Disney+ Cartoon Demands Reparations And More With ‘Slaves Built This Country’ Song


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Yeah, I know we're perpetually bombarded by this fucking communist slime day in and day out - but this one in particular did capture my attention.

I mean, WTF!??!?!

The only silver lining I can see in any of this is that the craven Leftist movement is clearly devolving into acute desperation.

It's so in your face, it's so inescapable that the entire modus operandi is to indoctrinate your kids - even the most head in the sand Normie can't deny it.

If only they see it.
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Yeah, I know we're perpetually bombarded by this fucking communist slime day in and day out - but this one in particular did capture my attention.

I mean, WTF!??!?!

The only silver lining I can see in any of this is that the craven Leftist movement is clearly devolving into acute desperation.

It's so in your face, it's so inescapable that the entire modus operandi is to indoctrinate your kids - even the most head in the sand Normie can't ignore it.

If only they see it.

Sounds like a great plan, how about we start with divesting Disneyland and Disney World.
Show me one slave alive today and I'll say give them some money. Aside from that all the other nwords can f off.

Want money? Go get a job. You're free to go get a job when you're not a slave which no blacks today are. They are just lazy asses wanting a handout for shit that happened a long long long time ago.

And Disney is a pile of dog shit.
Yeah, I know we're perpetually bombarded by this fucking communist slime day in and day out - but this one in particular did capture my attention.

I mean, WTF!??!?!

The only silver lining I can see in any of this is that the craven Leftist movement is clearly devolving into acute desperation.

It's so in your face, it's so inescapable that the entire modus operandi is to indoctrinate your kids - even the most head in the sand Normie can't deny it.

If only they see it.

I saw the commercials for this while watching the Pro Bowl, and automatically I could see that it looked like they want to perpetuate black stereotypes. Stereotypes that blacks are loudmouthed assholes.

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