Do leftists actually think we are stupid enough to ever accept the fraudulent election?

I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
No one cares what you kooks think.

Just that your guys don't have access to the levers of power.

Which is exactly what's going on.

Rational Americans wish we did.
I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
here is a pro-tip, moron.

an election is not fraudulent just because your fat fucking troll lost.
it's not "free and fair" just because your senile pedophile won.

Do leftists actually think we are stupid enough to ever accept the fraudulent election?​

Lol, you're confused.

We think you're stupid enough to continue believing the election was fraudulent in the face of all the reams of evidence to the contrary.

Funny how this thing where Democrats block any examination means there is no evidence proves it didn't happen only works one way ...

You know you stole it, which is why you're so desperately fighting any accountability. We're a sham democracy now. Nice job.

You're happy obviously that Democrats no longer have to face real elections. But that may not work out for you the way you hope
Arguing with useful idiots is equivalent to trying to debate a robot. They are programmed losers.
I am aware. That's why I usually just issue a correction and move on.

He was talking about you, not to you. God you're dumb
Democrats ain't blocking shit.
Are Democrats voting for audits in purple states? Of course not.

Yes, Creep's just a liar. Of course Democrats are blocking audits
The clown shitshow in Arizona isn't an audit. It's a spectacle. It's performance theater to fleece the rubes...but an audit it is not.
Even Lastamender has stopped saying "audit". Now it's a "ballot inspection".
I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
1. I feel your pain, as President Clinton used to say.

2. But, yes, people have no choice but to "accept it."

3. The reputed winner now sits in the Oval Office and does the bidding of the woke elements of the Democratic Party.

4. Hopefully, the invisible forces that run this country will allow reasonably clean elections next year.

a. If the Republicans can take back the House, it would go a long way to defuse the OP's anger and that of many other people.

5. Before the Dems pack the Supreme Court, hopefully more states can ensure a clean Presidential election in 2024 so that a Republican can win. (President DeSantis and Vice President Haley, anyone?)
The clown shitshow in Arizona isn't an audit. It's a spectacle. It's performance theater to fleece the rubes...but an audit it is not.
It's a forensic audit. No wonder Democrats oppose it.
You don't even know what the fuck that means. No one does. It's a made up term to fleece the stupid.

I welcome actual audits conducted by accredited auditing firms in all 50 states. My state does a post election audit after every single election. I believe all states should. Weird that the states that DON'T do a post election audit are mostly red, Republican led states...
Fact every Republican & every Democrat involved in the election process confirmed Biden as the winner of the election. this winning was confirmed by the courts. One man said the election was stolen. and 70% of Republicans believe this man Over all the professional's who administer elections. And Republican politicians then joined the one mans cause to keep there jobs & their power.
Fact every Republican & every Democrat involved in the election process confirmed Biden as the winner of the election. this winning was confirmed by the courts. One man said the election was stolen. and 70% of Republicans believe this man Over all the professional's who administer elections. And Republican politicians then joined the one mans cause to keep there jobs & their power.
Just imagine the list of people and organizations who HAVE to be in on the conspiracy. The USSC, state courts, state Republican legislators, state Republican election officials, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's DHS, the FBI and Trump's Justice Department, among others.

How in the fuck can people be this delusional? They really do think it's them against the world.

What an amazing psychological study this will be, for a LONG TIME.
The clown shitshow in Arizona isn't an audit. It's a spectacle. It's performance theater to fleece the rubes...but an audit it is not.
It's a forensic audit. No wonder Democrats oppose it.
its not...


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