Did He go too far today?

^^^ TRANSLATION: Trump is his own man free of deep state control who might actually serve the nation and its people as the founders intended instead of just the rich, powerful, corrupt and the elite as usual, and Rocky hates that. He just wants another good ol' Dole-McCain-Romney RINO Derp who knows his place and keeps it.
No, some are saying it would be nice if the narcissistic idiot permanently went away. I'm going to see what else they have to say.
Until he's dead.

Then there are Trump's kids and whole generations of Trump-inspired people to carry MAGA on, much as Reagan and Barry Goldwater still inspire people to this day.

One by one, more and more are coming over to MAGA, because, THIS is your alternative.

Trump is in full-on martyr mode, he knows every law that he breaks and is held accountable for will be more red meat for the base, themselves proud of not only their ignorance, but their fervent devotion to him. His "persecution" only draws them closer. He will keep pushing things until he has himself a far bloodier outcome than January 6th was.
Then there are Trump's kids and whole generations of Trump-inspired people to carry MAGA on, much as Reagan and Barry Goldwater still inspire people to this day.

One by one, more and more are coming over to MAGA, because, THIS is your alternative.

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That's such a weird response. So, you are so obsessed with Trump that you hope the magaturd tribe will go on like a dynasty after he's exited the mortal coil. :rolleyes: Meanwhile, I don't care if Biden keels over tomorrow. The person in the White House is supposed to do the job to the best of ability without fanfare. I'm not particularly interested in knowing the CIC's personal habits. Or who he/she fucks. Just not at all interested. :dunno:

But apparently, you are. That's fucking weird to me. But then I remember, CULT.
That's such a weird response.
Your Biden is just such a weird fake president stooge.

So, you are so obsessed with Trump
No, just obsessed with getting that megaturd POS traitor of yours out of the WH.

Meanwhile, I don't care if Biden keels over tomorrow.
Wouldn't be funny now if he did!

The person in the White House is supposed to do the job to the best of ability without fanfare.
If the past three years have been the best of Joe's ability, I'd sure hate to see his worst.

I'm not particularly interested in knowing the CIC's personal habits.
Must be why you obsessed over Trump's dinning and sleeping habits? You even worry about how he sits in a chair!
But about your speed that now you'd feign no interest in Biden's groping, hugging and kissing little children, groping wives and showering with his daughter, right?
How LUCKY for you that you lost interest in presidential patterns JUST IN TIME to turn a BLIND EYE on Joe Biden.
Then there is his treason getting rich selling out the USA for personal gain.
Like we are supposed to believe that crap. :dunno:
Your Biden is just such a weird fake president stooge.

No, just obsessed with getting that megaturd POS traitor of yours out of the WH.

Wouldn't be funny now if he did!

If the past three years have been the best of Joe's ability, I'd sure hate to see his worst.

Must be why you obsessed over Trump's dinning and sleeping habits? You even worry about how he sits in a chair!
But about your speed that now you'd feign no interest in Biden's groping, hugging and kissing little children, groping wives and showering with his daughter, right?
How LUCKY for you that you lost interest in presidential patterns JUST IN TIME to turn a BLIND EYE on Joe Biden.
Then there is his treason getting rich selling out the USA for personal gain.
Like we are supposed to believe that crap. :dunno:
Thank you for so succinctly proving my point.
The next time Trump appeals to his base, I want him to suggest that they make an effort to confront, in public, the corrupt judges, prosecutors and any juries who convict him. To pull a Schumer or Maxine Waters and put the fear of God into those bastards. Not hurt or attack them but to let them know they're not welcome and that they are going to reap the whirlwind.
Your Biden is just such a weird fake president stooge
K. :dunno: He's not mine. I have no financial or political stake in him. Objectively, in comparison, he's the guy that won. And so far he's definitely a lot more competent then his predecessor. (Sorry, not sorry)
No, just obsessed with getting that megaturd POS traitor of yours out of the WH.
You're obsessed with Trump.
The next time Trump appeals to his base, I want him to suggest that they make an effort to confront, in public, the corrupt judges, prosecutors and any juries who convict him. To pull a Schumer or Maxine Waters and put the fear of God into those bastards. Not hurt or attack them but to let them know they're not welcome and that they are going to reap the whirlwind.

What? You mean act just like democrats have done for years with absolute impunity? Waters incited that man to confront and shoot Rep Steve Scalise in the back with a rifle and for numerous others to assault countless people on the street and even members of Trump's Administration in restaurants! Literally what she called for! Then Chuckie Schumer threatened the Supreme Court for following the law which is their job, leading to gunners staking out Justices at their homes threatening their families! Now another democrat pulls a fire alarm stopping an official government proceeding to buy his party time while evacuating the entire Cannon Building for an hour costing umpteen thousands of dollars. Result: ZILCH. And that is just the short story.

Do you want these people in Trump's base arrested and thrown into a gulag and prosecuted as terrorist hatemongers for life, when even the President himself is accorded less respect than a serial killer? What do you think they are, democrats who are not held to the letter of the law, if any law at all?
he's the guy that won.
You mean he is the guy who was given the elector college votes to be elected in a contested election, after the democrats had days and days to know just how many more ballots they needed to find to pull Biden in over the top.

And so far he's definitely a lot more competent then his predecessor.
Competent only if your measure is in wrecking the military, the border, the crime rate, the deficit, the economy, the dollar, killing a million people, promoting sexual perversion, and dragging us into world war while managing to be a national embarrassment.

But thank you in proving you are basically between an idiot and a subversive.

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