Zone1 Disney character says “slaves built this country,”

They didnt "build" them. They did manual labor.
Precisely. They provided the unskilled labor. Educated architects and engineers and management designed and oversaw the design and development. Without them, none of those things would have been built.
:abgg2q.jpg: Slavery was about lots of things, mainly it was about the South wanting the new states (Missouri, Kansas) to be slave states. The South wanted more slave states, and the North didn't. The South did NOT want slavery to end---the system of slavery made lots of millionaires. That's why they fought to keep it.
It was about political power as well. Up until the late 1850s the slave states dominated the country. Eleven of the first seventeen presidents were residents of southern states. Eighteen of the first thirty-six Speakers of the House were from slave states. The slave states used the three fifths of each slave that was counted in the census to dominate American politics.
The problem I have with “Slaves built this country!” is that it is an oversimplification.

Were slaves a factor? Of course. But saying slaves built this country is not the whole truth.

It’s not necessary to oversimplify, embellish, exaggerate or lie to point out that slavery was wrong. Everyone already knows this.
They might have built much of the South but I doubt they built the North And the West. The Irish, the Italians the Chinese and other immigrants did that.

Liberals are trying to rewrite history.

They might have built much of the South but I doubt they built the North And the West. The Irish, the Italians the Chinese and other immigrants did that.

Liberals are trying to rewrite history.

Rewriting history is straight out of Orwell.

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