Did the Tucker Video Gambit Work?

Well, I don't sit around and collect disability like you probably do. I am kind of retired, sort of, not like you can leave my business anyway. I own an investment firm with millions of dollars under management, and I run a small retail beef and seafood shoppe in a high end suburb of Charlotte. I have an undergraduate degree in Economics, another one in Leadership, and an MBA in Finance.
IOW, you're a fluffer in a ho house.
That narrative was dismissed by the public early on. Anyone with a shred of common sense saw clearly it was a protest that got out of hand.

But Democrats have very little common sense to go around.

Those that were violent should get the same sentences that George Floyd protesters that were violent received.

Those that destroyed property should get the same sentences that Ferguson Missouri protester received for destroying property during the Michael Brown protests.

And if anyone comes though your window during a protest... you blow their asses right back out. Because climbing though a window of an occupied building is now a death penalty offense.
When was it not?
When was it not?
In many states, including Washington DC, a "duty to retreat" is stipulated as a requirement before deadly force is legally justified.

Don't know where you live...but it is imperative to understand that duty...especially if you live in the Northeast or California.

That is where the legislative shorthand "stand your ground" is derived.

In a "stand your ground" state...you do NOT have a duty to retreat.

In a duty to retreat state, if someone breaks into your home or business...you have a legal duty to run away if you can...driven from your own home by criminals.
Well, I don't sit around and collect disability like you probably do.
Do you ever tire of being wrong?
I am kind of retired, sort of, not like you can leave my business anyway. I own an investment firm with millions of dollars under management, and I run a small retail beef and seafood shoppe in a high end suburb of Charlotte. I have an undergraduate degree in Economics, another one in Leadership, and an MBA in Finance.
Proving that stupidity knows no age or income bracket, assuming you’ve turned over a new leaf and aren’t lying.
And virtually no one was searched. There could have been hundreds of guns
That's why Trump wanted the secret service to take down the magnetometers (metal detectors) so people could enter his "stop the steal rally" with the weapons they brought with them.
So the videos are fake. Okay. Can you provide proof of this?
Of course the videos are not fake.
They exist.
But that's irrelevant.
All Tucker's videos prove is that if you air footage from cameras pointed away from the violence you can give your viewers the impression that the violence never happened.

And if your viewers are stupid enough they just might fall for it too.

Smarter people though would realize that Tucker is taking them for fools.
They would realize that the REALITY of that day looks more like what The January 6th Committee showed us.

Tucker managed to rile up "the base" with his cherry picked release of minutes of the Jan 6 Capitol attack but even GOP legislators condemned it as dishonest


Tucker Carlson’s January 6 lies throw Republicans into disarray

Senate Republicans are condemning Carlson’s downplaying of the insurrection. House leaders, not so much.

So aside from giving "the Following" something to yak about for a while...did it accomplish anything?

Do Independents now think that Jan 6 was just a "tour of the Capitol?
Too bad for Tuck & his cohorts on Fox such as Sean & Laura his attempt to justify the lies they've been puking to the MAGA herd has fallen flat on it's face with anyone who has a brain.
In many states, including Washington DC, a "duty to retreat" is stipulated as a requirement before deadly force is legally justified.

Don't know where you live...but it is imperative to understand that duty...especially if you live in the Northeast or California.
I am well aware of the duty to retreat, it is a requirement when one is out in public

The castle doctrine refers to an exception to the duty to retreat before using deadly self-defense if a party is in their own home.

Castle Doctrine applies to your home, vehicle or business.
Who hasn't seen them?

Legacy Media has played them on a loop.

What people wonder is...why haven't they seen THESE tapes in two years.
Because there is nothing in them that mitigates the incredible violence videod from multiple people including the participants. In some cases it makes them look even worse because it illustrates just how outnumbered the police were.

What no one seems to care about however, is how these un redacted videos released by McCarthy will also reveal a load of information on the security arrangements in the Capitol. Was that deliberate?
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