Did anyone else see Martin Shkreli talk to Congress today?


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2009
Regardless of anything he has or hasn't done in the past... the way he chose to disrespect the congressional hearing today was absolutely ridiculous. The guy thinks everything is a giant joke. His smirks and smiles disgusted me. One of the worst appearances I've ever seen, if not the worst.

Did anyone else watch it live? I hope they throw the book at this guy and then some.

Shkreli invokes Fifth Amendment before Congress
It's really too bad nobody can punch him for being disrespectful. Sometimes physical violence is necessary and this is one of those times.
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I didn't see it but I heard it. He was right to take the Fifth, he's under indictment.

You can take the fifth as is your right. But you can do it in a respectful manner. If you watch the video you'll know what I'm talking about.

In addition, there are many questions he could have answered that had nothing to do with any pending case, nor could they have to do with any future case. He just chose to ignore everyone regardless.
He was kind of a d*ck about it, but I completely respect his decision not to say anything. The 5th amendment is there for exactly that reason.
He's a sleezebag for sure, but I guess I don't understand what he did that's illegal. Someone care to enlighten me?

Please understand, I don't mean to say that what he did wasn't absolutely abhorrent, but is it illegal?
I didn't see it but I heard it. He was right to take the Fifth, he's under indictment.

You can take the fifth as is your right. But you can do it in a respectful manner. If you watch the video you'll know what I'm talking about.

In addition, there are many questions he could have answered that had nothing to do with any pending case, nor could they have to do with any future case. He just chose to ignore everyone regardless.

I guess this is the difference between TV and Radio. All I heard him do was take the Fifth. It was stupid of Congress to call him anyway. He's under indictment, he can't say jack.
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He's a sleezebag for sure, but I guess I don't understand what he did that's illegal. Someone care to enlighten me?

Please understand, I don't mean to say that what he did wasn't absolutely abhorrent, but is it illegal?

He tried to be Bernie Madoff... he was allegedly running Ponzi schemes. Amongst other stuff...

Skip to the 30 second mark. He was being disrespectful well before the previous guy asked him questions as well. Just a smug bastard.
They charged him on other things not the drug price hike, but securities fraud.

He's a sleezebag for sure, but I guess I don't understand what he did that's illegal. Someone care to enlighten me?

Please understand, I don't mean to say that what he did wasn't absolutely abhorrent, but is it illegal?
What a piece of scum, the again why is congress wasting their time on him. They should of quit as soon as he started pleading the 5th.
He looks a hell of a lot like one of our local Austin Musicians, Shaky graves...

Skip to the 30 second mark. He was being disrespectful well before the previous guy asked him questions as well. Just a smug bastard.

His face is so punchable. It's crazy that people have to check the rule book to see if this behavior is acceptable or not

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