The Anti-Federalists based their opposition to the Constitution on the historic incapacity of republics to reflect the legislative will of ethnocentrically diverse peoples. for instance, how could one legislative body possibly craft laws that satisfied folks in Massachusetts and South Carolina?
The answer was twofold. First,limit the legislative purview of the umbrella government to powers whose statutes COULD be supported by diverse peoples.
Second, imbue in immigrants and natives alike with the fundamentals of America, E Pluribus Unum under the laws of nature and Nature's God.
The Left knows very well what it is doing. Restrictive laws and regulations must multiply to deal with peoples increasingly at each other’s throats.
Diverse, unassimilated peoples are incapable of functioning under a single republican government; they are suited only for rule by Czars, Emperors, Khans . . . and a soon-to-be all powerful President.