Democrats are still going berserk over Donald Trump’s locker-room talk:
Stop letting the spitball media and its know-it-all all, swelled talking heads con you into thinking that this election is all about morality; a morality that they get to devise.
Ignore the polls, quit with the long-playing arguments on whether or not Donald Trump should be denied the presidency over an 11-year-old video kept in someone’s bottom desk drawer until the potential of its blackmail flushed it out into the open.
Ignore the polls, quit with the long-playing arguments on whether or not Donald Trump should be denied the presidency over an 11-year-old video kept in someone’s bottom desk drawer until the potential of its blackmail flushed it out into the open.
Don’t let Clinton-controlled news cost you the election
By Judi McLeod
October 12, 2016
Don’t let Clinton-controlled news cost you the election
By Judi McLeod
October 12, 2016
Don’t let Clinton-controlled news cost you the election
Media mouths refuse to report that Hillary has so much excrement in her head she has a plumber on retainer in case she suddenly needs an operation on her brain.
Nobody cultivates a dirtier mouth than Hillary Clinton. It’s difficult to describe Hillary in full because a decent regard for the gentle reader forbids it. Any teamster, cop, or Secret Service agent assigned to Hillary duty has to put his hands over his ears even to think about it.
Hillary and the art of the dirty mouth
By Wesley Pruden
Monday, October 10, 2016
Hillary Clinton and the art of the dirty mouth
By Wesley Pruden
Monday, October 10, 2016
Hillary Clinton and the art of the dirty mouth
Bottom line: If Hannibal Lecter had Hillary for lunch he would become a vegetarian before he ate the diarrhea: