Did Yasser Arafat Learn From Franklin Roosevelt???


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Many examples can be found that show marked differences between terrorist chief Yasser Arafat and President Franklin Roosevelt....for example, the former identified with the thugs in brown shirts, while the latter with those whose flag was red.

But there is this similarity which cannot be denied: speaking out of both sides of one's mouth.

1. "Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat continues to deliver two very different sets of messages; one for media and western consumption and one for the Palestinian people. In his recent speech on Sunday, Arafat called for an end to suicide bombings and armed attacks against Israelis.

In Ramallah onTuesday, however, Arafat called for all to join in the struggle to stop what he termed the Israeli program to Judaize Jerusalem."All Palestinians are martyrs," he said. Arafat also told the crowds, "I am willing to sacrifice 70 martyrs to kill one Israeli," and in response, the crowd chanted: "One million martyrs are already marching to Jerusalem."

....not the first time such doubletalk has come from Arafat or his organization. While often presenting themselves as supportive of the U.S. war effort, Arabic-language publications and broadcasts continue to condemn the United States.

.... December 7th at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and broadcast by the PLO-controlled Palestinian Radio, America was referred to as "infidel", "Crusaders" and "head of world terror". The deliverer of the sermon told Muslim worshippers that there is no place for America in the world. According to Palestinian Media Watch, themes of hatred towards the U.S.are an integral part of Palestinian ideology.
Arafat Doubletalk - eNews for December 18 2001

Now....where have we seen this sort of lying demagoguery before......?

2. November 4, 1944, " Roosevelt .... speaks out against communism, distancing himself
and his administration from what many in the world — even Adolf Hitler — perceive as the world's greatest threat. "We want neither communism nor monarchy," Roosevelt tells the crowd. "We want to live under our Constitution."
Franklin D. Roosevelt Address at Fenway Park Boston Massachusetts.

3. But, July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."
Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill on H.R. 8479.

a. And, as to not wanting communism for the nation...why not, if they believe in the same ideals as we do?

'A more sinister ' proximate cause of our numbness when it come to Soviet crime' is the lies that Franklin Roosevelt told the public in support of Stalin.
Loy Henderson, State Department Russian expert of the time said: "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."
Diana West, "American Betrayal"

Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

BTW.....did you know that Jimmy Carter wrote speeches for Yasser Arafat?
And Barack Obama is making certain that the mad Ayatollahs of Iran get nuclear weapons?

What the heck is it with these Democrats?
Many examples can be found that show marked differences between terrorist chief Yasser Arafat and President Franklin Roosevelt....for example, the former identified with the thugs in brown shirts, while the latter with those whose flag was red.

But there is this similarity which cannot be denied: speaking out of both sides of one's mouth.

1. "Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat continues to deliver two very different sets of messages; one for media and western consumption and one for the Palestinian people. In his recent speech on Sunday, Arafat called for an end to suicide bombings and armed attacks against Israelis.

In Ramallah onTuesday, however, Arafat called for all to join in the struggle to stop what he termed the Israeli program to Judaize Jerusalem."All Palestinians are martyrs," he said. Arafat also told the crowds, "I am willing to sacrifice 70 martyrs to kill one Israeli," and in response, the crowd chanted: "One million martyrs are already marching to Jerusalem."

....not the first time such doubletalk has come from Arafat or his organization. While often presenting themselves as supportive of the U.S. war effort, Arabic-language publications and broadcasts continue to condemn the United States.

.... December 7th at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and broadcast by the PLO-controlled Palestinian Radio, America was referred to as "infidel", "Crusaders" and "head of world terror". The deliverer of the sermon told Muslim worshippers that there is no place for America in the world. According to Palestinian Media Watch, themes of hatred towards the U.S.are an integral part of Palestinian ideology.
Arafat Doubletalk - eNews for December 18 2001

Now....where have we seen this sort of lying demagoguery before......?

2. November 4, 1944, " Roosevelt .... speaks out against communism, distancing himself
and his administration from what many in the world — even Adolf Hitler — perceive as the world's greatest threat. "We want neither communism nor monarchy," Roosevelt tells the crowd. "We want to live under our Constitution."
Franklin D. Roosevelt Address at Fenway Park Boston Massachusetts.

3. But, July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."
Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill on H.R. 8479.

a. And, as to not wanting communism for the nation...why not, if they believe in the same ideals as we do?

'A more sinister ' proximate cause of our numbness when it come to Soviet crime' is the lies that Franklin Roosevelt told the public in support of Stalin.
Loy Henderson, State Department Russian expert of the time said: "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."
Diana West, "American Betrayal"

Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

BTW.....did you know that Jimmy Carter wrote speeches for Yasser Arafat?
And Barack Obama is making certain that the mad Ayatollahs of Iran get nuclear weapons?

What the heck is it with these Democrats?

