CDZ Did MILO mean young men not young boys? or does he really support pedophilia?

A young man, is a man from 20- 25 years old, certainly not a boy in his teens...even a 16 year old is NOT a young man....sorry!

In Germany, where Milo grew up, age of consent is 14. Europeans are much more sexually open than Americans. I'm not making an argument that it's right or wrong, just stating facts.

And I hate to break this to you but when I turned 18 in 1977, virtually no one I knew my age was a virgin who had no sexual experience. I can only imagine what it's like today. So if you want to live in a bubble where young people don't have sexual experiences before age 18, that's your hang up and no one else's. I lost my virginity at age 15 and believe me, I was trying long before that.

Being open and honest about these things doesn't mean we condone or approve of it.
Did all of these 14 to 16 year olds have sex with 29 year old men?

Age of consent was 16 where Milo lived???

He grew up in Germany where age of consent is 14.

I don't know who had sex with whom. He didn't say.
when he was a young teen his first sexual experience / relationship was with a 29 year old man....who taught him so much!!! He said.
A young man, is a man from 20- 25 years old, certainly not a boy in his teens...even a 16 year old is NOT a young man....sorry!

In Germany, where Milo grew up, age of consent is 14. Europeans are much more sexually open than Americans. I'm not making an argument that it's right or wrong, just stating facts.

And I hate to break this to you but when I turned 18 in 1977, virtually no one I knew my age was a virgin who had no sexual experience. I can only imagine what it's like today. So if you want to live in a bubble where young people don't have sexual experiences before age 18, that's your hang up and no one else's. I lost my virginity at age 15 and believe me, I was trying long before that.

Being open and honest about these things doesn't mean we condone or approve of it.
Did all of these 14 to 16 year olds have sex with 29 year old men?

Age of consent was 16 where Milo lived???

He grew up in Germany where age of consent is 14.

I don't know who had sex with whom. He didn't say.
when he was a young teen his first sexual experience / relationship was with a 29 year old man....who taught him so much!!! He said.

Right.. he is relating his own personal experience. He did not say this should be the law of the land and we should suspend age of consent laws everywhere so 13 year olds can have sex with adults.... that's not what he said or implied in any way.
A young man, is a man from 20- 25 years old, certainly not a boy in his teens...even a 16 year old is NOT a young man....sorry!

In Germany, where Milo grew up, age of consent is 14. Europeans are much more sexually open than Americans. I'm not making an argument that it's right or wrong, just stating facts.

And I hate to break this to you but when I turned 18 in 1977, virtually no one I knew my age was a virgin who had no sexual experience. I can only imagine what it's like today. So if you want to live in a bubble where young people don't have sexual experiences before age 18, that's your hang up and no one else's. I lost my virginity at age 15 and believe me, I was trying long before that.

Being open and honest about these things doesn't mean we condone or approve of it.
Milo did not grow up in Germany. The age of consent in Germany is much more complex than how you present it. So much for "just stating facts".
Milo did not grow up in Germany. The age of consent in Germany is much more complex than how you present it. So much for "just stating facts".

Well, I may be wrong about him growing up there, I'm going by what he said in defending the allegations against him. He may have said he spent a lot of his time there as a youth or something. He did indicate age of consent in Germany is 14. So can we stop it with the pissing contest and admit that Europeans are much more open with sexuality than Americans or are we going to ignore that point and focus on trivial details?

Hey look, I am not going to sit here and defend Milo all day. I am a libertarian conservative, which means I really don't give a shit what you do as long as it doesn't bother me. I don't personally agree with Milo's lifestyle and I don't think he is a proper role model for young children... or maybe even college age students. I just don't approve of him being publicly crucified by people who want to destroy him. I'm going to always stand up for free speech whether I agree with it or not. Speech that is not offensive doesn't need protecting.
Here is what I believe was the original occasion of Milo's comments. That interview occurred in 2015.

I think he is willing to dissect and analyze things much deeper, down to the atoms and molecules, but that's what got him in trouble. He said things so detailed, they sounded like justifying some of this behavior he was saying fell under different categories and not pedophilia, so he sounded like he was "skirting" that.

Barbarous as this sounds, having on multiple occasions during the height of the priesthood pederasty scandals in the early aughts heard several Europeans from predominantly Roman Catholic countries glibly comment on the American naivete by saying that one would have to be quite dense to think that a good quantity of priests aren't gay, and gay or not, pedophiles, in particular the ones who teach children. They shared that people simply accept it for what it is and take appropriate steps -- probative, proscriptive, informative, etc. -- to ensure their kids don't become victims. They were clear to note that the frequency of clerical pedophillia and pederasty was not, in their opinion, that of most, many or all, but it's perceived to be often enough that parents know to figure out what's what regarding any priest whom their child might interact frequently at length and unaccompanied by others.

