Devin Nunes: ‘Many’ People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After William Barr Confirmed


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​
What is coming is going to burst the dam wide open.. Mueller is running scared as are Schiff and many other Obama era cronies.. Its my understanding that a sealed request was sent to the current temporary head of the DOJ for 6-10 FISA abusers.. IT appears that they are already beginning the processes on many of these people. Wiseman should be one of the first and that will kill the Mueller investigation dead as fruit of the poisonous tree.
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​

What about minority party does that twat nunes not understand?
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​

What about minority party does that twat nunes not understand?

What is it about Legal Authority of the minority party to send up requests for investigation do you not get?
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​

What about minority party does that twat nunes not understand?

What is it about Legal Authority of the minority party to send up requests for investigation do you not get?

Sure, send them up. We will flush them like like the crap thet are.

devin nunes.....
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​

What about minority party does that twat nunes not understand?

What is it about Legal Authority of the minority party to send up requests for investigation do you not get?

Sure, send them up. We will flush them like like the crap thet are.

devin nunes.....
Are you saying that you have a shill in there that is going to stop all meaningful investigation of crimes uncovered?
With the public release of of the Clinton E-Mails showing demands for Quid-Pro-Quo and the attempted obstruction of justice by demanding the reclassifying an above top secrete document on Hillary's Server and the identification of all those who were in the loop, this thing is going to get real ugly real fast.

Wiseman, Ohr, Clinton, Obama, among other high level FBI, CIA, and DOJ officials were implicated in the attempted cover up, its going to get ugly real fast as Mueller's investigation was in the loop and had knowledge that the FISA court was lied to in an effort to obtain an unlawful warrant 4 different times...
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Sure they will

They're all swamp creatures. They don't want to prosecute one another because, eventually, it comes back to them. That's why Sessions didn't proceed, or so I believe. Crime and corruption in government thrives because half the country is fine with it.

Anyway, I'm with you. I'll believe it when I see it.
Mueller is the one running scared. The poor man is probably so terrified he should be on suicide watch. Having come up empty on Trump, the Democrats are going to come after Mueller with vengeance on their minds. Schitty Schiff will be into tearing Mueller limb from limb.
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​

What about minority party does that twat nunes not understand?

What is it about Legal Authority of the minority party to send up requests for investigation do you not get?

Sure, send them up. We will flush them like like the crap thet are.

devin nunes.....

With the public release of of the Clinton E-Mails showing demands for Quid-Pro-Quo and the attempted obstruction of justice by demanding the reclassifying an above top secrete document on Hillary's Server and the identification of all those who were in the loop, this thing is going to get real ugly real fast.

Wiseman, Ohr, Clinton, Obama, among other high level FBI, CIA, and DOJ officials were implicated in the attempted cover up, its going to get ugly real fast as Mueller's investigation was in the loop and had knowledge that the FISA court was lied to in an effort to obtain an unlawful warrant 4 different times...

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues.
*** sad trombone***

Don't worry Billy, some of these Leftists have no idea, lol.

The Presidents AG (Sessions) could NOT indict anyone since he was recused, and if Mueller was investigating the same thing, it would have been publicly viewed as undermining the special counsel. The Leftists were salivating that he or Whitaker would try.

Now that those pesky e-mails have been released, (the Special Counsel was aware long ago it was coming) it entrapped Mr Wiseman and part of the House intel committee (Adam Schiff at the very least) in unethical methods, along with the testimony of 2 FBI lawyers that the procedure Mr Mueller himself authored(the Woods procedure) to protect American citizens from FISA abuse, was NOT followed.

If Mueller had ANYTHING at all, (which from all reports he did not) it collapsed his case AND--------->it has forced him to close up tent as Wiseman will surely be on the hotseat, bringing massive attention to the public how we can't trust the FISA process, and Democrats liking it or not, the intelligence agency's NEED that process.

And so, with Mueller closing shop, the AG can NOW investigate other aspects of what happened without political recrimination, and unfortunately for the Left, the Trump administration already knows what happened, and has had the evidence long ago to prove it. Like I said-------->because of the special counsel, they could do NOTHING with it, as it would be seen as interference, and the Left designed it EXACTLY that way.