I find it utterly funny that those who do not kiss up to Israel are bad presidents. The two bad Presidents. Unreal.
Many examples can be found that show marked differences between terrorist chief Yasser Arafat and President Franklin Roosevelt....for example, the former identified with the thugs in brown shirts, while the latter with those whose flag was red.

But there is this similarity which cannot be denied: speaking out of both sides of one's mouth.

1. "Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat continues to deliver two very different sets of messages; one for media and western consumption and one for the Palestinian people. In his recent speech on Sunday, Arafat called for an end to suicide bombings and armed attacks against Israelis.

In Ramallah onTuesday, however, Arafat called for all to join in the struggle to stop what he termed the Israeli program to Judaize Jerusalem."All Palestinians are martyrs," he said. Arafat also told the crowds, "I am willing to sacrifice 70 martyrs to kill one Israeli," and in response, the crowd chanted: "One million martyrs are already marching to Jerusalem."

....not the first time such doubletalk has come from Arafat or his organization. While often presenting themselves as supportive of the U.S. war effort, Arabic-language publications and broadcasts continue to condemn the United States.

.... December 7th at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and broadcast by the PLO-controlled Palestinian Radio, America was referred to as "infidel", "Crusaders" and "head of world terror". The deliverer of the sermon told Muslim worshippers that there is no place for America in the world. According to Palestinian Media Watch, themes of hatred towards the U.S.are an integral part of Palestinian ideology.
Arafat Doubletalk - eNews for December 18 2001

Now....where have we seen this sort of lying demagoguery before......?

2. November 4, 1944, " Roosevelt .... speaks out against communism, distancing himself
and his administration from what many in the world — even Adolf Hitler — perceive as the world's greatest threat. "We want neither communism nor monarchy," Roosevelt tells the crowd. "We want to live under our Constitution."
Franklin D. Roosevelt Address at Fenway Park Boston Massachusetts.

3. But, July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."
Franklin D. Roosevelt Letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill on H.R. 8479.

a. And, as to not wanting communism for the nation...why not, if they believe in the same ideals as we do?

'A more sinister ' proximate cause of our numbness when it come to Soviet crime' is the lies that Franklin Roosevelt told the public in support of Stalin.
Loy Henderson, State Department Russian expert of the time said: "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."
Diana West, "American Betrayal"

Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR."The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

BTW.....did you know that Jimmy Carter wrote speeches for Yasser Arafat?
And Barack Obama is making certain that the mad Ayatollahs of Iran get nuclear weapons?

What the heck is it with these Democrats?

I find it utterly funny that those who do not kiss up to Israel are bad presidents. The two bad Presidents. Unreal.

For clarity....is this post your endorsement of Yasser Arafat?
LOL PC have you totally lost your mind? What does this have to do with reality, you know that place you live in when you're not at a computer making up the most bizarre and absurd historical connections? You would have made any totalitarian's best propagandist. Do you ever read history books? Proof once again home schooling stunts the mind. Then consider your last line? Maybe you were asleep during our last presidents incredible fiasco? You righties should quit the propagandist nonsense and write sci-fi, there you'd at least make sense given the parameters of the genre.

Debate Now - Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Conservatism Understood Another in a series of Midcan s insights into contemporary US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Quotes from other home schooled republicans. A Conservative History of the United States - The New Yorker

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be.
LOL PC have you totally lost your mind? What does this have to do with reality, you know that place you live in when you're not at a computer making up the most bizarre and absurd historical connections? You would have made any totalitarian's best propagandist. Do you ever read history books? Proof once again home schooling stunts the mind. Then consider your last line? Maybe you were asleep during our last presidents incredible fiasco? You righties should quit the propagandist nonsense and write sci-fi, there you'd at least make sense given the parameters of the genre.

Debate Now - Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Conservatism Understood Another in a series of Midcan s insights into contemporary US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Quotes from other home schooled republicans. A Conservative History of the United States - The New Yorker

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be.

I have several scholarly sources linked and noted.....and the best you can do is bring up some extraneous topic?

See, that derangement comes of being a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat lap-dog.

And, that derangement extends to this lie:
"No nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be."

America was founded by Classical Liberals....Their views were based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

As you can see, these would be called conservative today.

Back to the Rooseveltian doublespeak...

November 4, 1944, "Roosevelt .... speaks out against communism, distancing himself and his administration from what many in the world — even Adolf Hitler — perceive as the world's greatest threat. "We want neither communism nor monarchy,"Roosevelt tells the crowd. "We want to live under our Constitution."
Franklin D. Roosevelt Address at Fenway Park Boston Massachusetts.

4. But Roosevelt says nothing about which sort of government will rule postwar Europe....a decision he had made from the start....he recognized Stalin's communist empire in 1933!!

One thing is for certain: thanks to FDR's efforts, communism will play a very large role in Europe, America....and the world.