I haven't any anecdotal experiences with priests to have an opinion on the matter; however, I have a cousin who when he was 15 had a sordid affair with 19 year old "townie" girl. I was 14 at the time and, if I'm honest, though I was rather jealous of him, in awestruck complicity I helped him on several nights abscond from the house for an occasional assignation with her. He definitely construed his "fortune" as a source of amour propre. I suspect that is very much what Milo felt regarding his dalliances with "Father Michael."
A young man, is a man from 20- 25 years old, certainly not a boy in his teens...even a 16 year old is NOT a young man....sorry!

In Germany, where Milo grew up, age of consent is 14. Europeans are much more sexually open than Americans. I'm not making an argument that it's right or wrong, just stating facts.

And I hate to break this to you but when I turned 18 in 1977, virtually no one I knew my age was a virgin who had no sexual experience. I can only imagine what it's like today. So if you want to live in a bubble where young people don't have sexual experiences before age 18, that's your hang up and no one else's. I lost my virginity at age 15 and believe me, I was trying long before that.

Being open and honest about these things doesn't mean we condone or approve of it.
Did all of these 14 to 16 year olds have sex with 29 year old men?

Age of consent was 16 where Milo lived???

He grew up in Germany where age of consent is 14.

I don't know who had sex with whom. He didn't say.
BTW, Milo DID NOT grow up in Germany....

he was born and raised in the UK, he is a British citizen, and the age of consent is 16....

WHERE did you get that he was raised in Germany?
BTW, Milo DID NOT grow up in Germany....

he was born and raised in the UK, he is a British citizen, and the age of consent is 16....

WHERE did you get that he was raised in Germany?

Are you not reading the thread? You're a little late on the call here.
BTW, Milo DID NOT grow up in Germany....

he was born and raised in the UK, he is a British citizen, and the age of consent is 16....

WHERE did you get that he was raised in Germany?

Are you not reading the thread? You're a little late on the call here.

no, haven't been able to keep up, I had like 17 notifications and another 10 since I started to try to review the 17.... just hadn't the time to read every post! :eek:
I have to wonder how many of you who are expressing outrage would be offended if Milo were straight and revealed he lost his virginity at 13 to a 29 year old woman? How much of this is because he's homosexual?

Of course, I don't recall all the public shaming of Harvey Milk... he was lauded as some kind of iconic hero to the left. Or Roman Polanski! I guess they get that good old Liberal Pass card, huh? :dunno:
I have to wonder how many of you who are expressing outrage would be offended if Milo were straight and revealed he lost his virginity at 13 to a 29 year old woman? How much of this is because he's homosexual?

Of course, I don't recall all the public shaming of Harvey Milk... he was lauded as some kind of iconic hero to the left. Or Roman Polanski! I guess they get that good old Liberal Pass card, huh? :dunno:
you are reading too much right wing media, giving you your lines of excuses and deflections for the day...:rolleyes:
I am not outraged by what Milo talked about...I feel sorry for him...that he still believes his sexual encounter with the 29 year old when he was 14 or so, was ok and actually good for him...and not statutory rape... he believes he consented but he didn't, because he couldn't...his brain was not developed enough yet....and a 29 year old adult, should have known that....

Also, by Milo talking about his views on his experience may harm other young boys by sort of giving them, the OK, in going in to a relationship with a 29 year old, or there about, at such a young age.
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I am not outraged by what Milo talked about...I feel sorry for him...that he still believes his sexual encounter with the 29 year old when he was 14 or so, was ok and actually good for him...and not statutory rape... he believes he consented but he didn't, because he couldn't...his brain was not developed enough yet....and a 29 year old adult, should know that....

Also, by Milo talking about his views on his experience may harm other young boys by sort of giving them, the OK, in going in to a relationship with a 29 year old, or there about, at such a young age.
I disagree that a 14 year old is not capable to consent to have sex. It may and almost always is a poor decision for a 14 year old to consent to have sex, but that does not make it not consent.
One key issue not being addressed is the how and the why of Milo's conversation with the other men that resulted in these quotes that have been so misinterpreted.

The actual topic of the show was age of consent. Both genders were being discussed but even on this board I witnessed specific editing of Milo's quotes to make it appear that he was only pushing the angle of 13 year olds with older men.

