Did the Hundreds of Thousands Of Voters Whose Ballots Were 'Suddenly Found' Only Vote For President? Why Are Only Presidential #s Being Affected?

Sorry, Richard.....but we're seeing this crap going on all over the country.
We also predicted that Democrats would try it.
Let's see if they get away with it, mkay?
You're not seeing any crap. You're reading bullshit lies on the internet and gobbling up every bit without considering their truth.

That's what this board is right now from Trump supporters. Lie after lie after lie.
What we are seeing is extreme anomalies in certain urban centers that do not match state and national trends. Regardless of what side you are on that should raise a red flag. Only those not interested in fair elections would ignore such things.
No, we aren’t seeing extreme anomalies. Urban centers basically always vote heavily Democratic. There is no state or national trend to match.

I don’t want to ignore voter fraud but the allegations have to be credible.
Sorry, Richard.....but we're seeing this crap going on all over the country.
We also predicted that Democrats would try it.
Let's see if they get away with it, mkay?
You're not seeing any crap. You're reading bullshit lies on the internet and gobbling up every bit without considering their truth.

That's what this board is right now from Trump supporters. Lie after lie after lie.
What we are seeing is extreme anomalies in certain urban centers that do not match state and national trends. Regardless of what side you are on that should raise a red flag. Only those not interested in fair elections would ignore such things.
No, we aren’t seeing extreme anomalies. Urban centers basically always vote heavily Democratic. There is no state or national trend to match.

I don’t want to ignore voter fraud but the allegations have to be credible.
The anomalies are participation in traditionally low turnout areas. They don't have to exceed registration rates, yet some do. Is it possible? Sure, but excessively improbable, which rightly raises red flags. Yet in areas it surpasses being statistically possible. You honestly don't think that should be investigated?
Sorry, Richard.....but we're seeing this crap going on all over the country.
We also predicted that Democrats would try it.
Let's see if they get away with it, mkay?
You're not seeing any crap. You're reading bullshit lies on the internet and gobbling up every bit without considering their truth.

That's what this board is right now from Trump supporters. Lie after lie after lie.
What we are seeing is extreme anomalies in certain urban centers that do not match state and national trends. Regardless of what side you are on that should raise a red flag. Only those not interested in fair elections would ignore such things.
No, we aren’t seeing extreme anomalies. Urban centers basically always vote heavily Democratic. There is no state or national trend to match.

I don’t want to ignore voter fraud but the allegations have to be credible.
Counting more votes in precincts than there are registered voters is a bit of a red-flag.
Sorry, Richard.....but we're seeing this crap going on all over the country.
We also predicted that Democrats would try it.
Let's see if they get away with it, mkay?
You're not seeing any crap. You're reading bullshit lies on the internet and gobbling up every bit without considering their truth.

That's what this board is right now from Trump supporters. Lie after lie after lie.
What we are seeing is extreme anomalies in certain urban centers that do not match state and national trends. Regardless of what side you are on that should raise a red flag. Only those not interested in fair elections would ignore such things.
No, we aren’t seeing extreme anomalies. Urban centers basically always vote heavily Democratic. There is no state or national trend to match.

I don’t want to ignore voter fraud but the allegations have to be credible.
The anomalies are participation in traditionally low turnout areas. They don't have to exceed registration rates, yet some do. Is it possible? Sure, but excessively improbable, which rightly raises red flags. Yet in areas it surpasses being statistically possible. You honestly don't think that should be investigated?
All of these claims use massively outdated or just made up voter registration data. For example:
200,000 new Pro-Democrat/Pro-Joe ballots suddenly found 'here - every single one miraculously for Joe Biden
130,000 new Pro-Democrat/Pro-Joe ballots suddenly found 'there' - every single one miraculously for Joe Biden.
175,000 new Pro-Democrat/Pro-Joe ballots suddenly found 'here' - every single one miraculously for Joe Biden.

Anyone wondering why these hundreds of thousands of new 'suddenly found' Biden-Only Democrat ballots are not having any impact / changing any of the Governor, House, or Senate elections?!

