Did the media collude with QUEER-O to help him hide in the closet?


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

There is a trail of dead bodies here. Jeremiah Wright's choirmaster Don Young, a gay lover of QUEER-O... a blogger, Joan Rivers, and perhaps many many more.

The "US" media, including Fox, has never touched this subject. Never.



If "collusion" to "mislead the American people during an election" is wrong, WHY ISN'T THIS WRONG?
This is amusing. Where did those two Obama daughters come from. Trannies can’t reproduce ya know.
Wow...................Obama has been out of office for almost 2 years now, and he's STILL bugging the right wing idiots.

But, you really need to update your material. The tranny accusations are getting kinda old.
Wow...................Obama has been out of office for almost 2 years now, and he's STILL bugging the right wing idiots.

But, you really need to update your material. The tranny accusations are getting kinda old.

Actually, I still find them amusing. I think they took Michele’s dick and gave it to Rachel ‘Ray’ Maddow, but the MSM won’t report it.
Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

There is a trail of dead bodies here. Jeremiah Wright's choirmaster Don Young, a gay lover of QUEER-O... a blogger, Joan Rivers, and perhaps many many more.

The "US" media, including Fox, has never touched this subject. Never.



If "collusion" to "mislead the American people during an election" is wrong, WHY ISN'T THIS WRONG?

So when i was with Michelle she was not a woman? She she screwed like one!
Congrats LaDexter you are a winner. It's official: The above LaDexter thread has been awarded the 'Stupid Post of the Month Award'. The 'Stupid' award, the highest award for inane comparison and stupid thinking, is awarded monthly to a person of such low reason and sense, they must be extraordinarily stupid. Simple levels of stupid do not qualify for the award or it would have to be given too often. While it may seem this award is not politically correct, the rational for the award recognizes that some stupid posts far exceed the usual stupid, demonstrating a level of stupid rarely reached in even the stupidest setting. Please accept this award with our fondest wishes it is not an inheritable trait.

FN: Rarely is the board of selectors for the 'Stupid' award unanimous, but in the case noted above, many wished they could vote twice or more.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

"Trump supporters, therefore, saw their candidate as "America's last chance" to recreate a nation that reminded them of the good old days. The country's growing diversity, Obama's very existence in the White House, and the ever-increasing visibility of African Americans in colleges and corporations had fueled a sense that these gains were "likely to reduce the influence of white Americans in society." Trump's win exposed in frightening ways the "ethnonationalist rage centered around a black president" and the fear that all of the resources and wealth accumulated through centuries of public policy would be subject to "redistribution from older, white America to its younger, more diverse" population."

The ubiquitous campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) was, therefore, freighted with heavy racial baggage. Some 20 percent of Trump supporters believed the Emancipation Proclamation had been bad public policy and that the enslaved should have never been freed."

Page 170 and top of 171 "White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide" by Carol Anderson

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

American Denial
Wow...................Obama has been out of office for almost 2 years now, and he's STILL bugging the right wing idiots.

But, you really need to update your material. The tranny accusations are getting kinda old.

Actually, I still find them amusing. I think they took Michele’s dick and gave it to Rachel ‘Ray’ Maddow, but the MSM won’t report it.
I know for sure this is something you mentally dwell on quite a bit, eh?
This controversy about Michelle’s gender has been swirling for quite sometime. The funny thing- she could end it all immediately and once and for all. Why won’t she do a centerfold spread in Hustler then? I’m sure Hustler would gleefully oblige her request to be featured in a full color layout. So what is she hiding that she won’t do this one simple thing? Things that make you go hmmmmm.
This controversy about Michelle’s gender has been swirling for quite sometime. The funny thing- she could end it all immediately and once and for all. Why won’t she do a centerfold spread in Hustler then? I’m sure Hustler would gleefully oblige her request to be featured in a full color layout. So what is she hiding that she won’t do this one simple thing? Things that make you go hmmmmm.
Perhaps she is a very christian woman and finds posing naked degrading, unlike melanoma. To not pose naked is not a big deal to me.
It's hysterical how the trumpanzees can't quit the Obamas.....:71:
The people who post these type of threads and those that post comments playing along with the OP are proof positive that these folks are descended from lower life forms such as pond scum or Donald Trump's loins.
Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

There is a trail of dead bodies here. Jeremiah Wright's choirmaster Don Young, a gay lover of QUEER-O... a blogger, Joan Rivers, and perhaps many many more.

