Do liberals understand that the SCOTUS is not debating whether to ban abortion?

Ok….so you think women should be able to get abortions. A lot of people don’t, especially in conservative states. Why should want you want to be available for women in conservative states overrule what others in that state think it morally unacceptable? Why is your opinion more important?

And you keep skipping over an important detail: the woman can still kill her kid! She just has to buy a bus ticket.

P.S. And what’s this bit about too many people in this country? I thought that’s why libs keep saying it’s good to let the illegals swarm in here - that we aren’t replacing ourselves,

I understand a lot of people don't. However in a FREE COUNTRY people should not be restricted based on what some religious people think.

This world has too many people, that's what the PS is about. We don't need to save fetuses any more because we don't have huge infant mortality rates.

And yes, there's an issue with the number of old people, and many ways of changing this.

By the way, China went from forced abortions to banning abortions because they realized they have too few young people. It's a rather authoritarian thing to do these days to stop abortions.
I understand a lot of people don't. However in a FREE COUNTRY people should not be restricted based on what some religious people think.

This world has too many people, that's what the PS is about. We don't need to save fetuses any more because we don't have huge infant mortality rates.

And yes, there's an issue with the number of old people, and many ways of changing this.

By the way, China went from forced abortions to banning abortions because they realized they have too few young people. It's a rather authoritarian thing to do these days to stop abortions.

Millions of unwanted pregnancies and kids that can't be cared for by the parents will be the result of Roe being overturned. I'm sure that will do nothing to the crime and poverty rates....
Millions of unwanted pregnancies and kids that can't be cared for by the parents will be the result of Roe being overturned. I'm sure that will do nothing to the crime and poverty rates....

And these kids will also get a top quality education from the department of give money to the rich instead of the poor.
The people most likely to get abortions are poorer people. People for whom a bus ride is a significant expense. But in a FREE COUNTRY, why should someone have to go to another state to get something that should be available in their own state?

Conservatives say they want less government in their lives, and then set about create MORE government in everyone else's lives. Why?
1) I said Planned Parenthood can pay for it.

2) In a FREE country, why should someone be forced to have inject a foreign substance into their body?

You liberals are such hypocrites. You demonize your fellow American citizens who don’t want the vaccine (that isn’t even stopping the spread), yet are up in arms that someome who wants to kill her baby might have to take a bus to another state.
I understand a lot of people don't. However in a FREE COUNTRY people should not be restricted based on what some religious people think.

This world has too many people, that's what the PS is about. We don't need to save fetuses any more because we don't have huge infant mortality rates.

And yes, there's an issue with the number of old people, and many ways of changing this.

By the way, China went from forced abortions to banning abortions because they realized they have too few young people. It's a rather authoritarian thing to do these days to stop abortions.
What?? We have too many old people? And there are ways of changing this?

Libs today are more and more like socialists. Old people have no value, so…..adios, Granny!
Wht? Because I called “Roe” a slut? She was. Multiple affairs with various men as a teen, married briefly at 16, and pregnant - unwanted - three times by age 22. How many times does someone keep making the same mistake? She was an idiot AND a slut.
As far as rightwingers are concerned, any pregnant woman becomes a slut when she has an unwanted pregnancy.
And are you saying that *I* want to strip her of “rights to her own body” from the moment of conception? I never said that. But you liberals have your typical “my way or the highway” attitude, and demand that abortion should be allowed four and five months into a pregnancy - despite the fact that the majority of people (in a particular state) may be opposedl

I’m using “you cons” the same way you used “you libs”. You cons are perfectly fine using authoritarianism to prevent women from making a medical decision over her own body while simultaneously voting down common sense anti-abortion measures like free birth control and increased assistance or programs for single parents and babies, no exemptions for rape or incest. Pretty much indicates it isn’t about helping mothers or women’s health, but enforcing your view of morality around women, sex and responsibility.

And again….like all leftists….you are ignoring the fact that it isn’t ONLY about her! i hear that “rights to her own body” shit all the time, as if she’s having a nose job, with never a mention that there are two bodies at stake.

