Difficult to overstate the miserable state that Obama and Biden left this country in

Former Vice President Joe Biden's handlers, they let him out of his private airplane yesterday to do a rare campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I suffered through most of it so that you wouldn't have to, and I really have to tell you how shocking it is. It’s literally like being transported back to the year 1999. The rhetoric and policy proposals are exactly the same; the only difference is he says something along the lines of how this election is, quote "a battle for the soul of this nation."

The rally just completely lacked the self-awareness and the reflection for any person who wants to hold the oval office in the year 2020. Biden remarked on terrible things in American life, as if he has had no role whatsoever in crafting the policies that lead to these terrible things in the first place. Take this lamentation on the state of the middle class.

Further on, he says quote, "I'm determined to give the middle class a real shot in this country. If we ever lose that, we begin to lose the soul of the country. It’s about who we are."

I mean, who wants to tell him folks?

How exactly did the middle class get into trouble? It is absolutely stunning that one of the politicians most responsible for our current plight has the gall to express concern for those he took a direct role in hurting. Biden is, of course, behind the 2005 effort to strip bankruptcy protections for millions of Americans. Protections they probably could have used when the bottom fell out of the economy in 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


Barney Frank and ,at the time. HUD SEC. Andy Cuomo, with others sabotaged the housing in America. It was by design.
The left does so many horrible things and sleeps just fine at night. Look at the child abuse because Obama celebrated transgenderism. The hollowing of our military. Law enforcement as targets and disengaging from protecting the cities. Hundreds of thousands of Central American kids dispersed around the country. Drug epidemic. Open borders. Look at California.
Sorry to hear you did so poorly in the 8 years of Former President Obama's Administration. Most of the country did very well.......
Look at how powerful talk radio and Trumpism are. They don't even know to bring up (or even understand) what Obama inherited.

It's funny, but it's not funny. Their capacity to engage in critical thinking has been completely erased. They literally just don't know.

I don't see how something like this gets fixed. They're existing on an entirely different planet, within a reality that has been created for them.
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Former Vice President Joe Biden's handlers, they let him out of his private airplane yesterday to do a rare campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I suffered through most of it so that you wouldn't have to, and I really have to tell you how shocking it is. It’s literally like being transported back to the year 1999. The rhetoric and policy proposals are exactly the same; the only difference is he says something along the lines of how this election is, quote "a battle for the soul of this nation."

The rally just completely lacked the self-awareness and the reflection for any person who wants to hold the oval office in the year 2020. Biden remarked on terrible things in American life, as if he has had no role whatsoever in crafting the policies that lead to these terrible things in the first place. Take this lamentation on the state of the middle class.

Further on, he says quote, "I'm determined to give the middle class a real shot in this country. If we ever lose that, we begin to lose the soul of the country. It’s about who we are."

I mean, who wants to tell him folks?

How exactly did the middle class get into trouble? It is absolutely stunning that one of the politicians most responsible for our current plight has the gall to express concern for those he took a direct role in hurting. Biden is, of course, behind the 2005 effort to strip bankruptcy protections for millions of Americans. Protections they probably could have used when the bottom fell out of the economy in 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


Barney Frank and ,at the time. HUD SEC. Andy Cuomo, with others sabotaged the housing in America. It was by design.
The left does so many horrible things and sleeps just fine at night. Look at the child abuse because Obama celebrated transgenderism. The hollowing of our military. Law enforcement as targets and disengaging from protecting the cities. Hundreds of thousands of Central American kids dispersed around the country. Drug epidemic. Open borders. Look at California.
Sorry to hear you did so poorly in the 8 years of Former President Obama's Administration. Most of the country did very well.......
Look at how powerful talk radio and Trumpism are. They don't even know to bring up (or even understand) what Obama inherited.

It's funny, but it's not funny. Their capacity to engage in critical thinking has been completely erased. They literally just don't know.

I don't see how something like this gets fixed. They're existing on an entirely different planet, a reality that has been created for them.
Socialist/DemonRAT PROPAGANDA is strong with this weak minded and know nothing ABNORMAL!
Former Vice President Joe Biden's handlers, they let him out of his private airplane yesterday to do a rare campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I suffered through most of it so that you wouldn't have to, and I really have to tell you how shocking it is. It’s literally like being transported back to the year 1999. The rhetoric and policy proposals are exactly the same; the only difference is he says something along the lines of how this election is, quote "a battle for the soul of this nation."

The rally just completely lacked the self-awareness and the reflection for any person who wants to hold the oval office in the year 2020. Biden remarked on terrible things in American life, as if he has had no role whatsoever in crafting the policies that lead to these terrible things in the first place. Take this lamentation on the state of the middle class.

Further on, he says quote, "I'm determined to give the middle class a real shot in this country. If we ever lose that, we begin to lose the soul of the country. It’s about who we are."

I mean, who wants to tell him folks?

