Disturbing Footage Shows White Men Trying To Kick Black Teens Out Of Resort Pool, Man Seen Strangling Child

Blacks owned slaves in higher percentages than whites did. Go after them.

When the early Portuguese and Spanish explorers started arriving at the coast of central Africa, the tribes there began selling them slaves they had captured in wars with other tribes. The Blacks were keeping slaves among each other! They were perfectly good with it raking in the bucks until the Europeans started just taking anyone, including THEM.

Slavery is as common and as old as civilization itself. The part Blacks don't like is that slavery happens anywhere and anytime an overpowering force meets an inferior one-- -- when they were the superior force before Europeans arrived, they were just fine with slavery themselves being on the superior side!

And had they been the explorers landing on the shores of Europe, they would have been equally ruthless in capturing slaves; and you can see the proof of that everytime blacks here win a little more freedom--- the first thing they look to do is weaponize it to use against others rather than act like free men.
1.8% of whites owned slaves. 13.6% of blacks did.
Got a link for those percentages? Admitting that the White population of the US in 1860 was around 27m...and the Black population, overwhelmingly was around 4.5m--thus you're contending that around 500,000 Blacks owned slaves, which is ludicrous--I imagine that you are using the entirety of the history of the US as your base? I would point out that this census is just a snapshot...and that if you extend the timeline back..the number still don't even begin to work. Louisiana provided the greatest number of black slaveowners..as New Orleans was one of the few cities that had a semblance of a Black Professional and Plantation class..oh yeah..and most of those were mostly white..with a touch of Black in the past.

But yeah..some Blacks owned slaves...as did a lot of Cherokee and other tribes. Some interesting factoids in the link:

In 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.
Approximately true, according to historian R. Halliburton Jr.
There were approximately 319,599 free blacks in the United States in 1830. Approximately 13.7 per cent of the total black population was free. A significant number of these free blacks were the owners of slaves. The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.

I note with amusement the similarity between the percentage of Free Black people in 1830--and your number claiming the 13.7% of Blacks owned slaves. A quick look says the 319,599 free blacks had an ownership percentage of a bit more than 3%--of 13.6% of the Total.

Do the math~

BTW while I was crawling around checking my numbers, I came upon a veritable plethora of spurious pseudo- 'Proofs' of this and that, racist websites!
Nasty. Not all that bright either..although, judging by their audience and demographic, I doubt that many subject them to any rational reasoning..as to some of the claims. It's seems that there are people whose only desire is the blend fact and fiction..massage every fact and use it to reflect yet more bullshit. Truly we live in exciting times eh, the culmination of 5,000 years of advancement..to justify one's miserable existence..spewing old hate in new packages.

Historical revision is a bad habit that the Internet encourages~
Blacks owned slaves too.
Are you talking about the Black people who purchased family members to get them away from slaveowners and overseers who would abuse and exploit them, including whipping them, raping them and fathering children with the female slaves, including young girls, in order to increase their profits by increasing their holdings?

That's not the same type of chattel slavery enforced against people of African descent that the United States set up and engaged in for more than two a centuries by racist whites:

How long did slavery officially last in the United States?​
August 1619 — July 1860

Within several decades of being brought to the American colonies, Africans were stripped of human rights and enslaved as chattel, an enslavement that lasted more than two centuries.
Slavery in America - Timeline - Jim Crow Museum

You have no room for calling anyone a dummy.

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