And like “all rightists” of course it isn’t about her, it never was. She is, to most of you, a slut who needs to pay for her mistake.

If we were to move away from broadbrushing insults to entire groups of people….maybe we could see what is at stake from each point of view: two competing sets of rights and a different opinion on who’s are paramount when.

If a woman lives in a state where the majority is opposed to abortion, then she has even more of a reason to be responsible and use birth control, because if she doesn’t and ends up pregnant, she will have to take a bus to a different state to kill the fetus.
So fundamental rights are left up to states now? So 17% of you want abortion to be illegal with no exceptions. What happens when they gain enough power to effect legislation?
1) I said Planned Parenthood can pay for it.

2) In a FREE country, why should someone be forced to have inject a foreign substance into their body?

You liberals are such hypocrites. You demonize your fellow American citizens who don’t want the vaccine (that isn’t even stopping the spread), yet are up in arms that someome who wants to kill her baby might have to take a bus to another state.
Isn’t that exactly what you are doing? If you don’t want to get vaccinated, find a different job where you don’t have to or move to a different state, right?
As far as rightwingers are concerned, any pregnant woman becomes a slut when she has an unwanted pregnancy.

I’m using “you cons” the same way you used “you libs”. You cons are perfectly fine using authoritarianism to prevent women from making a medical decision over her own body while simultaneously voting down common sense anti-abortion measures like free birth control and increased assistance or programs for single parents and babies, no exemptions for rape or incest. Pretty much indicates it isn’t about helping mothers or women’s health, but enforcing your view of morality around women, sex and responsibility.

And like “all rightists” of course it isn’t about her, it never was. She is, to most of you, a slut who needs to pay for her mistake.

If we were to move away from broadbrushing insults to entire groups of people….maybe we could see what is at stake from each point of view: two competing sets of rights and a different opinion on who’s are paramount when.

So fundamental rights are left up to states now? So 17% of you want abortion to be illegal with no exceptions. What happens when they gain enough power to effect legislation?
1) Yes, two competing sets of rights, and two different opinions. What’s wrong with a compromise, where states decide to enact what their citizens want? Some states will OK it, others will have strict timelines, and a couple might ban it entirely. So that is the compromise: women can still get abortions, but they might be in inconvenienced by a bus trip. (I would hope the father would drive her, but some of the men women are willing to bed down with….doubtful in many cases.)

2) I have heard very few pro-life proponents say that all women With an unplanned pregnancy are sluts. Many are married. The focus is on the morality of ending a life, particularly when the pregnancy is so far along that the last thing a fetus feels before its mother kill It is pain and suffering.

The law should be made at the state level. For liberals who for whom abortion on demand, in a convenient area, is important, they can consider that when deciding where to live.
Isn’t that exactly what you are doing? If you don’t want to get vaccinated, find a different job where you don’t have to or move to a different state, right?
Or, the Constitution can determine if our rights are being violated by forcing us to take a vaccine*, and that is what was determined. So mandates are out. Similarly, the SCOTUS will soon determine whether a woman has the Constitutional right to kill a growing human being in her body - and thus require all states to offer abortion - or whether it is not an inherent right, and then it goes back to the states.

* I am vaxxed and boosted. I argue this based on Constitutionality.
Or, the Constitution can determine if our rights are being violated by forcing us to take a vaccine*, and that is what was determined. So mandates are out. Similarly, the SCOTUS will soon determine whether a woman has the Constitutional right to kill a growing human being in her body - and thus require all states to offer abortion - or whether it is not an inherent right, and then it goes back to the states.

* I am vaxxed and boosted. I argue this based on Constitutionality.
IF someone passed a mandate saying all people must be vaccinated, I would agree, but they haven’t. They restrict it to certain employment situations and the SC has ruled on it. The SC also ruled on abortion years ago…so it has nothing to do with Constitutionality because you don’t accept their ruling unless it suits you.
IF someone passed a mandate saying all people must be vaccinated, I would agree, but they haven’t. They restrict it to certain employment situations and the SC has ruled on it. The SC also ruled on abortion years ago…so it has nothing to do with Constitutionality because you don’t accept their ruling unless it suits you.
It’s the same thing: the leftists tried to force a mandate, and the SCOTUS ruled against it.