Evidence can be seen in a document which Stalin's spy and Roosevelt's live-in adviser, Harry Hopkins, took with him to the Quebec conference in August, 1943, entitled "Russia's Position," quoted as follows in Robert Sherwood's book, "Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History,":

"Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one. With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her tremendous military forces."

BTW.....it was under Stalin's mandate that Germany not be allowed to surrender, and, in the words of both Stalin and Hopkins, "crushed."
Stalin would not allow any force to impede communism's westward movement after he won the war.

Make no mistake.....Stalin was the big winner.
6. Before we get back to the duplicitous Franklin Roosevelt, let's remind all that both communism and National Socialism, Nazism, sprang from Karl Marx, and Stalin and Hitler were long-time allies until 22 June 1941.
Stalin knew what Hitler was about to do, and was well prepared to replace him with another ally, Franklin Roosevelt.

a. The KGB was behind the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which was Stalin's way of making certain that when Hitler attacked him, Roosevelt would enter the war on his side.

7. In Washington, agent Lauchlin Currie, White House economic adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, worked at undermining any rapprochement between the US and Japan,and influenced the US to provoke the Japanese.

In 1995,Kremlin agent Vitaly Pavlov revealed "Operation Snow,"the plan to manipulate Japan and America into war.

a.In "Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History," Leona Schecter and Jerrold Schecter make a very strong case for Pearl Harbor being the most complex and successful KGB operation,designed to avert a Japanese attack on the USSR, and to force the United States to fight a two-front war, and be unable to stop Stalin from control of at least half of Europe. In 1995, former Kremlin agent Vitaly Pavlov revealed his role in this "Operation Snow."

b. Pavlov "was sent to the United States seven months before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to meet with Harry Dexter White, then director of Monetary Research for the Treasury.
Just before Hitler attacked Russia.....coincidence?

Did "Snow" mean "White"? Yes,

Harry Dexter White had been a Soviet "asset" since the early 1930s, providing information to Whittaker Chambers, a courier for the communist underground. By 1941 White was a top aide and adviser to Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,Secretary of the Treasury.

Pavlov wrote that the Soviets feared a Japanese attack from the east, and his mission was to discuss with White what could be done to keep the Japanese from joining forces with the Germans."
Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History
[Operation Snow http://nation.time.com/2012/12/07/pearl-harbor-2-0/]

c. "The chapter on Pearl Harbor is likewise instructive as to how Soviet agents operated. Japan seriously considered an attack on Russia, but Stalin’s agents in the Japanese government and in the highly efficient Sorge spy ring on the island nation helped persuade Imperial Japan to turn its aggression “elsewhere.” That “elsewhere” eventually turned out to be Pearl Harbor.

Stalin’s acolytes in the U.S. were simultaneously pushing a foreign policy against Japan that would lead the Japanese away from any designs on Siberia and toward conflict with America."
Infiltration, intrigue and Communists - Conservative News

Machiavelli could have learned from Stalin!
So....Hitler broke his alliance with Stalin.....but Stalin used Operation Snow ('Snow-= Harry Dexter White) to get the US into the war on his side....

8. "Franklin Roosevelt has made any number of secret arrangements with the Soviet leader dividing the postwar world between America and the Communist Soviet Union. Giving eastern Poland to the Soviets is just a start. (The same arrangements Stalin once had with Hitler.)

The high-stakes nature of the global intrigue being played out in Washington, Moscow, London, and Berlin means that FDR can trust very few people.... It's quite clear, however, that he needs someone to represent him in this new, turbulent world.

Even if FDR were not president of the United States, his physical handicaps do not allow him to parachute behind enemy lines. His world-famous jaunty profile does not allow him to go undercover. And the constraints of his office do not allow him to perform the unethical work of political assassination or other messy intrigues.

But war is war, and lethal things must be done. So Roosevelt has appointed one special individual to do the dirty work. The man's name is William "Wild Bill" Donovan."
O'Reilly and Dugard, "The Strange Death of World War IIs Most Audacious General," chapter five.
9. William Joseph ("Wild Bill") Donovan
(January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was a United States
soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. Donovan is best remembered as the wartime head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency duringWorld War II. He is also known as the "Father of American Intelligence" and the "Father of Central Intelligence".[2][3]" William J. Donovan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Now....what would FDR have Donovan do for him?

10. "At age sixty-one, Donovan is just a year younger than the president. The two have known each other since they were classmates at Columbia Law School. But there the similarities end. Roosevelt is a liberal while Donovan is a staunch conservative Republican. Roosevelt is in failing health; Donovan is so robust and larger-than-life that he seems bulletproof. And while Roosevelt is happiest basking in the adulation of a large crowd, the swaggering Donovan prefers to work in the shadows.

