor delusions of authority on an enormous scale. As mentioned previously, these characteristics are the breeding grounds for what we're seeing not only in the U.S., but in the Middle East and in other nations. In most cases, this absolute power is a gradual process that takes place over several decades, if not longer. It's done little by little, piece by piece, until the desired end results are achieved.
Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?

Government is just technology. I think that governments are excellent means of organizing folks and concentrating resources. So in a world where every country save one disbanded all their governments, that one country would have an enormous advantage. And likely be able to gobble up its 'freer', less organized and less centralized neighbors.

With the best defense against government being a government of your own.

So in the context of a world of governments, having one of our own makes sense.
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Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?
So you are an anarchist, I take it.
Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance. A couple more Percentages and we will be calling those in our Government, Masters

You can't get it through their heads that:
One of the main roles of any government is to promote social stability. The absence of a strong government gives rise to warlords and armed militias, violent opportunists like that killed a bunch of people too, see ISIS.
Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance.

That 47% includes your grandparents. You should go kick them in the crotch for sucking on the government tit with their Social Security and Medicare.

And be sure to kick retired and disabled vets in the nuts, too. They are also in that 47%. I'd bring an army with you, though.

You might want to start with the vets who are missing some limbs.

And then you can move on to kids with cancer.

Thank you. You're a great American.
Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance.

That 47% includes your grandparents. You should go kick them in the crotch for sucking on the government tit with their Social Security and Medicare.

And be sure to kick retired and disabled vets in the nuts, too. They are also in that 47%. I'd bring an army with you, though.

You might want to start with the vets who are missing some limbs.

And then you can move on to kids with cancer.

Thank you. You're a great American.
VERY WELL SAID !!!!!!! BRAVO !!!!!!!! EXCELLENT !!!!!!!!!!
Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?
So you are an anarchist, I take it.
Just because we dislike government does not mean we want to completely abolish it. I am a minarchist libertarian, I advocate minimal government, not completely getting rid of it.
Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?
So you are an anarchist, I take it.
Just because we dislike government does not mean we want to completely abolish it. I am a minarchist libertarian, I advocate minimal government, not completely getting rid of it.
So you disagree with the premise that "government is slavery".
Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance.

That 47% includes your grandparents. You should go kick them in the crotch for sucking on the government tit with their Social Security and Medicare.

And be sure to kick retired and disabled vets in the nuts, too. They are also in that 47%. I'd bring an army with you, though.

You might want to start with the vets who are missing some limbs.

And then you can move on to kids with cancer.

Thank you. You're a great American.
VERY WELL SAID !!!!!!! BRAVO !!!!!!!! EXCELLENT !!!!!!!!!!
so someone being a jerk blows your skirt up? Here's more for your joy, my parents and grandparents have all passed
One of the main roles of any government is to promote social stability. The absence of a strong government gives rise to warlords and armed militias, violent opportunists like that killed a bunch of people too, see ISIS.

Government is a double edged sword. At its best, it can help protect freedoms, construct vast projects, and protect its people. At its worst, it can be indescribably oppressive, destructive and murderous. Government is arms. They aren't the only way to kill. But they make it more effective.

The context of the violence can be protective, destructive, or both.
Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance.

That 47% includes your grandparents. You should go kick them in the crotch for sucking on the government tit with their Social Security and Medicare.

And be sure to kick retired and disabled vets in the nuts, too. They are also in that 47%. I'd bring an army with you, though.

You might want to start with the vets who are missing some limbs.

And then you can move on to kids with cancer.

Thank you. You're a great American.
VERY WELL SAID !!!!!!! BRAVO !!!!!!!! EXCELLENT !!!!!!!!!!
so someone being a jerk blows your skirt up?
Please explain. I'm not sure of what you're saying here.
Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?

Progs love government more than their friends or parents
Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance.

That 47% includes your grandparents. You should go kick them in the crotch for sucking on the government tit with their Social Security and Medicare.

And be sure to kick retired and disabled vets in the nuts, too. They are also in that 47%. I'd bring an army with you, though.

You might want to start with the vets who are missing some limbs.

And then you can move on to kids with cancer.

Thank you. You're a great American.

First, my grandmother would cringe if she knew that her benefits are putting this country into further debt. Yes, they made a agreement with her that they must uphold, but as I see it, keeping this promise is putting more straws on the camel's back.

Also, take into account how this government treated our disabled veterans. The VA scandal, remember?

You might want to start in Phoenix, Arizona; where a number of deceased vets went months without being buried. Many vets died waiting for approval to get medical care they needed.

And just for the record g5, when millions of Americans lost their insurance because of Obamacare, there must certainly have been those who had cancer, or those who had children with cancer who lost their benefits.

So before you go questioning the Americanism of someone else, please remember, our government is the most unamerican thing there is; simply because they have done things to these poor disabled vets, children, and generally handicapped that not even Suplex there would dream of doing.

You can be indignant if you wish, but you might want to talk to some of these folks before you start making assumptions.
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