Did the World Economic Forum admit something very unnerving?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Its new video about universal COVID passports is predicated on something we were assured wasn’t happening.

There’s a saying that even paranoid people have enemies. Sometimes, you’re right to be suspicious—and when it comes to the vaccines, a lot of people have been very suspicious. Some of these concerns have been about the vaccine’s efficacy, some of them have been about the side effects and risks, and some have been about the specific risks of forcing vaccines on people who are already immune because they’ve had COVID. Then there is a much deeper concern that the vaccines are injecting permanent substances in the body that support a “transhumanist” agenda. The newest video from the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) isn’t going to put that last concern to rest.

First, for those unfamiliar with the concept, “transhumanism” is an idea that sounds wonderful in theory:

Transhumanism can be viewed as an extension of humanism, from which it is partially derived. Humanists believe that humans matter, that individuals matter. We might not be perfect, but we can make things better by promoting rational thinking, freedom, tolerance, democracy, and concern for our fellow human beings. Transhumanists agree with this but also emphasize what we have the potential to become. Just as we use rational means to improve the human condition and the external world, we can also use such means to improve ourselves, the human organism. In doing so, we are not limited to traditional humanistic methods, such as education and cultural development. We can also use technological means that will eventually enable us to move beyond what some would think of as “human”.

Building better humans through science! Who could be opposed to that?

Well, a lot of people. First, it’s entirely possible that they allow those who hold the keys to control

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

This is why I'm pushing the Nuremberg message every chance I get.
If you wrap tinfoil around your head, it will stop the man from transhumanizing you.
Its new video about universal COVID passports is predicated on something we were assured wasn’t happening.

There’s a saying that even paranoid people have enemies. Sometimes, you’re right to be suspicious—and when it comes to the vaccines, a lot of people have been very suspicious. Some of these concerns have been about the vaccine’s efficacy, some of them have been about the side effects and risks, and some have been about the specific risks of forcing vaccines on people who are already immune because they’ve had COVID. Then there is a much deeper concern that the vaccines are injecting permanent substances in the body that support a “transhumanist” agenda. The newest video from the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) isn’t going to put that last concern to rest.

First, for those unfamiliar with the concept, “transhumanism” is an idea that sounds wonderful in theory:

Transhumanism can be viewed as an extension of humanism, from which it is partially derived. Humanists believe that humans matter, that individuals matter. We might not be perfect, but we can make things better by promoting rational thinking, freedom, tolerance, democracy, and concern for our fellow human beings. Transhumanists agree with this but also emphasize what we have the potential to become. Just as we use rational means to improve the human condition and the external world, we can also use such means to improve ourselves, the human organism. In doing so, we are not limited to traditional humanistic methods, such as education and cultural development. We can also use technological means that will eventually enable us to move beyond what some would think of as “human”.

Building better humans through science! Who could be opposed to that?

Well, a lot of people. First, it’s entirely possible that they allow those who hold the keys to control

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

This is why I'm pushing the Nuremberg message every chance I get.

I just read an article about some kind of marker in the COVID vaccines which THEY will be able to blood test for in order to discern a vaccinated sheep from an unvaccinated "pure" human. Scary shit all around.

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