DEVELOPING: Communist Pope Francis Hospitalized

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This guy has been the worst Pope imaginable. He's pro homosexual, pro illegal immigration even though a wall is built around the Vatican. I can go on.

I'm the last guy to stick up for the Catholic Church, but Pope Francis is bowing to the reality that the Catholic Church is widely a third world church- that the vast majority of the world's one billion Catholics live in third world countries.

People in the first world are either Protestants or non-believers.
Well, the nutty crazy ones don't.

Most of my relatives are Catholic... and they are rather indifferent to him, at best.
To destroy a civilization, destroying the religion may be part of it. Freedoms are lost concurrently with the rise of individual social justice agendas as we see. The Western World is in decline in a planned takedown. I know. People's views on Christianity can be infuriating and who even has the better version. It always goes back to the powerful and how they act with that power. If in an area of more religion and they act abusive, then there is failure. Europe has had endless men of power at all levels destroy people and control the peasants who may be Christians.
To destroy a civilization, destroying the religion may be part of it. Freedoms are lost concurrently with the rise of individual social justice agendas as we see. The Western World is in decline in a planned takedown. I know. People's views on Christianity can be infuriating and who even has the better version. It always goes back to the powerful and how they act with that power. If in an area of more religion and they act abusive, then there is failure. Europe has had endless men of power at all levels destroy people and control the peasants who may be Christians.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Here's the reality. Religions reflect the current social mood of a society. God doesn't change his mind, we change ours.

For centuries, slavery was accepted because it was endorsed by the bible. Then people realized that slavery was... well, just plain old wrong for one person to own another. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours and all the Churches that once supported slavery came out against it.

Used to be common to burn women at the stake for being witches. The bible said so. Then people realized witchcraft isn't actually a thing, and they were just burning innocent women for no good reason. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

So now that we are realizing that gay people aren't actually evil, that they simply have a different sexuality than the rest of us... God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Here's the reality. Religions reflect the current social mood of a society. God doesn't change his mind, we change ours.

For centuries, slavery was accepted because it was endorsed by the bible. Then people realized that slavery was... well, just plain old wrong for one person to own another. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours and all the Churches that once supported slavery came out against it.

Used to be common to burn women at the stake for being witches. The bible said so. Then people realized witchcraft isn't actually a thing, and they were just burning innocent women for no good reason. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

So now that we are realizing that gay people aren't actually evil, that they simply have a different sexuality than the rest of us... God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
We are in the riches phase of human history and of the number one nation of the world. It is easy to believe we are above a deity. Stories or not, it keeps people in check much more than without. Men who crave power use anything they can to attain it. And that includes religion. The social welfare state is a recent development. People earned their ways before that. The U.K. was Number One before us and Cecil Rhodes stated their citizens "won the lottery" of life. That is compared to other nations of the time, and it was not like it was total gravy for them. Our House of Cards is built on a Fiat Currency that was instituted after the hard work of building the nation occurred that is printed out of nowhere and needs to be kept under control. We stopped a long time ago. We will see how strong we are secularly if the checks and benefits are reduced or even eliminated for any reason.
I hate to say it but I dont wish him well or a speedy recovery.

Don't ever feel bad for not cheering for a bad person.

You don't have to wish bad things on them, but you don't have to wish good things for them either.
I'm reading he had part of his lung removed in his early 20s when training to be a priest in his native Argentina.

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