Dick Cheney v. George W. Bush


VIP Member
May 16, 2011
I made the decision to shoot down the plane, says George W. Bush in his memoir.

I told the president to shoot down the plane, says Dick Cheney in his memoir.

“I turned to the team gathered in the Oval Office and said ‘let’s go’,” says W. Bush on decision for unjust 2003 invasion of Iraq.

“The president cleared out the office, looked at me and said ‘Dick, what do you think we ought to do?’” says Cheney about decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

“After firing (my buddy) Donald Rumsfeld without informing me, he came and informed me and then quickly walked out,” reports Cheney.

Dick Cheney during interview with Dateline on August 29, 2011:

Dateline: It’s a very different picture.
Cheney: That’s the way I recall it. I was giving advice; I wasn’t making the decision. He was making the decision.

Dateline: Don’t you think it will embarrass him that you point out the difference?
Cheney: I didn’t set out to embarrass the president or not embarrass the president.

Dateline: You make it sound like the president was afraid of you when you say “he came and informed me (about firing Rumsfeld) and then quickly walked out.”
Cheney: There had been growth.

I thought the vice president is supposed to be the assistant of the president; working alongside the president, but without overshadowing the president. I heard Cheney yesterday and Cheney seem to be bent on crediting himself for decisions made by president he gave advice to and of telling everyone he, Cheney, was in charge. While this may or may not be completely true, it does not paint a good picture of relationship between Cheney and W. Bush.
Dick Cheney will be interviewed for an hour by Sean Hannity, tonight at 9:00 ET. Fox News Channel.
Dick Cheney will be interviewed for an hour by Sean Hannity, tonight at 9:00 ET. Fox News Channel.

That's nice. I have however never been a fan of Hannity. He comes through to me as very zealous and hasty, and never fully comprehending magnitude of issues he talks about.
Colin Powell says Cheney in his memoir is taking "cheap shots." I guess we ought to be thankful Cheney as graduated to simply taking verbal shots rather than using pistols.
They are both telling the truth.
Bush made the decision to shoot down the plane after Cheney told him to do it.
Dick Cheney will be interviewed for an hour by Sean Hannity, tonight at 9:00 ET. Fox News Channel.

Do you think they'll touch each other, or will it just be mutual masturbation?

Cheney's heart condition does not allow for such activities so the masturbation will be pretty one-sided.

ah, very good point! So you're saying that Sean might be touching himself but not touching any Dick?
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I made the decision to shoot down the plane, says George W. Bush in his memoir.

I told the president to shoot down the plane, says Dick Cheney in his memoir.

“I turned to the team gathered in the Oval Office and said ‘let’s go’,” says W. Bush on decision for unjust 2003 invasion of Iraq.

“The president cleared out the office, looked at me and said ‘Dick, what do you think we ought to do?’” says Cheney about decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

“After firing (my buddy) Donald Rumsfeld without informing me, he came and informed me and then quickly walked out,” reports Cheney.

Dick Cheney during interview with Dateline on August 29, 2011:

Dateline: It’s a very different picture.
Cheney: That’s the way I recall it. I was giving advice; I wasn’t making the decision. He was making the decision.

Dateline: Don’t you think it will embarrass him that you point out the difference?
Cheney: I didn’t set out to embarrass the president or not embarrass the president.

Dateline: You make it sound like the president was afraid of you when you say “he came and informed me (about firing Rumsfeld) and then quickly walked out.”
Cheney: There had been growth.

I thought the vice president is supposed to be the assistant of the president; working alongside the president, but without overshadowing the president. I heard Cheney yesterday and Cheney seem to be bent on crediting himself for decisions made by president he gave advice to and of telling everyone he, Cheney, was in charge. While this may or may not be completely true, it does not paint a good picture of relationship between Cheney and W. Bush.

Where do they disagree? Seems to me both accounts could have been correct and there is nothing, in those quotes at least, that point to anything other than Cheney advising and Bush making the calls.

-- and now I think, what does it matter anyway??
Wow. What a big surprise, someone making themselves look important in their autobiography!

Though to the point, I'm more likely to believe Cheney's account than Bush when it relates to anything prior to 2006. Most insiders were pretty clear that Bush didn't really start pushing back against his circle of advisors until after the GOP lost in 2006.
If Powell changes his mind and writes his memoirs, then we will have a pretty clear picture of what happened. But I am not betting he will change his mind. As he has probably told his private circle, deferring to the bushies was the worst and, ultimately, the most unpatriotic thing he ever did.
If Powell changes his mind and writes his memoirs, then we will have a pretty clear picture of what happened. But I am not betting he will change his mind. As he has probably told his private circle, deferring to the bushies was the worst and, ultimately, the most unpatriotic thing he ever did.

Yeah, he'd be the third view point I'd like to see. I doubt his version would be 100% accurate, but if you put it up against Bush's and Cheney's, I'm betting you could triangulate a pretty clear picture of the day to day operation of the Bush White House.
If Powell changes his mind and writes his memoirs, then we will have a pretty clear picture of what happened. But I am not betting he will change his mind. As he has probably told his private circle, deferring to the bushies was the worst and, ultimately, the most unpatriotic thing he ever did.

Yeah, he'd be the third view point I'd like to see. I doubt his version would be 100% accurate, but if you put it up against Bush's and Cheney's, I'm betting you could triangulate a pretty clear picture of the day to day operation of the Bush White House.

That would be fascinating.
They are both telling the truth.
Bush made the decision to shoot down the plane after Cheney told him to do it.

That is the job of the vice president - to come alongside and work with the president. Why does Cheney find it necessary to now tell us he, Cheney, made decision to shoot down plane on 911/2001 or decision to unjustly invade Iraq?

Appears the move of one desperate for attention or animosity between the two. And this is coming from one who is not fond of either.
On September 2, 2011, Cheney appeared on Jay Leno:

Jay Leno: I never saw you as a kiss and tell. I thought everything that happens in the White House stays in the White House.
Cheney: It is supposed to be that way.

Jay Leno: Why did you write your memoir?
Cheney: I wrote it for my children and grandchildren. I want them to know what I did from me.

Jay Leno: I was surprised by your answer about waterboarding. You believe waterboarding is fine. Donald Rumsfeld has a different view.
Cheney: Rumsfeld was with the military and the military has a different set of rules they follow and waterboarding is not their procedure. The CIA uses waterboarding and there is nothing that we did that we did not test on our own people.

Cheney went on to talk about his wild days, his drinking problem and how he was expelled from Yale to show how human he is, I guess. But each time I see Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John McCain and George W. Bush, I simply see demons. I am not sure if it just due to the unjust 2003 invasion of Iraq and the thousands of lives unnecessarily lost as a result.
No, Dave, none of that garbage justified the invasion of Iraq, either legally or militarily.

We can go through it again, and the Bushies still will come out as war criminals who can't travel in Europe.
No, Dave, none of that garbage justified the invasion of Iraq, either legally or militarily.

We can go through it again, and the Bushies still will come out as war criminals who can't travel in Europe.

I will not speak to the justification but the war in Iraq was started legally as our laws define it. Period. There is no argument there and calling the war illegal makes you look like a moron. Now, if you want to talk about the actions taken in Iraq and the fact we went there in the first place, there are very good arguments for both sides of that debate.

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