CDZ Do men want many women?


VIP Member
Oct 15, 2016
Are men genetically programmed to seek multiple sexual partners more than women?

The answer I think is yes and whoever answer it already put tons and tons of sources.

The liberal said

The answer — even after the edits — is still not good. Half of it does not speak about humans, it speaks about sea lions. That is completely irrelevant here. Passages like "Women that stays in long term relationship got men that pays the bill LONGER", and "That is why emperors have harem. Women tend to want to join that harem even if that means sharing one man with many many many women and hence got far less quantity of men. I read that somewhere." is not up to Skeptics SE standards.

The following third of the answer hinges on that "want" equals "is genetically programmet to". It does not. So just because men report a larger willingness to engage in casual sex does not imply that this is genetic.

The last bit of the answer references a WebMD article that has been pointed out several times not contradicts the notion that men and women somehow are genetically different when it comes to promiscuity.

The reference to Matt Ridley — which was pointed out by T.Sal above — contradicts the claim.

The article in People is about one person writing a book, and states that the conclusions of the book are contested.

The last article in the Economist is about polygamy and war, does not even mention genetics.

So nothing in that post answers the question, and contains sexism, ad hoc conjecture, gems like "I read that somewhere".
What do you think? You think the answer is yes? Hello. Any men here?

Or you think that the leftist are right. We need more evidences?
I think having the attention or desire of multiple people is attractive
to both men and women. But when it comes to shouldering responsibility
for maintaining relations, no, most people can barely handle one partner, and certainly not multiple!
The men I know do not want the drama.

Just like people want to be wealthy and have more money,
but it takes so much work to manage it well, people rise to the highest level they can maintain.
If you think you want more, be careful what you ask for.
The work, stress and strain that comes with the territory is "proportional"
and most people can't handle that.

Men like to have control of their own affairs,
but the more people you have to deal with, the more hassle.
Especially relations with women that require high emotional interaction and energy.

Any guy who thinks they want this, makes me wonder if they
know what they are really getting into and how deep the responsibilities even are!

Even Mohammad advised that men should only take on more than
one wife if they can be FAIR. Tell me anyone who can be fair while
juggling multiple partners. That's like a big caveat warning no, get real, man.
Do you really know what you are asking for? Don't go there brother!
I am not asking whether men should do polygamy.

I am asking whether men want many women.

The answer is yes.
3 or 4 is about right...that way there will always be one that isn't pissed at you.....
Interesting question. While I think that men probably want more than one woman, I think that women also want more than one man, but women are subjected to more propaganda than men are about the issue, religious and otherwise. Monogamy is not native to humans. And boredom is a factor.
Both are fine for me.

Evolutionary psychology predicts that men wants quantity.

In other words. It's much easier for women to get men than the other way around. At price 0.

Of course, usually men pays.
I am not asking whether men should do polygamy.

I am asking whether men want many women.

The answer is yes.

Want more women for what?
For attention? For friendship?
For sex? If you have sex with multiple women,
that's the same problem as polygamy. Having
multiple romantic/sexual relations. Multiple hassle and drama.
Most people's brains can't handle that.
If men's brains can't handle one woman,
how can they handle more than one?
Now that I'm too old and fat to chase skirts, I'm more than happy with my wife.

In my 20's though...

Not sure how I didn't catch something or end up paying support for 18 years in multiple states.

Are men genetically programmed to seek multiple sexual partners more than women?

The answer I think is yes and whoever answer it already put tons and tons of sources.

The liberal said

The answer — even after the edits — is still not good. Half of it does not speak about humans, it speaks about sea lions. That is completely irrelevant here. Passages like "Women that stays in long term relationship got men that pays the bill LONGER", and "That is why emperors have harem. Women tend to want to join that harem even if that means sharing one man with many many many women and hence got far less quantity of men. I read that somewhere." is not up to Skeptics SE standards.

The following third of the answer hinges on that "want" equals "is genetically programmet to". It does not. So just because men report a larger willingness to engage in casual sex does not imply that this is genetic.

The last bit of the answer references a WebMD article that has been pointed out several times not contradicts the notion that men and women somehow are genetically different when it comes to promiscuity.

The reference to Matt Ridley — which was pointed out by T.Sal above — contradicts the claim.

The article in People is about one person writing a book, and states that the conclusions of the book are contested.

The last article in the Economist is about polygamy and war, does not even mention genetics.

So nothing in that post answers the question, and contains sexism, ad hoc conjecture, gems like "I read that somewhere".
What do you think? You think the answer is yes? Hello. Any men here?

Or you think that the leftist are right. We need more evidences?
One is enough, learn fast. More than one can be a risk to life and limb.
I am not asking whether men should do polygamy.

I am asking whether men want many women.

The answer is yes.

Want more women for what?
For attention? For friendship?
For sex? If you have sex with multiple women,
that's the same problem as polygamy. Having
multiple romantic/sexual relations. Multiple hassle and drama.
Most people's brains can't handle that.
If men's brains can't handle one woman,
how can they handle more than one?
I feel the Clinton Method works the best, Pay and Play.
One is enough.

That said, it does seem like many women have the opposite view, they tend to experiment with the mens more, if you know what I mean.
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Are men genetically programmed to seek multiple sexual partners more than women?

The answer I think is yes and whoever answer it already put tons and tons of sources.

The liberal said

The answer — even after the edits — is still not good. Half of it does not speak about humans, it speaks about sea lions. That is completely irrelevant here. Passages like "Women that stays in long term relationship got men that pays the bill LONGER", and "That is why emperors have harem. Women tend to want to join that harem even if that means sharing one man with many many many women and hence got far less quantity of men. I read that somewhere." is not up to Skeptics SE standards.

The following third of the answer hinges on that "want" equals "is genetically programmet to". It does not. So just because men report a larger willingness to engage in casual sex does not imply that this is genetic.

The last bit of the answer references a WebMD article that has been pointed out several times not contradicts the notion that men and women somehow are genetically different when it comes to promiscuity.

The reference to Matt Ridley — which was pointed out by T.Sal above — contradicts the claim.

The article in People is about one person writing a book, and states that the conclusions of the book are contested.

The last article in the Economist is about polygamy and war, does not even mention genetics.

So nothing in that post answers the question, and contains sexism, ad hoc conjecture, gems like "I read that somewhere".
What do you think? You think the answer is yes? Hello. Any men here?

Or you think that the leftist are right. We need more evidences?

I believe it's gentic, to have as many offspring as possible with as many different women .
I am a hetero male and 'no', I do not want to have multiple sexual partners during the same period.

As I told my brother - who used to bed women at a furious rate - 'I admire that you can have sex with lots of attractive women, I don't admire that you do'.
I know there are many, many, many women in which my answer to the question "Would you hit that?" is Hell Yes.

That being said, what we want isn't always good for us. "Till death do you part" is the way to raise a family.
With advent of modern feminism, a man HAS to have many women in order to snag a good one. So many these days are pussy-hat wearing nasty throwbacks.

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