As far as abortion, it is possible that the SCOTUS was wrong years ago, and given the import of the issue, it is within their purview to review it, and reverse if it so determines. There have been around 150 decisions that have been overturned.
1) I said Planned Parenthood can pay for it.

2) In a FREE country, why should someone be forced to have inject a foreign substance into their body?

You liberals are such hypocrites. You demonize your fellow American citizens who don’t want the vaccine (that isn’t even stopping the spread), yet are up in arms that someome who wants to kill her baby might have to take a bus to another state.

Am I a hypocrite?

Personally I don't care if people don't get vaccinated. If they want to die, their problem.

You've suddenly decided that you can't talk about this issue much and gone for a completely different issue. HuH?
What?? We have too many old people? And there are ways of changing this?

Libs today are more and more like socialists. Old people have no value, so…..adios, Granny!

What are you fucking talking about? Do you not even understand the issues here?

If you have more old people than young people, like China might have in a few decades time, and you're paying them their pension, then those who are working will have to pay for those who have a pension.

This is a REAL ISSUE. It's one of the reasons people promote immigration, especially from poorer countries, to get their youth in to work for those retired old people.

That you choose to impose some emotion from my side, which isn't even my emotion, says a lot about how you think about things. I see the issues. You see emotion.
I didn't read any of the replies - but no, Liberals have the intelligence of a termite.
Since you think abortion is murder why such a light sentence? Why not life in prison or the death penalty? If you're going to support theocracy might as well go whole hog. Maybe bring back burning at the stake. That used to be popular with people who tried to use the law to do the lord's work.

You are aware that people who are not at all religious, can still think that murder is wrong?
The people most likely to get abortions are poorer people. People for whom a bus ride is a significant expense. But in a FREE COUNTRY, why should someone have to go to another state to get something that should be available in their own state?

Conservatives say they want less government in their lives, and then set about create MORE government in everyone else's lives. Why?
Because more or less government is not the issue and you know that.

Everyone talks past each other in this particular topic because no one seems to even want to understand.

It is a simple fact that at one of the core purposes, if not the core purpose, of government is protecting the rights of people. One side of this issue want to recognize a person at conception, most honestly want to recognize those rights at some point during the pregnancy and some want to recognize it after the child is born.

It is not about bodily autonomy, we all have that but there are 2 bodies here and one of them, by definition, will lose that autonomy in an abortion. it is not about small government or large government. It is not about controlling women. it is not about killing babies. It is not even about freedom. It is not about any of that shit.

It is solely about when we recognize that the individual in question gains the same protections we all expect and demand from our government. At the moment, it seems those protections do, indeed, begin BEFORE birth - Roe actually established this is so. Another point that seems lost in confusion. Some want to move it back, some want to push it forward but we have to, at the bare minimum, understand where the other side is coming from if progress is to ever be made.
I swear, every time I talk to a liberal, I SMH at how misinformed they are - and how deceitful the liberal media is. Just yesterday I spoke to a liberal, and in addition to her usual moaning about Republicans (to me, knowing I am a Republican), she bemoaned the “fact” that “Trump’s Republican Supreme Court” (her words) may ban abortion. When I corrected her, she said that MSNBC made it sound as though all abortions would be banned.

Listen up: for any of you libtards getting your news through MSNBC, the SCOTUS is not debating a ban. It doesn’t even have that right, just as it didn’t have the fight to force states to make it legal. It is merely debating whether the decision in Roe v Wade was constitutional, and if not, THE DECISION GOES TO THE INDIVIDUAL STATES.
A constitutional right is not determined by “individual states” if any state doesn’t allow something then it is not a right.

I love pretend constitutional who spew things like the o/p
A constitutional right is not determined by “individual states” if any state doesn’t allow something then it is not a right.

I love pretend constitutional who spew things like the o/p
And that’s what I just said. It should be up to each individual state to decide whether to allow their residents to kill their unborn babies. The Supreme Court can’t force them to ban the practice.

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