Disturbing trend for Biden to send black immigrants away


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Why is it that the Biden administration receives "brown" immigrants into the US with open arms, but shuns black ones like those from Haiti?

Also note, Biden forbade Cubans immigrants fleeing they oppressive Cuban regime as well, the majority of which were black.

Is this proof positive that Joe Biden is a racist?

Does ne not want little black children he calls "roaches" running round?

Old all people are bred racists. Some are just better at covering it up.
Old all people are bred racists. Some are just better at covering it up.
They aren't immigrants. They are illegal aliens breaking our laws to be here. They should all be bussed back to the border.
They aren't immigrants. They are illegal aliens breaking our laws to be here. They should all be bussed back to the border.
Now see, that is hate speech.

Sure they are illegal, and sure they are immigrants, but the two words should never be joined together.

Or do you want canceled?
Old all people are bred racists. Some are just better at covering it up.

You do realize you're a racist just for saying that don't you? I don't think you know what the word racist actually means.
Old all people are bred racists. Some are just better at covering it up.
If you believe in the socialist state you must live it. To many Progs will get in your face but live the good life more then what they say they believe in. Progs can destroy people with their pushed views. Even if they do not live it the way they promote. The older generation has people who did all of that. An aunt who lived next to us in a row home was as prog as you can get politically. She rarely left the street unless she had to, did not shop at supermarkets as her husband did it, and was a housewife. She was verbally assaultive for Prog views. The home on the other side had younger married renters. And she used the psychological things she learned from Donahue and then Oprah and destroyed three relationships over the years. She lived with many others did in a sensible era of one person being the breadwinner and able to raise a family. She smoked a few packs of cigarettes a day with several large pots of coffee and at the end of the day could order pizza and sandwiches later at night, especially during the warmer months as people stayed up until after midnight on the porch with others pontificating every thing we could do. She ordered clothes from sears to be picked up at the store's back entrance which was popular back then. She was so far out of the loop that her husband hid a buyout from RCA that gave him a low six figure check that was used to move to the suburbs when the first black person moved into the near area. It is who destroys others. She did her share. And I loved her.
This is only the beginning for us and every other wealthy nation. And soon, we are going to have internal refugees from economic decline and climate change. Judging how we did from how we handled the climate change refugees during the First Great Republican Depression, I don't hold out much hope for any of us.

Why is it that the Biden administration receives "brown" immigrants into the US with open arms, but shuns black ones like those from Haiti?

Also note, Biden forbade Cubans immigrants fleeing they oppressive Cuban regime as well, the majority of which were black.

Is this proof positive that Joe Biden is a racist?

Does ne not want little black children he calls "roaches" running round?

They see kunta getting rounded up and brown people getting bus service and food stamps....Not only that What funny about American blacks is they're the biggest star fuckers around
Biden administration they ain't black

I'm telling black people forever white leftist hate them with a passion....cause it's true

Why is it that the Biden administration receives "brown" immigrants into the US with open arms, but shuns black ones like those from Haiti?

Also note, Biden forbade Cubans immigrants fleeing they oppressive Cuban regime as well, the majority of which were black.

Is this proof positive that Joe Biden is a racist?

Does ne not want little black children he calls "roaches" running round?

Joe Biden has always been a racist. Just because Joe seems like a nice old man doesn’t mean he is or that he always was.


Why is it that the Biden administration receives "brown" immigrants into the US with open arms, but shuns black ones like those from Haiti?

Also note, Biden forbade Cubans immigrants fleeing they oppressive Cuban regime as well, the majority of which were black.

Is this proof positive that Joe Biden is a racist?

Does ne not want little black children he calls "roaches" running round?

Most of the Haitian's immigrants don't own property. They are only bringing in those immigrants that were kicked off their property due to the international land grabbing that is going on throughout the world. Like Afghanistan is sitting upon trillions of dollars of minerals.

And once these immigrants become citizens. That they take on the national debt. And whatever property that they owned back in their country. That it will help to pay off the national debt that the debt holders are the international bankers.

Don't think that Biden and his disciples are here to help others. That they are only here to make money.

In 1933, bankruptcy was covertly declared by President Roosevelt. The governors of the then 48 States pledged the "full faith and credit" of their states, including the citizenry, as collateral for loans of credit from the Federal Reserve system. The "Full faith and credit" clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 4. Sec. 1, requires that foreign judgment be given such faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of it's origin. That foreign statutes are to have force and effect to which they are entitled in home state. And that a judgment or record shall have the same faith, credit, conclusive effect, and obligatory force in other states as it has by law or usage in the state from whence taken. Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Ed. cites omitted.

Today the federal government "mandates, orders and compels" the states to enforce federal jurisdiction upon it's citizens/subjects. This author believes the federal government draws it's de facto jurisdiction for these actions from the "Doctrine of Parens Patriae." Parens Patriae means literally, "parent of the country." It refers traditionally to the role of STATE as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability. Parens Patriae originates from the English common law where the King had a royal prerogative to act as guardian to persons with legal disabilities such as infants.

With the birth registration established, the federal government, under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, had the mechanism to take over all the assets of the American people and put them into debt into perpetuity. Under this doctrine, if one is born with a disability, the state, (the sovereign) has the responsibility to take care of you. This author believes that the disability you are born with is, in fact, the birth itself.



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