And to think, the Left almost got away with it. Notice I said, ALMOST-)
With the public release of of the Clinton E-Mails showing demands for Quid-Pro-Quo and the attempted obstruction of justice by demanding the reclassifying an above top secrete document on Hillary's Server and the identification of all those who were in the loop, this thing is going to get real ugly real fast.

Wiseman, Ohr, Clinton, Obama, among other high level FBI, CIA, and DOJ officials were implicated in the attempted cover up, its going to get ugly real fast as Mueller's investigation was in the loop and had knowledge that the FISA court was lied to in an effort to obtain an unlawful warrant 4 different times...

Yup. The Mueller investigation on collusion between Trump and Russia is a big nothing burger.

Who knows what else he has discovered and what Barr, if confirmed, will do.

I'd bet there are all kinds of crimes committed by all kinds of people. Will just have to wait and see what Barr does. If anything.

Should be very interesting.
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​

You people are such rubes! Barr is establishment Repub, he is the swamp.

How many times will you let Lucy pull away the football before you grow a brain?

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Nunes...wait, is that the guy that pulled that stunt with Trump? You know, the one where he got something from the White House then told reporters he had some smoking gun of some sort but that he had to show it to the same White House he got it from first?
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​

What about minority party does that twat nunes not understand?

What is it about Legal Authority of the minority party to send up requests for investigation do you not get?

Sure, send them up. We will flush them like like the crap thet are.

devin nunes.....
Are you saying that you have a shill in there that is going to stop all meaningful investigation of crimes uncovered?

No, they're very much interested in the Havana Club meeting.
ROFL! The deep state is about to get what it so richly deserves. Hillary's minions are going to answer for their crimes:

Nunes: People Will Be Criminally Referred to DOJ After Barr Confirmed

REP. DEVIN NUNES: We’re going to work with the [House] Judiciary Committee and the [House] Oversight Committee, Sean, to ensure that this investigation into FISA abuse and other matters continues. The good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task for did, you covered it extensively on your show. We are going to continue to call people in for interviews. Just last week, the new chairman of the committee said that he is going to reopen the Russia investigation. We offered about a dozen subpoenas of people that we wanted to subpoena. We don’t expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but at every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. We will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. Look, we need the new attorney general to get in there and then we will be making criminal referrals on many people who lied to Congress and did other bad things.

SEAN HANNITY: Does that mean we can be expecting pre-dawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, SWAT teams of 27, all of this to arrest one guy on a process crime? Is that what’s going to happen to Democrats? In other words, aren’t there a list of well-known people that served in the Obama administration that lied under oath?

REP. NUNES: I’m not asking anyone to be Roger Stone’d, which I think is now a verb, now. But
, ..​

You people are such rubes! Barr is establishment Repub, he is the swamp.

How many times will you let Lucy pull away the football before you grow a brain?

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It could be. We shall see.
What Did Manafort & Podesta have in Common? Hillary Clinton

John Podesta, takes $35 million from The Kremlin, then helps Clinton and Obama to launder $14 Million to The Kremlin for Russia's help in developing a smear campaign against Trump, and Hillary Clinton rakes in $145 Million from The Kremlin. Clinton and Obama also urges US Tech Companies to sign contracts with Russia. A lot of the corporations have ties to defense contracts.

Bill Clinton is treated like a King in Russia and rakes in quite a few dollars himself.
Obama accepts an advance on a Book Deal from a Russian Publishing Company for $64 Million. Obama never writes the book and never has to refund the money.

Russia Invested $250 Million in Clinton, Obama and Podesta, and in return Russia and Iran received a Butt Load of US Uranium and control of it, & a $150 Billion dollars Obama sent to Iran for weapons purchases, and Nuclear weapons expertise, and Nuclear Plant Construction assistance..from Russia.

Nice Return on Putin's Investment, and Clinton, Obama, and Podesta all got rich from selling out our National Security to Russia.

Russia Reaches Deal With Iran to Construct Nuclear Plants

Iran is going on a massive military shopping spree in Russia

Russia to help Iran upgrade its uranium-enriching centrifuges
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Mueller is the one running scared. The poor man is probably so terrified he should be on suicide watch. Having come up empty on Trump, the Democrats are going to come after Mueller with vengeance on their minds. Schitty Schiff will be into tearing Mueller limb from limb.
You might be the only person on the planet delusional enough to believe that embarrassing nonsense.

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