Disgusting Biden DHS Secretary Lies to Senate and Blames Trump for Surge in Migrant Children at Border — Sen. Ron Johnson SHREDS HIM with Facts


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Disgusting Biden DHS Secretary Lies to Senate and Blames Trump for Surge in Migrant Children at Border​


Sen. Ron Johnson SHREDS HIM with Facts​

13 May 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas went before the US Senate on Wednesday and lied through his teeth.
In the past there used to be consequences for lying to the US Senate, but not anymore. Not if you’re a Democrat.

Here is a better look at the chart. Notice the surge after Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Why do they continue to lie about this?

Baghdad Bob Mayorkas perjurers himself before Congress.... Who would have thunk it?
Meanwhile the Quisling Media attempts to cover for the Xiden administration.
Really, it's ridiculous... Why is any politician in Congress even addressing these liars anymore?
We have no one appointed in the DOJ that will do anything to enforce the law especially when it comes to Democrats like Mayorkas, Kerry, Clinton, Brennan, Comey et al, lying to Congress.
He pushes every blue button and checks off all the blue boxes. He is one of the stealth career bureaucrats
who form a fifth column and who are far too far left to insinuate into the fabric of the government as a republican so he worked his way through the intestines of government under Clinton and Bush and then
Obama before Biden sprang this parasite on the US people where his goal is to fill the nation with as
many illegals as humanly possible.

People with no allegiance to this nation whose only goal is to take this country for as much as they can.
Baghdad Bob Mayorkas perjurers himself before Congress.... Who would have thunk it?
Meanwhile the Quisling Media attempts to cover for the Xiden administration.
Really, it's ridiculous... Why is any politician in Congress even addressing these liars anymore?
We have no one appointed in the DOJ that will do anything to enforce the law especially when it comes to Democrats like Mayorkas, Kerry, Clinton, Brennan, Comey et al, lying to Congress.
Yeah, what are we going to do about it?

I am the only person suggesting that the checks and balances do not work, and that we need to reorder the Constitution; and that that will advance to a reliable system of checks and balances.

Nobody wants to help me. Everybody believes in a vast bipartisan conspiracy of acquiescence to violate the Constitution, and nobody has any ideas as to how to enforce the almighty United States Constitution.
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Yeah, what are we going to do about it?
Once your home has been infested with lice all you can do is expose as many of the vermin as possible
and exterminate them while you have an eye out for others like, Colonel Vindman from the Pentagon (another foreign born louse undermining the country from the inside out).
Once your home has been infested with lice all you can do is expose as many of the vermin as possible
and exterminate them while you have an eye out for others like, Colonel Vindman from the Pentagon (another foreign born louse undermining the country from the inside out).
Whatever that's supposed to mean - you go for it!

He would not do what he is doing if he knew he could not get away with it. Nothing is going to happen to him, or anyone else on your list, or whatever it is.
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Disgusting Biden DHS Secretary Lies to Senate and Blames Trump for Surge in Migrant Children at Border​


Sen. Ron Johnson SHREDS HIM with Facts​

13 May 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas went before the US Senate on Wednesday and lied through his teeth.
In the past there used to be consequences for lying to the US Senate, but not anymore. Not if you’re a Democrat.

Here is a better look at the chart. Notice the surge after Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Why do they continue to lie about this?

Baghdad Bob Mayorkas perjurers himself before Congress.... Who would have thunk it?
Meanwhile the Quisling Media attempts to cover for the Xiden administration.
Really, it's ridiculous... Why is any politician in Congress even addressing these liars anymore?
We have no one appointed in the DOJ that will do anything to enforce the law especially when it comes to Democrats like Mayorkas, Kerry, Clinton, Brennan, Comey et al, lying to Congress.

They'll be blaming Trump for everything for the next decade
Baghdad Bob Mayorkas perjurers himself before Congress.... Who would have thunk it?
Meanwhile the Quisling Media attempts to cover for the Xiden administration.
Really, it's ridiculous... Why is any politician in Congress even addressing these liars anymore?
We have no one appointed in the DOJ that will do anything to enforce the law especially when it comes to Democrats like Mayorkas, Kerry, Clinton, Brennan, Comey et al, lying to Congress.
Yeah, what are we going to do about it?