How exactly did the middle class get into trouble? It is absolutely stunning that one of the politicians most responsible for our current plight has the gall to express concern for those he took a direct role in hurting. Biden is, of course, behind the 2005 effort to strip bankruptcy protections for millions of Americans. Protections they probably could have used when the bottom fell out of the economy in 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


Barney Frank and ,at the time. HUD SEC. Andy Cuomo, with others sabotaged the housing in America. It was by design.
The left does so many horrible things and sleeps just fine at night. Look at the child abuse because Obama celebrated transgenderism. The hollowing of our military. Law enforcement as targets and disengaging from protecting the cities. Hundreds of thousands of Central American kids dispersed around the country. Drug epidemic. Open borders. Look at California.
Sorry to hear you did so poorly in the 8 years of Former President Obama's Administration. Most of the country did very well.......
Look at how powerful talk radio and Trumpism are. They don't even know to bring up (or even understand) what Obama inherited.

It's funny, but it's not funny. Their capacity to engage in critical thinking has been completely erased. They literally just don't know.

I don't see how something like this gets fixed. They're existing on an entirely different planet, a reality that has been created for them.
Socialist/DemonRAT PROPAGANDA is strong with this weak minded and know nothing ABNORMAL!
Um, yeah.

Former Vice President Joe Biden's handlers, they let him out of his private airplane yesterday to do a rare campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I suffered through most of it so that you wouldn't have to, and I really have to tell you how shocking it is. It’s literally like being transported back to the year 1999. The rhetoric and policy proposals are exactly the same; the only difference is he says something along the lines of how this election is, quote "a battle for the soul of this nation."

The rally just completely lacked the self-awareness and the reflection for any person who wants to hold the oval office in the year 2020. Biden remarked on terrible things in American life, as if he has had no role whatsoever in crafting the policies that lead to these terrible things in the first place. Take this lamentation on the state of the middle class.

Further on, he says quote, "I'm determined to give the middle class a real shot in this country. If we ever lose that, we begin to lose the soul of the country. It’s about who we are."

I mean, who wants to tell him folks?

How exactly did the middle class get into trouble? It is absolutely stunning that one of the politicians most responsible for our current plight has the gall to express concern for those he took a direct role in hurting. Biden is, of course, behind the 2005 effort to strip bankruptcy protections for millions of Americans. Protections they probably could have used when the bottom fell out of the economy in 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


Barney Frank and ,at the time. HUD SEC. Andy Cuomo, with others sabotaged the housing in America. It was by design.
The left does so many horrible things and sleeps just fine at night. Look at the child abuse because Obama celebrated transgenderism. The hollowing of our military. Law enforcement as targets and disengaging from protecting the cities. Hundreds of thousands of Central American kids dispersed around the country. Drug epidemic. Open borders. Look at California.
Sorry to hear you did so poorly in the 8 years of Former President Obama's Administration. Most of the country did very well.......
Look at how powerful talk radio and Trumpism are. They don't even know to bring up (or even understand) what Obama inherited.

It's funny, but it's not funny. Their capacity to engage in critical thinking has been completely erased. They literally just don't know.

I don't see how something like this gets fixed. They're existing on an entirely different planet, a reality that has been created for them.
Socialist/DemonRAT PROPAGANDA is strong with this weak minded and know nothing ABNORMAL!
Um, yeah.

You never stop drinking....your drunken post are proof of such!
Former Vice President Joe Biden's handlers, they let him out of his private airplane yesterday to do a rare campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I suffered through most of it so that you wouldn't have to, and I really have to tell you how shocking it is. It’s literally like being transported back to the year 1999. The rhetoric and policy proposals are exactly the same; the only difference is he says something along the lines of how this election is, quote "a battle for the soul of this nation."

The rally just completely lacked the self-awareness and the reflection for any person who wants to hold the oval office in the year 2020. Biden remarked on terrible things in American life, as if he has had no role whatsoever in crafting the policies that lead to these terrible things in the first place. Take this lamentation on the state of the middle class.

Further on, he says quote, "I'm determined to give the middle class a real shot in this country. If we ever lose that, we begin to lose the soul of the country. It’s about who we are."

I mean, who wants to tell him folks?

How exactly did the middle class get into trouble? It is absolutely stunning that one of the politicians most responsible for our current plight has the gall to express concern for those he took a direct role in hurting. Biden is, of course, behind the 2005 effort to strip bankruptcy protections for millions of Americans. Protections they probably could have used when the bottom fell out of the economy in 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


Barney Frank and ,at the time. HUD SEC. Andy Cuomo, with others sabotaged the housing in America. It was by design.
The left does so many horrible things and sleeps just fine at night. Look at the child abuse because Obama celebrated transgenderism. The hollowing of our military. Law enforcement as targets and disengaging from protecting the cities. Hundreds of thousands of Central American kids dispersed around the country. Drug epidemic. Open borders. Look at California.
Sorry to hear you did so poorly in the 8 years of Former President Obama's Administration. Most of the country did very well.......
Look at how powerful talk radio and Trumpism are. They don't even know to bring up (or even understand) what Obama inherited.

