Do a Good Deed Today - Spread the Conservative Word!


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
I'm driving around today, minding my own business and I come upon this broken down car in the fast lane of one of our city's busiest streets. Not a safe place for a broken down car to be. The speed limit on this street is 55 MPH.

Car broken down on Culver.jpg

I instruct the driver to get in and I will push her to a safe spot. She "already tried that."
My reply: "I'm a man. I'm stronger than you." No argument. I had her here in sixty seconds.

Broken Down Car pushed off busy street.jpg

The Triple A truck arrived to tow her car away. She's on the right.
I was wearing my Trump hat and said, "No Biden supporter helped you, did they!" What could she say.
I continued: "Please tell your family and friends that I have been called a 'racist' for decades only because I'm a Republican. But my best man, decades ago, was black. You tell your friends and family that." She promised she would, and extended her hand to shake mine. No way. I wanted a hug and got it.

"It is fun to have fun but you have to know how." - The Cat in the Hat
Every good deed you do, finish it off by saying "No Biden supporter helped you" and you will double your pleasure, double your fun, without even buying Doublemint Gum.

P.S. Ask the Good Lord what you can do today in His Service. What can you do that everyone else is neglecting, or too busy to take care of? Pick up some litter and dispose of it, or nails or screws in the road? Seconds. Report a hazard or problem to the city? Seconds of your time. The more of these things you do, the more you learn and the better you get at improving your neighborhood, your city, your country.
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So, the OP initially did something good, and then turned it into an ugly selfish dead by making it into political propaganda.

Normal decent people would never even think of using opportunities to help as opportunities to preach.
I plan on spreading the conservative word as soon as Obama's latest book hits Walmart. I realized that I could conceal a tube of Super Glue between my fingers and deposit a few drops between pages 325 and 326 of his book, without anyone even noticing.

Imagine you're some liberal idiot who buys his book, reads all the way up to page 324, turns the page, and it goes "Rrrrrip."

There are some other pretty devious things I have planned, but I won't get into them here.

It's gonna be a fun four years. :auiqs.jpg:
I had a package dropped off on my porch the other day, right address, wrong person ... so I called the shipper and they were shocked ... shocked I say ... that I would call to find out how to get the package to the correct person ... took me aback, it didn't occur to me to do anything else ... I find somebody's property on my porch, why wouldn't I return it to them? ...

That's not a good deed ... it's basic citizenship ... it's what we do to live in communities ... does common courtesy now require a trophy? ... these are things we're supposed to do for each other ... helping a damsel in distress? ... did you get her phone number? ...
I plan on spreading the conservative word as soon as Obama's latest book hits Walmart. I realized that I could conceal a tube of Super Glue between my fingers and deposit a few drops between pages 325 and 326 of his book, without anyone even noticing.
Imagine you're some liberal idiot who buys his book, reads all the way up to page 324, turns the page, and it goes "Rrrrrip."
There are some other pretty devious things I have planned, but I won't get into them here.
It's gonna be a fun four years. :auiqs.jpg:

Criminality? ... that might be a Republican value, but most wouldn't think that's a conservative value ... law and order and all that ...
I plan on spreading the conservative word as soon as Obama's latest book hits Walmart. I realized that I could conceal a tube of Super Glue between my fingers and deposit a few drops between pages 325 and 326 of his book, without anyone even noticing.
Imagine you're some liberal idiot who buys his book, reads all the way up to page 324, turns the page, and it goes "Rrrrrip."
There are some other pretty devious things I have planned, but I won't get into them here.
It's gonna be a fun four years. :auiqs.jpg:

Criminality? ... that might be a Republican value, but most wouldn't think that's a conservative value ... law and order and all that ...

Do I give a rat's ass? . If the left can do shit, the right can do shit.

New rules of the game.
After I show a motorist my large-lettered sign "BRAKE LIGHT OUT" I motion for them to roll down their window. Then I say "No Biden supporter helped you!"

They always laugh. Always.

I'm going to print that on the reverse side so I can show them after notifying them of their burned out brake light. Yesterday I told a pickup truck driver all three of his brake lights were burned out.
Molto, molto dangeroso.

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