Disney Commanders in Chief prepare to vote Trump out of the Hall of Presidents


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
"He's embarrassing" says Zachary Taylor. "Brings all of us into disrepute," adds Warren Harding.

You almost gotta laugh that Disney which is affiliated with serial sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein has the fantasy balls to threaten the President.
They didn't make him fat enoujgh or give him enough of that piece of shit smell for the onlookers. And standing behind him should be the CEO of every large company in the country with him shoveling money into their pockets.

What a disgrace to the country this orange turd is.
They didn't make him fat enoujgh or give him enough of that piece of shit smell for the onlookers. And standing behind him should be the CEO of every large company in the country with him shoveling money into their pockets.

What a disgrace to the country this orange turd is.

You may be an idiot, but he's still your President. LOL

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