Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

Joe signed a $1 trillion dollar infrastructure bill into law.

trump gave the rich tax cuts and gutted the IRS so that the IRS couldn't collect taxes from the rich. And trump built 40 miles of fence on a 2,000 mile long border.

And it took trump 4 years to do that.

Joe is way ahead.

"Joe is a success because I really like his agenda! Trump was a failure because I didn't like his agenda! Who cares about results?!"
Perhaps you should have thought of that when Trump was elected. Because you're certainly not going to hypocritically lecture ME about it now.

It started with Mitch McConnell, and the "one term" presidency of any democrat. Which required complete opposition to anything that would help America.

You can see it in the senate confirmation votes, where Trumps nominees got hearings, and when qualified, got the support of democrats.

Where democratic nominees got vitually zero republican support, no matter how qualified. Mitch even prevented a vote on nominees with strong republican support, since a floor vote would have seen them confirmed.

Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?​


Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory. The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging. On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he...
1 Jan 2022 ~~ By Mike LaChance
The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory.
The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging.
On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he sounds like a blithering idiot.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The numbers:
– 74% said 2021 was a fair to poor year, with most, 48%, calling it poor.
– Just 23% called it a good to the best year ever, with just 2% dubbing it “one of the best years.”
– 63% of Democrats agreed that it was fair to poor.
– 50% expect 2022 to be fair to poor, and 41% believe it will be good to the best.

An analyst at FOX News had a similar take:
Marc Thiessen: No American president has ‘fallen from grace’ as fast as Joe Biden in 2021
Just imagine what Biden’s presidency is going to look like a year from now.

Hmm..., What a Rhetorical Question.
Measuring effectiveness or not is a non-starter when everything Biden has done was wrong, evil and purposeful! The only measurement is whether he is actually in charge!
Biden has become the useful idiot puppet for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and global communism.
If Joey's performance during 2021 is any indication of things to come in 2022. Covid, Afghanistan, China/Taiwan, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, Build Back Bust and subversion of Constitutional rights are on his anti-American agenda.
The only upside will be the midterm elections. Both Pelosi and Schumer will be out, and Lame Duck Joe will be slowed for his last two years
Yes, and arguably US history with the possible except of one of the Harrisons (I forget which) who died a month or so after being sworn in.
"Joe is a success because I really like his agenda! Trump was a failure because I didn't like his agenda! Who cares about results?!"
Has it sunk in yet, that one sign is that Trump filled his white house with (future) convicted felons.
Your Democracy is totalitarianism. Voting for dictators is not freedom. Biden is doing a lot behind the scenes as a fascist. Or the people who really rule are doing as he is a figurehead.
The vegetable needs a month and half longer than most real POTUS need to deliver the SOTU? This incompetent POS and every democrat in office currently, save Manchin and Sinema, should be tried and executed for crimes against humanity.
All politicians are cretins but some are worse. For example. ONE party saved the Supreme Court and saved me from having to be injected with vaccines that did not even go through proper trials just to keep my job.

Oh, if you want to find out something interesting about the vaccines, check out what the province of Alberta let slip yesterday, and then made disappear.

Go Canadian Truckers! You got a convoy! Fuck Justin Trudeau!
It started with Mitch McConnell, and the "one term" presidency of any democrat. Which required complete opposition to anything that would help America.

You can see it in the senate confirmation votes, where Trumps nominees got hearings, and when qualified, got the support of democrats.

Where democratic nominees got vitually zero republican support, no matter how qualified. Mitch even prevented a vote on nominees with strong republican support, since a floor vote would have seen them confirmed.

Oh, give me a fucking break with your "We're such victims, it makes anything we want to do okay" line. As long as there have been political parties, there has been the intention to make a President of the other party a one-term President. Either butch up, or go find a nice knitting message board to join.
Yes, and arguably US history with the possible except of one of the Harrisons (I forget which) who died a month or so after being sworn in.

William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia 31 days after he took office. Also, James Garfield was assassinated 9 months after he took office.

But, as I've said before, Biden has had the worst first year of any President in terms of the consequences of his own actions in office.
No. Far from it.

