DNA Tests for I.Q. on the horizon

This is bound to make the liberals very nervous....because it will destroy their false narrative of culture and education or lack there-of being the main determinants of i.q.'s ....not-- heritability. Anyone with any powers of observation, common sense and objectivity have long known how intelligence or lack therof runs in families....not even to mention all the twin studies which also prove it.

What will be the liberals response to this?....first of all they will do all in their power to prevent the schools, employers, the government etc.etc. from giving these tests....unfortunately for them even if their efforts succeed for awhile....the practacality and necessity of these tests will prevail in the long run....and even more it has and will scientifically destroy the liberal narrative regarding i.q. forever. Not good times to be a devotee of liberal fallacies. DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one
Once the test exists, the ability to modify is just around the corner. Then, how much IQ do you go for? Eventually you get to the point where you have an individual with an IQ so high they feel there is no longer a need for normal humans. That's when things get dicey.....

Nah, this doesnt scare liberals, it gets them excited that now they can finally have a Master Race and not be accused of racism for it.

Astonishing how some people NEVER get anything right. Wonder what your IQ is?
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A DNA test for I.Q.? Hmmm!
A lot of people who thought they were geniuses are going to be shocked to learn they aren't even bright.

Frankly, though, I won't believe DNA will reveal or predict intelligence until I see the methodology used.

BINGO!! Way too many variables. Not the least of what mommas and daddy's IQ was. Where momma carried the baby (yeah, there are "dumber" states), what she ate, what she breathed, her stress levels during pregnancy...

I wanna know how you control for those variables to get a meaningful DNA result.
I've known my IQ since high school. (Worked in the office and peeked at my file. Just wanted to know who was smarter, my brother or me.)

Although mine was higher, he excelled in school and career more than I did. It's not so much of what you have as how you use it.

I had a girlfriend who scored 160. She wanted to be a mom and a housewife. She had ZERO intellectual curiosity. I never could determine whether it was societally imposed, imposed by familial expectations, a woman of her times--born in 1949, or mismatch of grey matter and ambition or confidence. She retired not too long ago as a personnel payroll "clerk" at the FED.
Maybe her intellectual curiosity was aimed at motherhood.
As for changing times, they do change but people don't. Women have an innate desire to nurture. Just like in 1949. Lefties don't get that because they ignorantly believe they're above nature.

I repeat, a woman of her times. And times DO change human behavior. And, not ALL women have an innate sense to nurture. The majority DO (though I no longer believe it is the vast majority).

Now for your SCREAMING SEXISM. Intellectual curiosity waxes or wanes depending on whether a woman 'nurtures '?

Are YOU sure you wanna stick with that one?y

Seriously man, you just got a whole lot of shit wrong.
No, you have it wrong. I already grew out of the left’s 1960’s first attempt at trying to indoctrinate people into believing they are beyond nature. Now you need to grow out of the rerun.
Women want to nurture and men hunt and collect. Nothing has changed.
I've known my IQ since high school. (Worked in the office and peeked at my file. Just wanted to know who was smarter, my brother or me.)

Although mine was higher, he excelled in school and career more than I did. It's not so much of what you have as how you use it.

I had a girlfriend who scored 160. She wanted to be a mom and a housewife. She had ZERO intellectual curiosity. I never could determine whether it was societally imposed, imposed by familial expectations, a woman of her times--born in 1949, or mismatch of grey matter and ambition or confidence. She retired not too long ago as a personnel payroll "clerk" at the FED.
Maybe her intellectual curiosity was aimed at motherhood.
As for changing times, they do change but people don't. Women have an innate desire to nurture. Just like in 1949. Lefties don't get that because they ignorantly believe they're above nature.

I repeat, a woman of her times. And times DO change human behavior. And, not ALL women have an innate sense to nurture. The majority DO (though I no longer believe it is the vast majority).

Now for your SCREAMING SEXISM. Intellectual curiosity waxes or wanes depending on whether a woman 'nurtures '?

Are YOU sure you wanna stick with that one?

Seriously man, you just got a whole lot of shit wrong.
No, you have it wrong. I already grew out of the left’s 1960’s first attempt at trying to indoctrinate people into believing they are beyond nature. Now you need to grow out of the rerun.
Women want to nurture and men hunt and collect. Nothing has changed.

Then there are gonna be a whole bunch of miserable women, or "unfulfilled" as you would likely characterize them...

Women grow up learning they must become pregnant, give birth and experience the wonderful joys of motherhood – and if they don't, they can't possibly have lived a complete life.

Lately, however, there's a growing trend toward childlessness. The US Census Bureau reported in 2014, 47.6 percent of women ages 15 to 44 were childless.

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