It's funny, but it's not funny. Their capacity to engage in critical thinking has been completely erased. They literally just don't know.

I don't see how something like this gets fixed. They're existing on an entirely different planet, a reality that has been created for them.
Socialist/DemonRAT PROPAGANDA is strong with this weak minded and know nothing ABNORMAL!
Um, yeah.

You never stop drinking....your drunken post are proof of such!
Well, thanks for jumping in to illustrate my point for me, I guess.
Sorry to hear you did so poorly in the 8 years of Former President Obama's Administration. Most of the country did very well.......
Look at how powerful talk radio and Trumpism are. They don't even know to bring up (or even understand) what Obama inherited.

It's funny, but it's not funny. Their capacity to engage in critical thinking has been completely erased. They literally just don't know.

I don't see how something like this gets fixed. They're existing on an entirely different planet, a reality that has been created for them.
Socialist/DemonRAT PROPAGANDA is strong with this weak minded and know nothing ABNORMAL!
Um, yeah.

You never stop drinking....your drunken post are proof of such!
Well, thanks for jumping in to illustrate my point for me, I guess.
That you are always drunk...you're welcome!
The reason that it’s difficult is that it’s bullshit

Trump told them he inherited a mess, and when did Trump ever lie to them?
Need that list of ....

Trump Administration Accomplishments

  • Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  • We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
  • Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
  • Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.

I quit reading after this one since it is a lie the rest of the list can safely assumed to be also.

Trump's highest GDP growth quarter was 3.5%...he has never even sniffed 4%, let alone 4.2%.
Former Vice President Joe Biden's handlers, they let him out of his private airplane yesterday to do a rare campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I suffered through most of it so that you wouldn't have to, and I really have to tell you how shocking it is. It’s literally like being transported back to the year 1999. The rhetoric and policy proposals are exactly the same; the only difference is he says something along the lines of how this election is, quote "a battle for the soul of this nation."

The rally just completely lacked the self-awareness and the reflection for any person who wants to hold the oval office in the year 2020. Biden remarked on terrible things in American life, as if he has had no role whatsoever in crafting the policies that lead to these terrible things in the first place. Take this lamentation on the state of the middle class.

Further on, he says quote, "I'm determined to give the middle class a real shot in this country. If we ever lose that, we begin to lose the soul of the country. It’s about who we are."

I mean, who wants to tell him folks?

How exactly did the middle class get into trouble? It is absolutely stunning that one of the politicians most responsible for our current plight has the gall to express concern for those he took a direct role in hurting. Biden is, of course, behind the 2005 effort to strip bankruptcy protections for millions of Americans. Protections they probably could have used when the bottom fell out of the economy in 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


Barney Frank and ,at the time. HUD SEC. Andy Cuomo, with others sabotaged the housing in America. It was by design.
The left does so many horrible things and sleeps just fine at night. Look at the child abuse because Obama celebrated transgenderism. The hollowing of our military. Law enforcement as targets and disengaging from protecting the cities. Hundreds of thousands of Central American kids dispersed around the country. Drug epidemic. Open borders. Look at California.
tRump has destroyed the middle class of America and they are just to nescient to know.
Former Vice President Joe Biden's handlers, they let him out of his private airplane yesterday to do a rare campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I suffered through most of it so that you wouldn't have to, and I really have to tell you how shocking it is. It’s literally like being transported back to the year 1999. The rhetoric and policy proposals are exactly the same; the only difference is he says something along the lines of how this election is, quote "a battle for the soul of this nation."

The rally just completely lacked the self-awareness and the reflection for any person who wants to hold the oval office in the year 2020. Biden remarked on terrible things in American life, as if he has had no role whatsoever in crafting the policies that lead to these terrible things in the first place. Take this lamentation on the state of the middle class.

Further on, he says quote, "I'm determined to give the middle class a real shot in this country. If we ever lose that, we begin to lose the soul of the country. It’s about who we are."

I mean, who wants to tell him folks?

How exactly did the middle class get into trouble? It is absolutely stunning that one of the politicians most responsible for our current plight has the gall to express concern for those he took a direct role in hurting. Biden is, of course, behind the 2005 effort to strip bankruptcy protections for millions of Americans. Protections they probably could have used when the bottom fell out of the economy in 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...


Barney Frank and ,at the time. HUD SEC. Andy Cuomo, with others sabotaged the housing in America. It was by design.
The left does so many horrible things and sleeps just fine at night. Look at the child abuse because Obama celebrated transgenderism. The hollowing of our military. Law enforcement as targets and disengaging from protecting the cities. Hundreds of thousands of Central American kids dispersed around the country. Drug epidemic. Open borders. Look at California.
tRump has destroyed the middle class of America and they are just to nescient to know.

ROTFLMFAO....YOU KNOW I NEVER stop enjoying slapping the lying leftist with genuine facts....mark this turd down as another ABNORMAL with an IQ under 50!!!

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