Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
Of course he could.

You have no fact that support your statement That Lincoln knew the Confederate traitors would secede from the union and lay siege to Fort Sumter and start a Civil War.

Do you think Lincoln was lying when he stated his opinion on secession

“My opinion is that no state can, in any way lawfully, get out of the Union, without the consent of the others; and that it is the duty of the President, and other government functionaries, to run the machine as it is.”​

That is a fact. The traitor states seceded after Lincoln was elected and before he was inaugurated. There are no facts to support your lies that Lincoln lied America into war like W did.

That was not a fact. That was, at best, Lincoln's honest opinion on the matter.

That you call it a fact, at best shows that your ability to be rational about what are "Facts" is very weak.

Query: How many organizations are you a member of, that you willingly joined, that you are not allowed to leave under pain of death? And of those, how many of them did not clearly tell you that, before you joined?
Of course he could.

You have no fact that support your statement That Lincoln knew the Confederate traitors would secede from the union and lay siege to Fort Sumter and start a Civil War.

Do you think Lincoln was lying when he stated his opinion on secession

“My opinion is that no state can, in any way lawfully, get out of the Union, without the consent of the others; and that it is the duty of the President, and other government functionaries, to run the machine as it is.”​

That is a fact. The traitor states seceded after Lincoln was elected and before he was inaugurated. There are no facts to support your lies that Lincoln lied America into war like W did.

That was not a fact. That was, at best, Lincoln's honest opinion on the matter.

That you call it a fact, at best shows that your ability to be rational about what are "Facts" is very weak.

Query: How many organizations are you a member of, that you willingly joined, that you are not allowed to leave under pain of death? And of those, how many of them did not clearly tell you that, before you joined?

What does Lincln have to do with the invasion of Iraq?
By your standards, do you believe that Abe Lincoln lied US into war?

No. Not at all..You have posted no facts to convince me that Lincoln lied. If you think you posted some facts tell me where or post them again if you reply to this post.

And the severe problem with your attack on Lincoln is the fact that Confederate traitors started the war. Lincoln did not start the CIVIL WAR so it is impossible that Lincoln lied us into war unless you have proof that Fort Sumter did not happen. Lincoln lied about it..

Irrelevant. His actions demonstrated that he knew that his strong opposition would lead to war, or he would not have allowed his team to dishonestly present him as a moderate on the issue.

Lincoln claimed that he just wanted Fort Sumter to stay there to collect tariffs. That was bullshit. It was not about the money. It was about ending slavery. That was his passion. That is what the Republican Party was founded to do. It was their primary reason for existing.

By your standards, with a WIDE MARGIN, he lied US into war. That you give him a pass, is you demonstrating that you do not care about that. That your passion in this thread, is not that, but simply spinning up shit to throw at your enemies, like a monkey.
Question: By your standards, do you believe that Abe Lincoln lied us into war?

No. I find this call for militia to liberate Federal property and soldiers to be refreshingly honest.

I deem it proper to say that the first service assigned to the forces hereby called forth will probably be to re-possess the forts, places, and property which have been seized from the Union; and in every event, the utmost care will be observed, consistently with the objects aforesaid, to avoid any devastation, any destruction of, or interference with, property, or any disturbance of peaceful citizens in any part of the country.​

Do you see any lies in Lincoln’s address??

Yep. He is pretending that the Civil War was about Federal Property, when it was about slavery.

He lied us into war. Your giving him a pass, reveals you to be a hypocrite.
The slavers that dominated the South, their entire lives and family well being were built on slavery. There was not chance that they would accept a threat to it, lying down.

This is a FACT. a FACT I tell you. I deal in FACTS.

What did Lincoln lie about relative to those facts?

President-elect Lincoln was not a threat to their lives and family When they decided to secede.

The facts tell anyone who wants to listen that Lincoln didn’t actually free all enslaved people because he issued the Emancipation Proclamation as a military measure two years into the war. It didn’t apply to border slave states like Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri. It only applied to the Traitor states that had seceded from the Union..

The South was run by idiots back then like its run by idiots right now. Lincoln didn’t force them to be one traitors.

Freeing the slaves in the majority of the slave states, meant that slavery was effectively ended in the country.

