DHS preparing for Roe v Wade violence

So where in the constitution does it say you have a right to kill baby's?
It doesn't. Abortion up to 24 weeks is a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right. It has been for 49 years and will remain so unless and until SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade.

Jesus christ man, did you even go to high school? This is pretty basic stuff.
It doesn't. Abortion up to 24 weeks is a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right. It has been for 49 years and will remain so unless and until SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade.

Jesus christ man, did you even go to high school? This is pretty basic stuff.

Call it what you will,it's still killing baby's.
Memo leaked from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)


So now a DHS employee is commiting a felony ?

DHS is “ leaking” ?

along with the Supreme Court ?
Oh, it would not surprise me at all if a leftist killed someone in a desperate attempt to keep Roe alive or out of anger if it was overturned, even a SC justice. They're just that violent.
Saying dumb shit you don't even believe, for attention.
There were over 15,000 arrests from the protests. Join us in reality.
Then how many of those charges were dropped by bed wetting DA's? We know thousands of them were bailed out thanks to that malignant parasite Kameltoe Harris who suck started her political career.

You fucking imbecile.
It doesn't. Abortion up to 24 weeks is a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right. It has been for 49 years and will remain so unless and until SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade.

Jesus christ man, did you even go to high school? This is pretty basic stuff.
The word "abortion" isn't in the Constitution anywhere. There is NOTHING in the COTUS that even deals with murder, which is what abortion is. When the SCOTUS finally overturns this barbaric, misguided and horrific ruling it will not make the slightest difference in hardcore bed wetting democrook states.

Jesus Christ bed wetter... did you ever even try to develop a frontal lobe and think for yourself?


DHS under Xiden will be assisting in brick delivery, subsidized fuel for molotov cocktails, diverting police and undermining successful anti-riot deployments and the DOJ will undermine any prosecutions resulting from the arrests made by "rouge" officers.

They're not "preparing" to prevent destruction, they're planning to ensure as much mayhem takes place as possible.

But, but you forgot to go apeshit on Soros.

Elections have consequences

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