Biden Tells Cubans Stay Away, Keeps Borders Open for Likely Dem Voting Illegals

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Likely repub voting Cuban exiles are told to stay home, despite violent unrest in Cuba.

Meanwhile our Southern border continues to see thousands of illegals pour into America, virtually unchecked
by the very same Biden administration officials, like Alejandro Mayorcas.

"Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced heavy blowback for declaring Tuesday that those fleeing violence in Cuba or Haiti by sea would not be allowed into the U.S. -- and would either be returned or referred to a third country.

"The time is never right to attempt migration by sea," Mayorkas said at a news conference on Tuesday. "Allow me to be clear: If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States."

Social media critics erupted Wednesday, leveling strong accusations against the Biden administration for closing the doors to Cubans and Haitians fleeing violent political uprisings in their country while maintaining exceptionally lax immigration restrictions at the US-Mexico border."

But the time IS right to make the long dangerous journey from Central America to our Southern border
surrounded by human trafficking gangs by your side? And a river to cross that kills many attempting to swim over?

The message from the Biden regime is clear: If you vote for democrats, come on in.
If you are a likely republican voter, stay home no matter what happens there.
We don't want you and don't care about you.

I like how Democrats shut the border down for Cubans but leave it open for the rest of the world.
Cubans have proven to be strong republican supporters. Biden will not allow them to
enter the country.
The best conservatives are those who have fled democrats/communist.

The best democrats are those who think they can get free stuff because of their skin color.
Wait until the dems realize that the folks coming across the border are not progressives.....they are against abortion and not in favor of cross genders...and have a real hatred for socialism and communism...they are closer to Cuban's than they are to AOC.....
I thought your opposition parties had some power? Who in the GOP is making this a federal issue and bringing it up?

Cubans fleeing communism are probably on the whole far more ambitious and motivated to succeed simply because they have faced real oppression. Are you guys going to welcome more low-skilled labourers, many who can't speak English and which are being replaced by robots over talented, ambitious Cubans fleeing real oppression?
Likely repub voting Cuban exiles are told to stay home, despite violent unrest in Cuba.

Meanwhile our Southern border continues to see thousands of illegals pour into America, virtually unchecked
by the very same Biden administration officials, like Alejandro Mayorcas.

"Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced heavy blowback for declaring Tuesday that those fleeing violence in Cuba or Haiti by sea would not be allowed into the U.S. -- and would either be returned or referred to a third country.

"The time is never right to attempt migration by sea," Mayorkas said at a news conference on Tuesday. "Allow me to be clear: If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States."

Social media critics erupted Wednesday, leveling strong accusations against the Biden administration for closing the doors to Cubans and Haitians fleeing violent political uprisings in their country while maintaining exceptionally lax immigration restrictions at the US-Mexico border."

But the time IS right to make the long dangerous journey from Central America to our Southern border
surrounded by human trafficking gangs by your side? And a river to cross that kills many attempting to swim over?

The message from the Biden regime is clear: If you vote for democrats, come on in.
If you are a likely republican voter, stay home no matter what happens there.
We don't want you and don't care about you.

While the Bai Dung administration allows this illegal immgration to crises points, they are creating a Fentanyl poisoning crisis in America. Since Jan 21st 2021 the amonts of Fentanyl and other illicit dugs smuggled into America has increased by 233% in seizures t the border. Imagine how much more has been able to be successfully smuggled.
Joey Xi has done nothing to stem the illegal entry of Drugs into America... One has to wonder what his 10% cut amonts too.
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Did the border crossing ever stop?
Is this your clever way of insinuating there is no difference between Trump and Biden border policy?

By the way, an assist from Time magazine is extremely lame and suspect. Did you know that?

No. It's my clever way of asking if border crossing ever stopped.

A blanket criticism of a source is a white flag.
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Our worthless Media hypes SKYROCKETING COVID CASES :aargh: but ignores Fentanyl overdoses and deaths. Fentanyl is killing our young people at rates we have never seen.

Why are people turning to fentanyl, an extremely powerful synthetic opium? Because the Government is squeezing pain management doctors to stop prescribing opium based pain killers to people in pain like Vicodin. forcing expensive visits and even thc tests which if you don't pass, no pain relief (at least in Texas). Self caused misery.
Likely repub voting Cuban exiles are told to stay home, despite violent unrest in Cuba.

Meanwhile our Southern border continues to see thousands of illegals pour into America, virtually unchecked
by the very same Biden administration officials, like Alejandro Mayorcas.

"Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced heavy blowback for declaring Tuesday that those fleeing violence in Cuba or Haiti by sea would not be allowed into the U.S. -- and would either be returned or referred to a third country.

"The time is never right to attempt migration by sea," Mayorkas said at a news conference on Tuesday. "Allow me to be clear: If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States."

Social media critics erupted Wednesday, leveling strong accusations against the Biden administration for closing the doors to Cubans and Haitians fleeing violent political uprisings in their country while maintaining exceptionally lax immigration restrictions at the US-Mexico border."

But the time IS right to make the long dangerous journey from Central America to our Southern border
surrounded by human trafficking gangs by your side? And a river to cross that kills many attempting to swim over?

The message from the Biden regime is clear: If you vote for democrats, come on in.
If you are a likely republican voter, stay home no matter what happens there.
We don't want you and don't care about you.

Let it sink in - Biden would rather have Cuban refugees tortured to death by the communist regime they are trying to escape, than risk the possibility they may vote against his party at some point in the future.

It may be the sickest thing that's ever happened in American politics.
No. It's my clever way of asking if border crossing ever stopped.

A blanket criticism of a source is a white flag.
Not so clever with a border line of a 1,954 miles (give or take) no one could ever completely stop illegal crossings absent National Guards troops stationed every hundred yards or so.

Is there some doubt that the Biden gang has increased illegal crossings greatly?
Have in fact border crossings in Texas stopped?

Nope! Not at all. Crisis along Texas’ border with Mexico not slowing, numbers continue rising

Don't listen to the liars in the Biden regime. Watch and see what they do.
"Biden's DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas PROVES his goal is to open the borders to illegal immigrants who are likely to vote Democrat, while slamming the door on anti-communist Cuban refugees who are likely to be future Republicans," Dinesh D'souza wrote Wednesday.
nothing could be further from the truth.

Basically, the Biden Administration is telling Latinos to stay in their shit hole countries. Let’s be clear: they are shit hole countries because of how they are run. When your policies yield mass poverty, corruption, violence, and no economic opportunity, you have transformed your country into a shit hole.
Watch for a a new version of the The Mariel boatlift
As Cubans prefer fleeing than fighting

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