Do Any World Leaders Respect Obama?

I can't think of a single one.

List them here if you've got any.

Our friends don't trust us because we spy on them, insult them, and use false flag shit on them. But hell, we do that to our own citizens, it's part of building a NWO.

And in the 21st century, there are no enemies, just degrees of nastiness toward our friends.

I'm pretty sure the US government feels it's greatest threat are it's own citizenry.

IN such a climate, it would be difficult for any leader to make friends.

Even if Trump were to be elected, unless he has any luck dismantling the Deep State, he won't have much luck making friends either.

When over 3/4 of the intelligence establishment is farmed out to private corporations, which mean, the intelligence work is effectively out of his control, he won't be making any friends any time soon.

Nasty shit will still go on. Unless he can get his mafia friends to put pressure on Congress to cut the funding or bring that work back under the purview and oversight of the public sector, the republic is doomed.

I'm generally for privatizing things, but unless they dissolve all intelligence gathering and get rid of the Patriot Act and the NDAA, that is one thing that needs to be reformed or it is curtains for the Bill of Rights, freedom, democracy, and any friendships we ever hope to have with the rest of the world and it's leaders.
When all that Gladio B shit when on in France and Belgium this year and last year. . . . How do you think our NATO allies responded to Obama?

You can bet it wasn't positive.

I'm sure they probably told him to tell his cronies at the CFR and in the Deep State to take their Project for a New Middle East and stuff it. :lmao:

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