The Americans Joe Biden Left Behind


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The New York Times reports that “at least hundreds of U.S. citizens and potentially thousands of green card holders . . . are stranded in Afghanistan.”

Instead of getting them out as Promised, Joe Biden's State Department Is sending e-mails and texts to those left behind that tell them to:
- Keep a low profile.
- “Make contingency plans to leave when it is safe to do so that do not rely on U.S. government assistance.”

Hundreds of US citizens and several thousand Green Card-holding dual citizens are trapped in Afghanistan now.

At least 24 Sacramento-area students are confirmed to be stranded in Afghanistan as turmoil continues in Kabul, according to school officials.

This is just discussing U.S. citizens and green card holders. The U.S. also left behind journalists working for the U.S.-funded Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, thousands of American University of Afghanistan students and graduates, and an Afghan interpreter who helped rescue Joe Biden when his helicopter was forced to land in bad weather in 2008.

'Yesterday in his remarks, President Biden saluted “the extraordinary success of this mission.”

There are many different people left behind whose stories are shed in this article. none of them feel as if the mission to get THEM out was an 'extraordinary success' .

The New York Times reports that “at least hundreds of U.S. citizens and potentially thousands of green card holders . . . are stranded in Afghanistan.”

Instead of getting them out as Promised, Joe Biden's State Department Is sending e-mails and texts to those left behind that tell them to:
- Keep a low profile.
- “Make contingency plans to leave when it is safe to do so that do not rely on U.S. government assistance.”

Hundreds of US citizens and several thousand Green Card-holding dual citizens are trapped in Afghanistan now.

At least 24 Sacramento-area students are confirmed to be stranded in Afghanistan as turmoil continues in Kabul, according to school officials.

This is just discussing U.S. citizens and green card holders. The U.S. also left behind journalists working for the U.S.-funded Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, thousands of American University of Afghanistan students and graduates, and an Afghan interpreter who helped rescue Joe Biden when his helicopter was forced to land in bad weather in 2008.

'Yesterday in his remarks, President Biden saluted “the extraordinary success of this mission.”

There are many different people left behind whose stories are shed in this article. none of them feel as if the mission to get THEM out was an 'extraordinary success' .

You are always free to go and get them.
President Joseph Biden (God's choice) didn't leave a single person behind. They were warned for 6 months, with increasing urgency. They are there because they didn't heed the warnings.

And if Trump were President, you'd be weeping hysterically because you're a fucking liar.

If it were a few people, you could make that argument. But with the many people left behind, saying it's their fault and not communications or coordination is absurd.

Let's recap your standards:

1) With Covid, every life is so precious that we need to forfeit our rights and obey government. Proof of their policies is not required

2) Afghanistan? Didn't get out? Fuck you, it's on you
You are always free to wear a mask.

You didn't get that, did you? Be honest, Broken English boy ...
I am free to do as I like just like those in Afghanistan did. If you feel the need step up and be that American you want Joe Biden to be....
This didn't age well

Was Joseph Biden (God's choice) supposed to go to Afghanistan and pack their bags for them? he offered to pay for their ride home!
Maybe your bullshit would sell if Biden didn't promise in front of the whole world he'd stay until they were gone. Biden lied, again, there is simply no way for you scum to spin that. Although the blame the victim is pretty classy, very liberal of you.
They were LEFT! ABANDONED. When we get the whole story...will America even care?? I DOUBT Those of the left will change their tunes. Biden brought afghani taliban into this country in place of American citizens. THERE IS EVIL in this country and it is personified by the democrat party. We have americans terrified and in hiding. ALONE.... wondering what is going to happen to them.

Would those of you so inclined....go to and give even if it is just a few dollars to help them get these people out safely.
They were LEFT! ABANDONED. When we get the whole story...will America even care?? I DOUBT Those of the left will change their tunes. Biden brought afghani taliban into this country in place of American citizens. THERE IS EVIL in this country and it is personified by the democrat party. We have americans terrified and in hiding. ALONE.... wondering what is going to happen to them.

Would those of you so inclined....go to and give even if it is just a few dollars to help them get these people out safely.
I cared enough to make sure my kids in the military and relatives didn't go there in the first place.
President Joseph Biden (God's choice) didn't leave a single person behind. They were warned for 6 months, with increasing urgency. They are there because they didn't heed the warnings.
You're such a liar, just a couple weeks ago Biden was saying the Afghan army could hold the taliban, knowing they couldn't. Biden lied people died and continue to.

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