Did all of these hundreds of thousands of voters who submitted these new 'suddenly found' Biden-only votes vote for Democrats in any of the other races...or did they just vote for President only?

Are these hundreds f thousands of 'suddenly found' Dem-Only Ballots seriously not having any impact on the other races / elections...or are we just not hearing about it?

The one exception is in Georgia, David Perdue was above the 50% and now suddenly because of the mystery ballots they found in Fulton County the most corrupt County in Georgia Perdue is below the 50% and of course like with the Presidential Race all these new mystery ballots approx 50,000 will all be going to the Democrat. I also heard that guess who is helping oversee the ballot counting in Fulton County? Stacey Abrams, I mean what could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes-41:

Someone applied statistical analysis to this and indeed, the amount of 50.000 vote counts to democrats is indicative of fraud - very statistically unlikely.
Counting more votes in precincts than there are registered voters is a bit of a red-flag.
That never happened. You're the victim of fake news.

Your source is lying. Wisconsin has same day registration, they must have more ballots than registered voters.
I still don't see where anyone has really answered the question yet.....

Hundreds of thousands of ballots were brought in during the wee hours of the morning- in coolers, trash cans, etc... - and every single one of them were for Biden....and so the Democrats stole...er, 'flipped' states' Presidential standings....but there was no movement in either their House or Senate tallies.

So, again, are Democrats /snowflakes trying to convince people that those hundreds of thousands of people whose ballots were 'found' at the last minute ONLY voted for President and completely ignored the other races?


Counting more votes in precincts than there are registered voters is a bit of a red-flag.
That never happened. You're the victim of fake news.

Your source is lying. Wisconsin has same day registration, they must have more ballots than registered voters.

That's what happened! Republicans are tilting at windmills! They're seeing things that aren't there! There are too many safeguards to stop widespread voter fraud! Republicans have studied and investigated it to death and have found "nothing" worth making a fuss of! The few times I have heard of voter malfeasance is some Rep. party chair that doesn't live in his district! I'll live with that over ballot harvesting like some are claiming! What idiots; millions of ballots? Real fk'n idiots out there! :itsok:
According to Fox News' latest talley:

Arizona: Biden Leads By 41,302 - a 1.34% lead, 49.9% to 48.6%

Ga: Biden Leads By 1,536 - a 0.03% Lead, 49.4% to 49.4 %

Nv: Biden Leads By 20,137 - a 1.3% Lead, 49.7% to 48.1%

NC: Trump Leads By 76,701 - a 1.42% Lead, 50.1% t0 48.7%

Pa: Biden Leads By 13,073 - a 0.21% Lead, 49.5% to 49.3% Lead

Trump's percentage of winning in NC is greater than Biden in Ga's and Pa's COMBINED

Trump's 1.42% winning margin is greater than that of ANY of Biden's in the other states.

DESPITE the literally HUNDREDS of thousands of 'last second' 'FOUND' votes delivered in the middle of the night by unmarked vehicles, carried into Democrat Supervisor voting locations - every single last one of them being for Biden....DESPITE DEAD people having been reported voting...despite people who no longer live in the same state still voting in these states......Biden is only up .03%, 1.34%, 1.3%, and 0.2%...


And, once again, the hundreds of thousands of illegal voters, dead people, and voters' whose ballots were found at the last second never voted for any other candidate in any other race, apparently, because their voted did NOT impact the vote count in any of the other elections / traces....

That's just a f*ing MIRACLE....

....like how mote than 30 precincts reported MORE THAN 100% of the number of legal registered voters voted...and how for the 1st time in US history states that NEVER got more than the national average 73% turnout of 89% and 92% turnout......not nearly as impressive as 108%, 09%, and 112% but minutely more believable.

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That's what happened! Republicans are tilting at windmills! They're seeing things that aren't there!
Photos, videos, whistleblowers, the Democrats' own voter rosters, official voter registration records, official DEATH certificates, state election reported numbers thus far, poll worker admissions...all that evidence and more says you are a liar.
So much fear. Have the propagandists got to you.
You should fear the run on tissues. SOS
You aren't very good at deflecting the issue and changing the subject.
I would think a partisan liar like you would have a lot more practice.

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