Did anyone see that Pentagon presser?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
What the fuck was that?

Such an odd tone. Self fellating. So fucking bizarre. They gave us nothing.

The Biden admin is a

Another dog and pony show with soft ball questions from chosen so-called journ0lists.
Meanwhile more than 90 retired Generals call for Milley and Austin to Resign.....

How's it feel to be treated like a mushroom? Do you like being lied to? Do you like to be internationally humiliated? We left Americans behind in Afghanistan, and our own gov't will not tell us how many of them are still there, so are you okay with that? What the fuck happened to our military? Why are they more worried about diversity and white fragility or whatever, more than they are about winning wars? Ever since Vietnam, our politicians are more concerned with votes than body bags, are you cool with that? Are you comfortable with having a doddering old fool as your president, someone that sometimes doesn't have the energy to do a full day's work?
Bidumb should have bombed the shit out of Bagram and destroyed all that hardware. Trump would have done so in a heart beat.

What an incompetent ass that stuttering incompetent fuck is.
We left Americans behind in Afghanistan, and our own gov't will not tell us how many of them are still there, so are you okay with that? What the fuck happened to our military? Why are they more worried about diversity and white fragility or whatever, more than they are about winning wars?
Obama cleaned the military of real generals and replaced them with political yes men. And now Biddum is doing more of the same.

You watch, next, the Chinese will take over the South China Sea or Taiwan, or some similar aggression and Biden will not be found anywhere to stop it. Joe was bought and paid for years ago.
We left Americans behind in Afghanistan, and our own gov't will not tell us how many of them are still there, so are you okay with that?
Biden made sure the terrorists know how many there are, and where they are. He won't tell us, but he told them.
If this Muslim enabling behavior starts smelling more and more like the Obama administration, it's because it is...
Bidumb should have bombed the shit out of Bagram and destroyed all that hardware. Trump would have done so in a heart beat.

What an incompetent ass that stuttering incompetent fuck is.

I don't think we shoulda left Bagram in the first place, at least not until every American that wanted to could leave, AND we got all our military hardware out too. There were no American combat deaths last 11 months of Trump's ADM, we shoulda kept that residual force of 2500 to keep ISIS and the other terrorists at bay. I do know that Trump wanted to pull out of Afghanistan just as badly as Biden did, and had he been re-elected probably would have done so. But whether he would've fucked it up as badly as Biden did is open to conjecture.
It was unbelievable. Those Bobsey Twins actually want us to feel sorry for them. Bottom line, the Americans left have been officially abandoned. The ineffective state department is in charge of scrubbing their memories.
What the fuck was that?

Such an odd tone. Self fellating. So fucking bizarre. They gave us nothing.

The Biden admin is a

I don't know why people listen to any presser from any president or their cohorts. It's the job of pressers to make the administration look good, left or right.
Actually, the Taliban now have more combat helicopters than the U.K. and any other NATO Country except for the U.S..
Between Joe Biden and Barak Hussein Obama they have given Terrorists over $240 Billion in weapons in the Middle East, and that is just what we know about.

China is the world's number 2 spender on defense, and they spend $250 Billion.

Giving Islamic Radicals that much weaponry is not by accident.

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