Did George W Bush serve in Vietnam?

Tell that to the pilots who had the same risk but also flew combat missions. And to quote Captain Kirk: double dumbass to you! 🤪

The F-102 was inherently dangerous. Flying the F-105 wasn't. I have publicly stated that i don't like either Bush so stop acting like a dumbfuck, I am referring to the danger involved in flying the airplane. I'm a pilot and I would not have wanted to fly that thing.
The F-102 was inherently dangerous. Flying the F-105 wasn't. I have publicly stated that i don't like either Bush so stop acting like a dumbfuck, I am referring to the danger involved in flying the airplane. I'm a pilot and I would not have wanted to fly that thing.
Blah blah. He was home partying. They were in SE Asia dying. Just like Clinton, Biden, Trump, Obama, Cheney. Fuck the lot of them.
Whaa? Heap Big Dubya fight in jungle all the time! :sigh2:


Administrative photographers flown in to catch every moment of action too!


"No weapons of mass destruction over there!"
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Bill Clinton made a honest mistake. He enrolled in the ROTC but “ forgot “ to go!!! It’s amazing how this Left Wingers will say anything to support their agenda
Mirror Image: Reversed Left to Right But Just As Ugly

You ought to also be amazed at how the other "side" of the spectrum acts exactly the same way. Picking one elitist-slime side over the other is Populist suey-side.
Personally, I do not care. What I was commenting on was the obsession some had about bringing up a deferment over and over and over again ad nauseum, then completely ignoring when the next President has questionable deferments as well. Not the people in question, but those who obsess over it.

Which shows to me it is not about the deferment at all, but their almost mental obsession with who they are trying to attack.
A Republic Is an Insult to the 99%

That reveals a suppressed but justifiable hatred of the Constitution, which sets up this all- or-nothing fraud. Under that anti-democratic manifesto, we have to pick one phony, pre-owned side and desperately stick with it. That is also the reason that if you praise anything about a political figure, captive Americans accuse you of supporting everything about him, because that is the kind of choice Americans are given during elections. Putting up with this imposed system being blasted into our minds by Orwellian thought control has turned Americans into confused little men frantically running away from admitting their slavishness.
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Corn pop scoring TDs despite his crippling condition.

The Anal-Retentive Beget the Anal-Receptive

Darth Evader was the boytoy of a jock-loving Gayist millionaire in his Montana hometown. The rich faggot used his plutocratic privileges to get Cheney into Harvard, where he flunked out. He also got sick of sick "sex," so he found other ways to scratch and claw into the upper class. Dickie was actually by nature the equal but opposite extreme sexually, being a sex slave of his nerdy wife.

His sissiness, which also included draftdodging, was why his daughter Mary decided to become a Lesbian. There are countless examples of Gayism being nothing but a reaction to having a wimpy father.
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The Anal-Retentive Beget the Anal-Receptive

Darth Evader was the boytoy of a jock-loving Gayist millionaire in his Montana hometown. The rich faggot used his plutocratic privileges to get Cheney into Harvard, where he flunked out. He also got sick of sick "sex," so he found other ways to scratch and claw into the upper class. He was also by nature the equal but opposite extreme sexually, being a sex slave of his nerdy wife.

His sissiness, which also included draftdodging, was why his daughter Mary decided to become a Lesbian. There are countless examples of Gayism being nothing but a reaction to having a wimpy father.
Bartender I will what he is having.
Believe it or not, the last Democrat President to see service was President Carter. Who had actually planned on a career, but the death of his father ended that. But he was already at Annapolis during WWII, and served on a Balao class sub after the war. He was in training for the USS Seawolf, and likely would have been a sub commander (or higher) if not for having to leave the Navy.
Political Celebrities Are High-and-Mighty Lowlife

That preacher-creature draftdodger got into nuclear subs only because he knew they'd never be used in combat. Political slimeballs of both political parties all know how to create false images, packaged for their wrappings and not their contents.
Tell that to the 20% of the pilots families that that jet killed.

You Slavish Peasants Have No Right to Call Yourselves Americans

At Dindu Dubya's prep-school graduation, real Americans should have dragged that spoiled little puke by the ear and marched him down to the Active-Duty Induction Center, where they would tell the officer in charge, "Here, take this richkid coward; he owes a lot more to the country than any of the others you drafted."
Do you know how easy this would have been for you to look up yourself?

That's something of a rhetorical question, because the answer is one of three...

One: You didn't which means you're incredibly stupid

Two: You did, but asked in your first post because you're incredibly lazy.

Three: You knew the answer before you asked and think you're being cute, which makes you a troll.
All true. And another tip-off is how timely the important question is!
George did log well over 300 hours of flight time. He flew an f102 delta. I’m no Bush fan and never voted for him, but it’s important to remember this. Whether he went active in Vietnam or not, flying jet fighters is dangerous and like many who didn’t go to Vietnam he still served in the guard and played an important role as a back up. He could have gone.

Jet fighters are not commercial airlines and unlike airlines, they are often flown on the edge of their maximum performance levels because in combat it’s near full bore and often life or death. Anyone who has ever taken a ride in a modern day jet fighter knows what we’re talking about. He deserves credit for his service. Sitting in a jet fighter even at the end of a runway, is like sitting in a fking bomb, even if they aren’t armed.
France Should Have Given Us the Guillotine With the Statue of Liberty. That Is a Matching Set.

I wish I could say that other combat veterans hate the gutless guts of those joy-riding spoiled brats, but unfortunately our pride was taken away even before we got to the torture-center of Vietnam or we never would have allowed unpatriotic rich sissies and college students the life-and-death privileges granted them by ruling-class tyranny.
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