Afghanistan...closed out and finished.
Stimulus... done.
Infrastructure bill...done
Defense bill with pay raise for military...done
Normalcy being returned more and more.
Insurrectionists...being hunted down like dogs.

Republican impotent outrage...off the charts~!!!!!!
OMG, that is so funny...I just know you didn't type that with a straight face....lol
No. Far from it.

Afghanistan...closed out and finished.
Stimulus... done.
Infrastructure bill...done
Defense bill with pay raise for military...done
Normalcy being returned more and more.
Insurrectionists...being hunted down like dogs.

Republican impotent outrage...off the charts~!!!!!!
OMG, that is so funny...I just know you didn't type that with a straight face....lol
Pretty sure William Henry Harrison had the worst first year.
And I'm pretty sure Harrison is not a modern president. You might want to check Harrison's bio.

And, yes, Quid Pro Joe IS the worst ever and he hasn't even gotten out of his first year yet! Jesus Christ!

Oh my God! What an absolute stink bomb of a president! And I'm not just talking about what he did
to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Parker Bowles at a UN Climate Change reception, ironically enough.
Talk about heating up the atmosphere!

He's a zero in every way possible.
OMG, that is so funny...I just know you didn't type that with a straight face....lol
It has the added benefit of being correct--as you can't make a case that any of it isn't true or hide the fact that you were for most of these policies when the blob was endorsing them.

Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?​


Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory. The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging. On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he...
1 Jan 2022 ~~ By Mike LaChance
The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory.
The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging.
On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he sounds like a blithering idiot.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The numbers:
– 74% said 2021 was a fair to poor year, with most, 48%, calling it poor.
– Just 23% called it a good to the best year ever, with just 2% dubbing it “one of the best years.”
– 63% of Democrats agreed that it was fair to poor.
– 50% expect 2022 to be fair to poor, and 41% believe it will be good to the best.

An analyst at FOX News had a similar take:
Marc Thiessen: No American president has ‘fallen from grace’ as fast as Joe Biden in 2021
Just imagine what Biden’s presidency is going to look like a year from now.

Hmm..., What a Rhetorical Question.
Measuring effectiveness or not is a non-starter when everything Biden has done was wrong, evil and purposeful! The only measurement is whether he is actually in charge!
Biden has become the useful idiot puppet for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and global communism.
If Joey's performance during 2021 is any indication of things to come in 2022. Covid, Afghanistan, China/Taiwan, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, Build Back Bust and subversion of Constitutional rights are on his anti-American agenda.
The only upside will be the midterm elections. Both Pelosi and Schumer will be out, and Lame Duck Joe will be slowed for his last two years

Worst president ever, and that's saying a lot.

Plus he's not even the real president anyway.
The Republicans have gone insane, blocking all legislation; this isn't how democracy works. We'll have to vote them all out.
This nation was not a socialist aka communist nation till the warmongers took over.
Everytime they get in they try to start another war. Now they are going for a nuclear war with Russia who will bring in China .
It has the added benefit of being correct--as you can't make a case that any of it isn't true or hide the fact that you were for most of these policies when the blob was endorsing them.
Afghanistan...closed out and finished. Done by Trump--violated by being late and fucked up by Biden.
Stimulus... done.---Unnecessary give aways, grudgingly DONE BY TRUMP $2600
Vaccines...distributed.---Thanks to Operation Warp Speed
Infrastructure bill...done---Communist Political Give Away Bill--not related to infrastructure
Defense bill with pay raise for military...done---Attempt to buy votes, Why are we spending more for defense since we have left Afghanistan?
Normalcy being returned more and more. ---New normal--vaccine passports

Case made that each and every point you made was untrue or unnecessary, but in addition here are a couple that you didn't mention:
Fuel independence ended by executive order
Fuel prices increase 50% or more in one year
Highest inflation in 40 years
Empty Grocery shelves
Supply Chain crises
Border Crises
Auto Industry in chaos--try to buy and TAKE DELIVERY on a new vehicle. Result--highly inflated costs for new AND used vehicles.
Record Homelessness
Enabling of Russian pipeline (while ending US/Canada's)
Playing with WWIII
Laughing stock of the world

Yeah, I think that pretty much qualifies his as being the worst year of any modern POTUS--and it is ALL of his OWN DOING.

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