I am the only person suggesting that the checks and balances do not work, and that we need to reorder the Constitution; and that that will advance to a reliable system of checks and balances.

Nobody wants to help me. Everybody believes in a vast bipartisan conspiracy of acquiescence to violate the Constitution, and nobody has any ideas as to how to enforce the almighty United States Constitution.
The checks and balances don't work because they're being ignored with impunity.

What makes you naieve to believe that any mythical, pie-in-the-sky, hairy-fairy rewrite that you can dream up will be followed any better?
We have no one appointed in the DOJ that will do anything to enforce the law
Yeah, what are we going to do about it? I am the only person suggesting that the checks and balances do not work, and that we need to reorder the Constitution; and that that will advance to a reliable system of checks and balances. Nobody wants to help me. Everybody believes in a vast bipartisan conspiracy of acquiescence to violate the Constitution, and nobody has any ideas as to how to enforce the almighty United States Constitution.
The checks and balances don't work because they're being ignored with impunity.
That's the vast bipartisan conspiracy of acquiescence. You believe in that theory. I do not. I believe the politicians are in a "hamster cage," or something - the proverbial "box."
What makes you naieve to believe that any mythical, pie-in-the-sky, hairy-fairy rewrite that you can dream up will be followed any better?
You are stuck in the erroneous three-part separation, which does not have a balance of power, nor a sophisticated checks on power.

Notice what Doc wrote:
Baghdad Bob Mayorkas perjurers himself before Congress.... Who would have thunk it?
Meanwhile the Quisling Media attempts to cover for the Xiden administration.
Really, it's ridiculous... Why is any politician in Congress even addressing these liars anymore?
We have no one appointed in the DOJ that will do anything to enforce the law especially when it comes to Democrats like Mayorkas, Kerry, Clinton, Brennan, Comey et al, lying to Congress.
This is the most significant area lacking separation, the Department of Justice, and it is because no one can figure out how to actually make it a separate entity; because the only way to do so will require a complete reordering of the three-level chartering system, which subsequently provides for the more sophisticated system of checks on power.

The Department of Justice cannot be separated by amendment, because the separation of entities and checks on power are "hard-wired" to the order of the articles of the constitution.

Do you know when the Department of justice was established - do you understand why it took so long to establish it???

If the brilliant founders had known that there was a need for a Department of Justice; maybe they could have implimented the separation, but I doubt it.
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He's not an idiot - he's getting paid to dazzle everyone.
He ain't too dazzling, he needs to be replaced by someone who is up to the job.
He won't be replaced. He is dutifully serving the greatest president in the history of the United States since Barack Obama He is making these false arguments in the Senate committee that should be authorized to impeach him, but that is not going to happen. You can tell by the senators' comments - they just "can't believe" he's making the argument that he is making. They are not threatening to impeach him.

OddBalls' is suggesting that they are inclined to disregarding their duty to enforce the checks and balances.

We went through this during the Obama Administration - remember??? Remember the IRS targeting conservative groups? Remember Fast and Furious gun sales? Remember Hillary Clinton's Banghazi hearings? President Obama left with absolutely no scandals - the greatest presidency in the history of the United States!

But you think this guy has been caught and is going to be replaced by someone who is "up to the job." Why was this guy confirmed by this committee if he was not up to the job?

I'm a homeless drug-addicted alcoholic, and I have a better memory than you.
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Disgusting Biden DHS Secretary Lies to Senate and Blames Trump for Surge in Migrant Children at Border​


Sen. Ron Johnson SHREDS HIM with Facts​

13 May 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas went before the US Senate on Wednesday and lied through his teeth.
In the past there used to be consequences for lying to the US Senate, but not anymore. Not if you’re a Democrat.

Here is a better look at the chart. Notice the surge after Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Why do they continue to lie about this?

Baghdad Bob Mayorkas perjurers himself before Congress.... Who would have thunk it?
Meanwhile the Quisling Media attempts to cover for the Xiden administration.
Really, it's ridiculous... Why is any politician in Congress even addressing these liars anymore?
We have no one appointed in the DOJ that will do anything to enforce the law especially when it comes to Democrats like Mayorkas, Kerry, Clinton, Brennan, Comey et al, lying to Congress.

Sen. Johnson is a kooks kook. He's a QAnon kook and that is really out of touch with reality.

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