The "US" media, including Fox, has never touched this subject. Never.



If "collusion" to "mislead the American people during an election" is wrong, WHY ISN'T THIS WRONG?

You my friend are living proof that conservitards don't need brains to live.
This controversy about Michelle’s gender has been swirling for quite sometime. The funny thing- she could end it all immediately and once and for all. Why won’t she do a centerfold spread in Hustler then? I’m sure Hustler would gleefully oblige her request to be featured in a full color layout. So what is she hiding that she won’t do this one simple thing? Things that make you go hmmmmm.
Perhaps she is a very christian woman and finds posing naked degrading, unlike melanoma. To not pose naked is not a big deal to me.

Wrong. It means she is a dude.
The left wingers here are really really peeved at this subject.

If it wasn't true, they'd ignore it. They don't.

It is there. There is a trail of dead bodies in the wake of keeping QUEER-O hidden in his closet.

Where did those two Obama daughters come from.

Two biological males cannot reproduce.

What we observed for 8+ years is a vintage Dem "faux family," designed to dupe voters into thinking QUEER-O really isn't a cocksucking sissy hiding in a closet, which is what the "buzz" was in 1996....

Those kids aren't related to either QUEER-O or his trans "wife." Where they originated from is what a responsible media would find out...
The left wingers here are really really peeved at this subject.

If it wasn't true, they'd ignore it. They don't.

It is there. There is a trail of dead bodies in the wake of keeping QUEER-O hidden in his closet.

Where did those two Obama daughters come from.

Two biological males cannot reproduce.

What we observed for 8+ years is a vintage Dem "faux family," designed to dupe voters into thinking QUEER-O really isn't a cocksucking sissy hiding in a closet, which is what the "buzz" was in 1996....

Those kids aren't related to either QUEER-O or his trans "wife." Where they originated from is what a responsible media would find out...

Boy, I had never thought about it, but you make a lot of sense. It’s the last thing we would expect from the Dems, and that is what made it a perfect plan- get a gay, delicately handsome black dude, make up some shit about his mom being a progressive hussy who marries a young black man. Then find some some effeminate dude, dress him like a chick and call him Michelle. The hardest part would have been finding those 2 kids. My bet (I’m sure there is evidence that the media has covered up which would support this) is they are actually Mexican orphans who were given chemicals to turn their skin black. Tricky bastards!
The left wingers here are really really peeved at this subject.

If it wasn't true, they'd ignore it. They don't.

It is there. There is a trail of dead bodies in the wake of keeping QUEER-O hidden in his closet.

Where did those two Obama daughters come from.

Two biological males cannot reproduce.

What we observed for 8+ years is a vintage Dem "faux family," designed to dupe voters into thinking QUEER-O really isn't a cocksucking sissy hiding in a closet, which is what the "buzz" was in 1996....

Those kids aren't related to either QUEER-O or his trans "wife." Where they originated from is what a responsible media would find out...
You certainly dwell on whether people are gay or not.....and then bring it out here to talk about and talk about and talk about. Just an observation, Mary.
Mary, you hate truth. You want the American people to continue to be duped and lied to by the Dems and the media.

Truth matters, except in your ideology....

The AMERICAN PEOPLE had the RIGHT to KNOW the TRUTH regarding....

1. QUEER-O being gay
2. Michelle being MICHAEL ROBINSON after a "sex change"
3. CNN giving the debate questions to Hillary BEFORE the debate
4. fights at Trump events were started intentionally by paid Hillary workers, in total collusion with CNN
Mary, you hate truth. You want the American people to continue to be duped and lied to by the Dems and the media.

Truth matters, except in your ideology....

The AMERICAN PEOPLE had the RIGHT to KNOW the TRUTH regarding....

And by 'truth', you mean whatever batshit you make up?

Time to start babbling about jews again, Tinfoil

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