Did Planned Parenthood ever actually move away from the "pro-choice" label?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
It was huge news in the pro-life sphere about a year ago. I haven't really heard much about it since, mostly because that's about the time I discovered the network of pro-choice fanatics working on harassing and doxxing pro-life activists. Apparently there are only about a thousand of them, and I don't think they've done much more than digging up dirt on people and sharing and dogpiling internet discussions about it, but... Yeah. I just didn't really feel safe being involved anymore. Anyway, did anything ever come from that? Does PP still use that label or did they switch to something new?
"Planned Parenthood" is nothing more than a liberal oxymoron for an abortion mill. If they were serious about family planning, they would advocate abstinence before marriage and pregnancy prevention afterwards. But that doesn't fit into their left wing political agenda.
Oh look ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Two idiots who know nothing about Planned Parenthood or abortion.

My bet is that neither of you have ever been pregnant. I'd also bet that you don't support any unwanted children or put half of the blame for abortion on men.

But mostly, I'll bet you would scream bloody murder if anyone tried to control your reproductive rights.

BTW, why is this in Politics?
Oh look ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Two idiots who know nothing about Planned Parenthood or abortion.

My bet is that neither of you have ever been pregnant. I'd also bet that you don't support any unwanted children or put half of the blame for abortion on men.

But mostly, I'll bet you would scream bloody murder if anyone tried to control your reproductive rights.
See, this is why I don't associate with pro-abortion people. All I asked was whether they still use the label or not, since a huge thing was made about them trying to distance themselves from it for PR reasons a year ago and not really a whole lot has been said about it since. You literally sidestepped that question entirely to tell me I've never been pregnant. And you wonder why people think your crowd are crazy ideologues...

BTW, why is this in Politics?
I wasn't sure what a better section would be.
"Planned Parenthood" is nothing more than a liberal oxymoron for an abortion mill. If they were serious about family planning, they would advocate abstinence before marriage and pregnancy prevention afterwards. But that doesn't fit into their left wing political agenda.
They won't even help new mothers who want to keep their babies find an OBGYN.

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