Even before the war began, Roosevelt brought in this quick-thinking former attorney and Medal of Honor winner to be his global eyes and ears — and Donovan has done a spectacular job.

As Roosevelt gives his speech in Fenway on this cold Saturday night, Wild Bill is busy sabotaging America's relationship with Winston Churchill and Great Britain — in order that the United States and the Soviet Union can achieve a tighter bond.

... Donovan's Office of Strategic Services (OSS, as this covert group of top-secret operatives he commands is known) is in constant contact with him. While he might be relaxing at home, Donovan is well aware that troops of the Soviet Red Army are rolling into Yugoslavia on board American tanks, trucks, and jeeps. Donovan soon orders that ten tons of medical supplies be flown into the Balkans at U.S. expense, an extravagance that will assist the Communist takeover. The OSS is also sowing seeds of discord in Greece, the country that Winston Churchill covets more than any other.

... the undercover battle led by William Donovan and the OSS to ensure that Eastern Europe fall into the hands of Soviet Russia. Above all else, FDR does not want a confrontation with the Soviet Union. He thinks of Joseph Stalin as his friend, and a true ally.

... Donovan is out of control — and unstoppable. "I have always been worried by his predilection for political intrigue," Gen. Walter Bedell "Beetle" Smith, one of Dwight Eisenhower's top staff members, writes to Churchill about Donovan, "and have kept a firm hand on him so he keeps away from me as much as possible."

But Wild Bill Donovan reports only to the president of the United States."
O'Reilly and Dugard, "The Strange Death of World War IIs Most Audacious General," chapter five.

Making certain that Stalin's regime is victorious????

So that's what Donovan was doing for Franklin Delano Roosevelt.....
....the President who said "We want neither communism nor monarchy,"
11. "[November 18th, Roosevelt received a memo from Donovan]... Its highly
confidential contents will soon get leaked, through no fault of Roosevelt's, and he will be forced to defend Donovan when the newspapers report that the OSS chief is trying to create an "American gestapo."
...Roosevelt has no intention of stopping Donovan, because Wild Bill is doing what FDR wants.

"Pursuant to your note of October 31, 1944," Donovan writes, "I have given consideration to the formation of an intelligence service for the postwar period."
Neither Roosevelt nor Donovan has any further concern about the German army. The war will soon be won; that is a foregone conclusion. .... Both men anticipate that another great conflict might follow once Germany is defeated. But rather than suffer another surprise attack, as at Pearl Harbor, Donovan is pressing Roosevelt to allow him to design a new postwar intelligence agency that will anticipate clear and present dangers. In the absence of openly belligerent enemies, this new agency's role will be to spy on America's friends as well as her adversaries.

Roosevelt endorses the new group. His typewritten reply is signed, simply, "FDR."
And so the Central Intelligence Agency is born."
O'Reilly and Dugard, "The Strange Death of World War IIs Most Audacious General," chapter five.
There is a reason for the special attention that 'Wild Bill' Donovan gets in this story.

While Franklin Roosevelt lies to the American public about Russia, hiding the pathological character of his pal Joseph Stalin, ....

....the finest of the Allied generals, George Patton knows the truth about the Soviets and is not shy about sharing it.

a. "They are a scurvy race and simply savages," he writes of the Russians in his journal. "We could beat the hell out of them."
"Patton,"By Martin Blumenson, Kevin M. Hymel, p. 84

Patton was about to return to the United States.....he was popular...no telling what he might say or do.....

Enter Roosevelt's pit bull, Donovan.

b. "In early 1945, while staying at Claridge's, his favorite London hotel, Donovan met with a Jedburgh soldier named Douglas Bazata.The thirty-four-year-old Bazata was a red-haired former U.S. Marine .... was also a top marksman and was once the unofficial heavyweight boxing champion of the Marine Corps.

As he sat down for lunch, Bazata was curious: "You have an additional mission for me? You can trust me totally. I am the servant of the United States, of the OSS and General Donovan."

"Douglas, I do indeed have a problem," Donovan admitted. They were at a corner table, where they could not be overheard. "It is the extreme disobedience of General George Patton, and of his very serious disregard of orders for the common cause."

"Shall I kill him, sir?"Bazata was eager to please Donovan, but also cautious. He had met Patton before and liked the general.
"Yes, Douglas. You do exactly what you must. It is now totally your creation."
O'Reilly, Op. Cit, p.294-295

Stalin wanted to be sure that a man with Patton's understanding of the aims of the communists were eliminated.

Roosevelt did everything he could to please Stalin.

Donovan did everything he could to please Roosevelt.

Bazata did everything he could to please Donovan.

Now....would Yasser Arafat do that???
Ya' think?
If she runs (which seems doubtful at this time) I'm sure it will be easy to find photos of Hillary smooching with Yasser in photo ops when Bill was bombing Europe and making nice with the jihad.

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