Distilled water.

What's wrong with drinking distilled water???

If you drink only distilled water, you die.
You need the minerals of spring water.
Your blood is very similar to the ocean, and if you drink distilled water, you will quickly have shortages of sodium, potassium, and other soluble ions.
Potassium is used by your body's nerves.
That is how your heartbeat signal is sent.
Tap water has little or no potassium, thus the electrolytes in tap water are not balanced. Excess minerals are removed through your urine regardless of the kind of water you drink. Also, inorganic minerals found in most tap water cannot be used by the body. These minerals are excreted in your urine. Food is the best source of these minerals as they are organic.

It does not matter if spring water minerals are not balanced.
What you do not need is just passed through.
But your body will take what it does need from spring water.
If you instead drink distilled water, it will remove the essential minerals from your body and you will DIE!!!!!!!
Irrelevant to the statement on purity besides that the rain still falls through particulate matter after it starts falling
If you wait for few minutes before collecting it all the impurities will have been washed away. This is not true of ground water.
If you instead drink distilled water, it will remove the essential minerals from your body and you will DIE!!!!!!!
I'm 82 and have been drinking distilled water exclusively for 48 years. When is death from it supposed to occur? (I'm very healthy by the way.)

Inorganic minerals are found in arterial plaque. These minerals come mainly from ground water (the plaque comes from poor digestion).

The amount of electrolytes in spring or ground water is insignificant. We get more than enough from our food.
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If you instead drink distilled water, it will remove the essential minerals from your body and you will DIE!!!!!!!
That's your body casting off unneeded or faulty minerals.
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I have a deep private well with the best drinking water I have ever had. Ice cold right out of the tap.
I can't drink city water.
I can taste treated water.

Huge pass on the distilled water.

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