That was an additional lie by Lincoln, pretending that he was not caring about the slaves in the border states, when we both know that his action would lead to their being freed in short order.

As was demonstrated by actual events.

That you give him a pass for lying us into war, is you showing that this thread is not about that, but about smearing your partisan enemies.
I did not believe that the peaceful process was working AND I did not find the UN inspectors credible.

Why did you lie that the well known, historically documented 1441 UNSC inspection regime that was peacefully disarming Iraq was not a fact.

It is your opinion that the UN was doing that, not a fact.

Do you believe that I am so wise and rational that I could not be honestly "wrong" about an historical fact?
That you disagree with me on that, well, I dismiss that, because FACTS.
Will you please complete your thought?

I did. It is the same as your thought process as demonstrated in this thread, over and over again. You reach a conclusion about history, and it is then a FACT, and there can be no disagreement, because "FACT".

This is your world, and I am just playing by your rules.
I did. It is the same as your thought process as demonstrated in this thread, over and over again. You reach a conclusion about history, and it is then a FACT, and there can be no disagreement, because "FACT".
You are a liar. I like most thinking people don’t reach a conclusion and then it is a fact. I examine facts and from those facts I reach a conclusion.

You can disagree with my conclusion but you must challenge my facts or produce and argument that sites my interpretation of the facts is flawed.

You do not challenge my facts - I suspect your faith drives you to believe you are in possession of truth revealed unto you as a true and proper Christian American and that entities you to disregard facts that fall to keep the heavenly glow shining down on your tribe. Or your are lazy. Or you are dishonest snd don’t really care about facts that inhibit the makes believe reality that you have created.
I did. It is the same as your thought process as demonstrated in this thread, over and over again. You reach a conclusion about history, and it is then a FACT, and there can be no disagreement, because "FACT".
You are a liar. I like most thinking people don’t reach a conclusion and then it is a fact. I examine facts and from those facts I reach a conclusion.

You can disagree with my conclusion but you must challenge my facts or produce and argument that sites my interpretation of the facts is flawed.

You do not challenge my facts - I suspect your faith drives you to believe you are in possession of truth revealed unto you as a true and proper Christian American and that entities you to disregard facts that fall to keep the heavenly glow shining down on your tribe. Or your are lazy. Or you are dishonest snd don’t really care about facts that inhibit the makes believe reality that you have created.

I have challenged your facts and you dismiss my challenges, because "FACTS".

I am playing by your rules now.

By your standards Abe Lincoln lied US into war, and you give him a pass. That shows that you don't care about lying us into war, that this thread was meant to just be a partisan hit piece.
Freeing the slaves in the majority of the slave states, meant that slavery was effectively ended in the country.

Show me (FACTS) what Lincoln said during the campaign about emancipation that led the traitors to secede from the UNION prior to his inauguration and then fired on American Troops while he was just settling in the White House.

The South started the CIVILWar. If you dispute that FACT show me why.

The worst thing that Lincoln did if you were a disgusting slave owner prior his to taking office was he agreed with the majority sentiment in the nation that new territories could not become slave States.

Entering office Lincoln opposed ending slavery in slave states because as he stated publicly at the time owning slaves was a Constitutional right and he favored the Slave States settling the matter on their own.

Lincoln did not come in swinging a sword to end slavery where it existed. The traitors attacked the nation that Lincoln swore to protect. The traitors gave Lincoln no choice. Lincoln only came to supporting emancipation in the slave states that rebelled AFTER the War was well under way. Its was a military policy accept runaway slaves from Confederate States tiv serve in the war effort.

You have your history assbackwards. In reality It was the War that forced emancipation. It was not emancipation that caused or forced the war..

There fact that Lincoln at first did not free slaves in UNION states totally destroys the ignorance based exercise you stated.

Traitors forced the war. That is based on the facts .
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I have challenged your facts and you dismiss my challenges, because "FACTS".
You are a liar. Give me a post number where you challenged one or more if my facts.

Saying you cannot be bothered with the facts is not a challenge. Thats called a cop out.
Your inability to understand that all that was considered at great length at the time, is you being a closed mind partisan hack.

