Do Lib Dems detest western culture and is an open southern border essential to root out western civilization / culture and to longterm Democrat rule?

Why would those who genuinely care about the future of America want to morph our nation into something unlike the social construct it was built and pillared on?
The darkies are cummin to get ya!

They're in your closet! They're under your bed!

The darkies are cummin to get ya!
TEACHER: Today we are going to discuss Plessy vs. Ferguson.

TARD: You fucking commie!

Florida Scoured Math Textbooks for ‘Prohibited Topics.’ Next Up: Social Studies.

Here is what the current first grade textbook in Florida says about Rosa Parks:


The New Reich has found that to be too fucking communist, and wanted it changed to this:


But the New Reich found even that to not be whitewashed enough, and now they want this:


Florida Scoured Math Textbooks for ‘Prohibited Topics.’ Next Up: Social Studies.

Here is what the current first grade textbook in Florida says about Rosa Parks:


The New Reich has found that to be too fucking communist, and wanted it changed to this:


But the New Reich found even that to not be whitewashed enough, and now they want this:

Rosa Parks was defiant and against law and order….should we teach children that our laws are shit and not worth following? Hasn’t that been tried in all dark communities? How’s that working out in those dark communities?
If a Closed Border is essential to the continuance of Western Civilization, why has it persisted so long without closing them? Also, why haven't the borders been closed before now? Are you sure you are even part of western civilization anymore?
If a Closed Border is essential to the continuance of Western Civilization, why has it persisted so long without closing them? Also, why haven't the borders been closed before now? Are you sure you are even part of western civilization anymore?
The bulk of the damage was done during the Change America Kenyan Kings reign of terror.
Shit, pre Kenyan even the left-est of the left hated the idea of an inorganic browning of America.
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Why would those who genuinely care about the future of America want to morph our nation into something unlike the social construct it was built and pillared on?

It's a goal of the world economic forum. At about 45 seconds in you'll see them say because of climate change we will have to welcome in foriengers.

The goal is to abolish independent governments and countries. They want one party to be the world rulers and this is a part of that plan. To erase countries histories like america by flooding them with illegals and turn us all into serfs.
Where did I say it's a good thing? I think it's simply an inevitable thing.

... reading is the answer.
But actually it’s not inevitable at all…..The demise of America is not inevitable….something can and will eventually be done about it just the same as something was done about it once before.
The bulk of the damage was done during the Change America Kenyan Kings reign of terror.
Shit, pre Kenyan even the left-est of the left hated the idea of an inorganic browning America.

The damage was done before that. Why else did Bush forward another Amnesty plan? When Rabid Right Radio and the Dittoheads scuttled that plan, it only got worse. Instead of millions of new enthusiastic tax paying citizens funding the baby boomers retirement, and government programs, we went further into debt and will make the next generation work longer for their retirement.
The damage was done before that. Why else did Bush forward another Amnesty plan? When Rabid Right Radio and the Dittoheads scuttled that plan, it only got worse. Instead of millions of new enthusiastic tax paying citizens funding the baby boomers retirement, and government programs, we went further into debt and will make the next generation work longer for their retirement.
Your feel good theory goes to shit when sane people paying attention realize that beaners don’t pay taxes, they don’t earn enough mowing lawns to impact the treasury…All illegals have done is drag down wages deplete the treasury and lay millions of litters of silver tooth money trees in the laps of taxpaying real Americans …this is a known fact.
The damage was done before that. Why else did Bush forward another Amnesty plan? When Rabid Right Radio and the Dittoheads scuttled that plan, it only got worse. Instead of millions of new enthusiastic tax paying citizens funding the baby boomers retirement, and government programs, we went further into debt and will make the next generation work longer for their retirement.
Still believes doctors, engineers and IT professionals are whos flooding our southern border.
NY has an entire hotel full of them!
Prager nailed it perfectly. BTW that is shameful. Maybe the best expert, in the USA, on W. Civ is right there at the Hoover Institurion.....Victor Davis Hanson.
Why would those who genuinely care about the future of America want to morph our nation into something unlike the social construct it was built and pillared on?

The short answer is "Of course they fucking do".

But the precise nefarious outcome our nation is experiencing with our own border and overall degradation on the World Stage is thanks to a direct link between the "President" and the nation of China.

IE, they paid him lots of money, and he is utterly compromised.

But yes, the overall framework on the Left of finding Western values "cringe" makes it all the more easy for the Commander In Thief to pull it off - for sure.
The bulk of the damage was done during the Change America Kenyan Kings reign of terror.
Shit, pre Kenyan even the left-est of the left hated the idea of an inorganic browning of America.

The population of illegal immigrants barely budged while Obama was president. In fact, it went down.

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