Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Guess he didn't want to hear "your fired" lol...




Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
NBC 2hrs ago

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper delivered some reassurance Thursday to Americans worried about the Trump transition — along with his resignation.

"I know a lot of people have been feeling uncertain about what will happen with this Presidential transition," Clapper said. "There has been a lot of catastrophizing, if I can use that term, in the 24-hour news cycle and social media. So, I'm here with a message: It will be okay."

The exit of Clapper, who submitted his resignation Wednesday evening, is not a surprise.


Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
Guess he didn't want to hear "your fired" lol...




Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
NBC 2hrs ago

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper delivered some reassurance Thursday to Americans worried about the Trump transition — along with his resignation.

"I know a lot of people have been feeling uncertain about what will happen with this Presidential transition," Clapper said. "There has been a lot of catastrophizing, if I can use that term, in the 24-hour news cycle and social media. So, I'm here with a message: It will be okay."

The exit of Clapper, who submitted his resignation Wednesday evening, is not a surprise.


Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
Good for him, I like that word "catastrophizing" and I hope he's right--it will be okay. Maybe he knows something we don't, him being in intelligence ?
Waiting on Lynch, Comey and a few others to call it quits.
As political appointees they all have to leave unless they get Trump to appoint them.
Comey got a 10 year appointment in 2013. The President can fire him, if he wants, but do they all HAVE to be changed? Why would Trump fire a Republican who helped Clinton lose?

Because he did what he did originally, Comey has no respect and Trump needs to start anew. Comey is tainted
Waiting on Lynch, Comey and a few others to call it quits.
As political appointees they all have to leave unless they get Trump to appoint them.
Comey got a 10 year appointment in 2013. The President can fire him, if he wants, but do they all HAVE to be changed? Why would Trump fire a Republican who helped Clinton lose?
If Comey did his job the first go around he wouldn't have had to save face the second time. Fire his lying clinton paid ass.
Waiting on Lynch, Comey and a few others to call it quits.
As political appointees they all have to leave unless they get Trump to appoint them.
Comey got a 10 year appointment in 2013. The President can fire him, if he wants, but do they all HAVE to be changed? Why would Trump fire a Republican who helped Clinton lose?
Political appointees serve at the pleasure of the president. It is expected that all appointees will resign when there is a new president. A new president would have to make a new appointment.
Not sure if Clapper was one of the ones who also believed there was yellow cake in Iraq?

I am surprised that BHO was such a fan of his. He worked for "W" from 2001 to 2006.

Clapper does not need the job, he has USAF retirement as a lt.-gen.
Clapper is a joke and a political liar, I wouldn't let him be a dog catcher...
'Trust Me' Doesn’t Cut it on Russian Hacking
This one-sided report smells like a political hatchet job.
January 9, 2017
Kenneth R. Timmerman

Here’s the real problem with the joint intelligence report on alleged Russian hacking: without the classified details, we ordinary citizens are supposed to take the breathless allegations, presented as “high confidence” intelligence judgments, on faith.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan are crossing their fingers and saying, “Trust us.”

Since both are political appointees – Brennan in particular came directly out of the Obama White House, where he is believed to have orchestrated secret arms smuggling through Libya to Syrian rebels that led directly to the Benghazi disaster – excuse me if I remain skeptical.

Has Russia been engaged in sophisticated disinformation operations in the United States? Well, duh. That’s been going on for decades. During the Cold War, as General Clapper reminded the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday, we had a separate United States Information Agency (USIA) at the State Department to combat Soviet intelligence desinformatziya and, to a lesser degree, maskirovka.

The USIA regularly issued bulletins on Soviet deception operations, and traced how they were laundered through predominantly Third World media (India was a big favorite in the 1980s) until they made it into the United States, generally as part of left-wing conspiracy outlets.

A few examples were fabricated stories that the CIA had invented AIDS, or that Korean Air Lines Flight 007, which was shot down by Soviet fighters in 1983, had been flying a covert U.S. intelligence mission. The KGB also planted forged documents to smear American politicians and then “leaked” them to (usually) unwitting journalists.

But that’s not what happened here. If we are to believe the unclassified Russian hacking report, released on Friday, Russian intelligence agents hacked into the DNC and into the Hillary Clinton campaign servers and then turned over emails it exfiltrated to and to Wikileaks.

“Moscow most likely chose WikiLeaks because of its self- proclaimed reputation for authenticity. Disclosures through WikiLeaks did not contain any evident forgeries,” the report stated.

Note that statement: the Russians didn’t spread obvious falsehoods or sophisticated disinformation. They disseminated the truth – stolen documents, yes. But true.

That is one reason why many Americans are having a hard time getting steamed at the Russians for exploiting the stupidity of John Podesta, who responded to a spearphishing attack by emailing his password, which was the word “password.”

Dumber than that, you die… of ridicule.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus told FoxNews that the RNC reported similar attempts to penetrate its email to the FBI, and was never successfully penetrated. Why? Because they already had common sense security protocols in place.

Nations spy on each other. Democrat operatives need to get over it – or perhaps, just set aside the roach and revive their collective memories. After all, it was just two years ago that President Obama sent his 2012 campaign field director, Jeremy Bird, and four other political operatives to Israel, with orders to help defeat Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in his March 2015 re-election effort.

That was direct, overt, U.S. government interference in the election of a U.S. ally. But because it was Obama and Netanyahu, Democrats just didn’t get steamed.


'Trust Me' Doesn’t Cut it on Russian Hacking
Comey got a 10 year appointment in 2013. The President can fire him, if he wants, but do they all HAVE to be changed? Why would Trump fire a Republican who helped Clinton lose?