Milo actually addressed female teacher/male student relationships. 13 year old boys were mentioned in that segment.

The other time 13 came up was when he was discussing his own experiences.

Now I understand when people dislike others for their politics that's fine and dandy, but to smear Milo as we have been witnessing by accusing Milo of not only endorsing pedophilia but also to accuse Milo of being a pedophile himself with absolutely no evidence.

This goes beyond the pale.

Why not smear George Takei?
George Takei Spoke Glowingly About Being Molested as Young Teen ...
I am not outraged by what Milo talked about...I feel sorry for him...that he still believes his sexual encounter with the 29 year old when he was 14 or so, was ok and actually good for him...and not statutory rape... he believes he consented but he didn't, because he couldn't...his brain was not developed enough yet....and a 29 year old adult, should know that....

Also, by Milo talking about his views on his experience may harm other young boys by sort of giving them, the OK, in going in to a relationship with a 29 year old, or there about, at such a young age.
I disagree that a 14 year old is not capable to consent to have sex. It may and almost always is a poor decisions for a 14 year old to consent to have sex, but that does not make it not consent.
you are correct, if with his peers of around the same age ....say within 3 yrs or so, but NOT WITH AN ADULT MALE just shy of 30
I am not outraged by what Milo talked about...I feel sorry for him...that he still believes his sexual encounter with the 29 year old when he was 14 or so, was ok and actually good for him...and not statutory rape... he believes he consented but he didn't, because he couldn't...his brain was not developed enough yet....and a 29 year old adult, should know that....

Also, by Milo talking about his views on his experience may harm other young boys by sort of giving them, the OK, in going in to a relationship with a 29 year old, or there about, at such a young age.
I disagree that a 14 year old is not capable to consent to have sex. It may and almost always is a poor decisions for a 14 year old to consent to have sex, but that does not make it not consent.
you are correct, if with his peers of around the same age ....say within 3 yrs or so, but NOT WITH AN ADULT MALE just shy of 30
We obviously are not using the same definition of "consent".
I am not outraged by what Milo talked about...I feel sorry for him...that he still believes his sexual encounter with the 29 year old when he was 14 or so, was ok and actually good for him...and not statutory rape... he believes he consented but he didn't, because he couldn't...his brain was not developed enough yet....and a 29 year old adult, should know that....

Also, by Milo talking about his views on his experience may harm other young boys by sort of giving them, the OK, in going in to a relationship with a 29 year old, or there about, at such a young age.

Not only does he believe he consented, he believes he was the predator. He sought out the relationship as a form of rebellion. He now admits that was wrong and he is not advocating or endorsing that, just being openly candid about his personal experience. Why is that wrong?

Maybe he should have kept that to himself but he didn't. How does that make HIM a pedophile as he is being accused? If anything, he was a victim... but his whole entire shtick is about rejecting victim mentality. So he relays his story and puts it in a way where he looks at the bright side, he doesn't curl up in the fetal position and claim victimhood, he makes light of it by jokingly saying it "taught him how to give good oral sex." He very candidly explains in a mature and open-minded way that many young men coming of age will seek out older men, especially homosexual young men.... is he wrong to say that? Why is stating the truth wrong?

Yes, what he is talking about is a sensitive and mature thing that isn't for every audience. I understand that. His views aren't mainstream and maybe don't reflect the wholesome values of some, but he's not advocating pedophilia.
BTW, Milo DID NOT grow up in Germany....

he was born and raised in the UK, he is a British citizen, and the age of consent is 16....

WHERE did you get that he was raised in Germany?

Are you not reading the thread? You're a little late on the call here.

no, haven't been able to keep up, I had like 17 notifications and another 10 since I started to try to review the 17.... just hadn't the time to read every post! :eek:

Kudos to you for simply owning that you weren't "up to speed" and thereby remarked "out of turn" in a manner of speaking. So many folks just don't have the integrity to that. Well done.
you are correct, if with his peers of around the same age ....say within 3 yrs or so, but NOT WITH AN ADULT MALE just shy of 30

So a 14 year old's brain is developed enough to have consensual sex with a 16 year old but not a 29 year old?

Look... You are entirely missing Milo's point. What he is saying, what the actual discussion he was having was about.... was that "age of consent" is arbitrary. People are different! Some people are more mature than other people... can you grasp that concept? Not everyone is the same. WE establish these arbitrary boundaries... someone who is 15 years 364 days old is a victim of statutory rape but at midnight when they turn 16, perfectly legal... did some miraculous chemical reaction happen in their brain at the stroke of midnight?

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