You did not attempt to disput the FACTS posted:
(1) the professional Weapons inspectors said they could peaceably disarm Iraq with an additional 90 days of the PROACTIVE cooperation that SH was providing.
(2) If the CIA said they knew that Saddam Hussein was hiding specific weapons from the inspectors they should’ve been able to go in and show them where they were. If they didn’t know where they were then they did not have any actionable intelligence worth starting a war over.

Neither was considered at all let alone at “Great Lengths” prior to the invasion. That is why Half a million are dead and $5 Trillion wasted on an unnecessary War.

You failed to meaningfully respond
To this:
You contradict what the professional Weapons inspectors said they could do with an additional 90 days of SH PROACTIVE cooperation.

And you’re forgetting one of the most important points. If the CIA said they knew that Saddam Hussein was hiding specific weapons from the inspectors they should’ve been able to go in and show them where they were. If they didn’t know where they were then they did not have any actionable intelligence worth starting a war over.

I was responding to this:

Everything I heard at the time, it seemed most likely that he was just hiding them well. And why not? He had a good sized nation to hide shit in.

I don't see how any team of outsiders can find something in a nation, if the national government wants to hide it.

Its why you are a bloodthirsty warmonger.
Freeing the slaves in the majority of the slave states, meant that slavery was effectively ended in the country.

Show me (FACTS) what Lincoln said during the campaign about emancipation that led the traitors to secede from the UNION prior to his inauguration and then fired on American Troops while he was just settling in the White House.

The South started the CIVILWar. If you dispute that FACT show me why.

The worst thing that Lincoln did if you were a disgusting slave owner prior his to taking office was he agreed with the majority sentiment in the nation that new territories could not become slave States.

Entering office Lincoln opposed ending slavery in slave states because as he stated publicly at the time owning slaves was a Constitutional right and he favored the Slave States settling the matter on their own.

Lincoln did not come in swinging a sword to end slavery where it existed. The traitors attacked the nation that Lincoln swore to protect. The traitors gave Lincoln no choice. Lincoln only came to supporting emancipation in the slave states that rebelled AFTER the War was well under way. Its was a military policy accept runaway slaves from Confederate States tiv serve in the war effort.

You have your history assbackwards. In reality It was the War that forced emancipation. It was not emancipation that caused or forced the war..

There fact that Lincoln at first did not free slaves in UNION states totally destroys the ignorance based exercise you stated.

Traitors forced the war. That is based on the facts .

I like the way that you try to limit the discussion of Lincoln to what he said DURING THE CAMPAIGN, as though the slave owners, were unable to know about his earlier, very strong abolitionists statements and positions.

That shows that you ALREADY KNOW, that Lincoln was a very strong ABOLITIONIST, and that further you know that the slaver owners would know that, and that Lincoln KNEW THAT THEY KNEW.

Thus, his lying during the campaign, pretending to be moderate, was him lying US into war.
Your inability to understand that all that was considered at great length at the time, is you being a closed mind partisan hack.

You did not attempt to disput the FACTS posted:
(1) the professional Weapons inspectors said they could peaceably disarm Iraq with an additional 90 days of the PROACTIVE cooperation that SH was providing.
(2) If the CIA said they knew that Saddam Hussein was hiding specific weapons from the inspectors they should’ve been able to go in and show them where they were. If they didn’t know where they were then they did not have any actionable intelligence worth starting a war over.

Neither was considered at all let alone at “Great Lengths” prior to the invasion. That is why Half a million are dead and $5 Trillion wasted on an unnecessary War.

You failed to meaningfully respond
To this:
You contradict what the professional Weapons inspectors said they could do with an additional 90 days of SH PROACTIVE cooperation.

And you’re forgetting one of the most important points. If the CIA said they knew that Saddam Hussein was hiding specific weapons from the inspectors they should’ve been able to go in and show them where they were. If they didn’t know where they were then they did not have any actionable intelligence worth starting a war over.

I was responding to this:

Everything I heard at the time, it seemed most likely that he was just hiding them well. And why not? He had a good sized nation to hide shit in.

I don't see how any team of outsiders can find something in a nation, if the national government wants to hide it.

Its why you are a bloodthirsty warmonger.

This is a good example of how you just dismiss valid challenges to fact, by just saying "facts".

You present teh claims of the "professional inspectors" as though they are facts.

A claim from someone is not a fact. Especially when they have motive to lie.

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