FBI Director hedged his bet and failed on the email call... At that time he was paying way to much attention to the polls... Bill promised Lynch her job and lynch promised comey cover all on the premise Bill's wife was going to be POTUS because she was popular... Popularity got them all retirement... Comey should pack his bags...
Clapper is a fucking lair, he's been caught several times...
Russia-Trump Campaign Collusion Narrative Disintegrating
Former National Intelligence Director reaffirms no evidence for Dems' wild conspiracy theory.
March 7, 2017
Joseph Klein

In his “Meet the Press” interview on Sunday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper reaffirmed the conclusion reached in a report regarding Russian influence on the presidential election, prepared during his watch by the intelligence services and the FBI. They concluded that there was no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump or his campaign and the Russian government to influence the presidential election in President Trump’s favor. Mr. Clapper said: “We did not include any evidence in our report, and I say, ‘our,’ that's N.S.A., F.B.I. and C.I.A., with my office, the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report.”

While he could not speak as to any evidence that might have emerged since he left office, Mr. Clapper said that at the time of the report's preparation in which he participated, “we had no evidence of such collusion.”

Without hard evidence of such collusion, there is no real scandal engulfing the Trump White House capable of bringing down President Trump. But that does not stop congressional Democrats, their leftist base and their friends in the mainstream media from trying to conjure up a phony scandal of alleged collusion. They replace proof and real facts with rumors, unsourced innuendos, and conspiracy theories based on guilt by association.

The New York Times precipitated the unfounded rumors of collusion in an article appearing on February 14th. The article claimed that, according to four unnamed current and former American officials, phone records and intercepted calls show that “members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election.” Even though the article confirmed that, so far, the officials providing the reporters the information on which they based their article had seen no evidence of collusion, the officials were alarmed by the sheer volume of contacts “occurring while Mr. Trump was speaking glowingly about the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin.”

The mere existence of contacts does not prove wrongful intent. Without more, it is merely an exercise in guilt by association. The New York Times article admitted the absence of certain relevant information, such as “to what extent the contacts might have been about business,” “whether the conversations had anything to do with Mr. Trump himself,” “what was discussed on the calls, the identity of the Russian intelligence officials who participated, and how many of Mr. Trump’s advisers were talking to the Russians.” Moreover, there was nothing in the article to indicate a sudden significant uptick in contacts between Russian officials and individuals involved in the Trump campaign last year versus previous years when Mr. Trump was not a candidate.


If the meetings and contacts involving Russian officials and Trump campaign surrogates such as Attorney General Sessions were designed to result in some sort of outcome beneficial to both sides, there is little evidence so far that the Russians got what they supposedly bargained for. On the Ukraine and Syria, for example, senior Trump administration officials have taken as hard a line against Russia as their predecessors in the Obama administration.

Democrats and their friends in the media are throwing whatever they can against the wall and hope something will stick. So far, nothing has. It’s all smoke and no fire. But no doubt they will keep trying until the cows come home.

Russia-Trump Campaign Collusion Narrative Disintegrating
Guess he didn't want to hear "your fired" lol...




Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
NBC 2hrs ago

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper delivered some reassurance Thursday to Americans worried about the Trump transition — along with his resignation.

"I know a lot of people have been feeling uncertain about what will happen with this Presidential transition," Clapper said. "There has been a lot of catastrophizing, if I can use that term, in the 24-hour news cycle and social media. So, I'm here with a message: It will be okay."

The exit of Clapper, who submitted his resignation Wednesday evening, is not a surprise.


Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
It's most likely that Clapper felt his 6 years on duty at The White House was enough.

It's also possible that he thinks DJT is such a flaming moron that he does not want to deal with him.

It's also quite likely that he did not like DJT's TV show.

Who knows ?!

Normally when a new POTUS comes in the old high level staff leave.

Does that make sense to you?

It makes sense to me.
Guess he didn't want to hear "your fired" lol...




Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
NBC 2hrs ago

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper delivered some reassurance Thursday to Americans worried about the Trump transition — along with his resignation.

"I know a lot of people have been feeling uncertain about what will happen with this Presidential transition," Clapper said. "There has been a lot of catastrophizing, if I can use that term, in the 24-hour news cycle and social media. So, I'm here with a message: It will be okay."

The exit of Clapper, who submitted his resignation Wednesday evening, is not a surprise.


Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
It's most likely that Clapper felt his 6 years on duty at The White House was enough.

It's also possible that he thinks DJT is such a flaming moron that he does not want to deal with him.

It's also quite likely that he did not like DJT's TV show.

Who knows ?!

Normally when a new POTUS comes in the old high level staff leave.

Does that make sense to you?

It makes sense to me.

Or he knew Trump was going to fire him. He's a lying scumbag.
Guess he didn't want to hear "your fired" lol...




Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
NBC 2hrs ago

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper delivered some reassurance Thursday to Americans worried about the Trump transition — along with his resignation.

"I know a lot of people have been feeling uncertain about what will happen with this Presidential transition," Clapper said. "There has been a lot of catastrophizing, if I can use that term, in the 24-hour news cycle and social media. So, I'm here with a message: It will be okay."

The exit of Clapper, who submitted his resignation Wednesday evening, is not a surprise.


Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Resigns
It's most likely that Clapper felt his 6 years on duty at The White House was enough.

It's also possible that he thinks DJT is such a flaming moron that he does not want to deal with him.

It's also quite likely that he did not like DJT's TV show.

Who knows ?!

Normally when a new POTUS comes in the old high level staff leave.

Does that make sense to you?

It makes sense to me.

Or he knew Trump was going to fire him. He's a lying scumbag.
That's the kind of observation and comment that a middle schooler would make.

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