Despite the 1/6 hearing nonsense and the pending (likely) overruling of Roe v. Wade, a rejection of the Democrats is looming.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
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Red State! Amen.
Here are some reasons why. This is a piece by a brilliant political analyst and commentator, Victor Davis Hanson.

The application of law to our own citizenry is not done equally. And I’m not talking about they somewhat mythical “systemic racism” stuff. As Hanson puts it, there is a class of citizenry against whom laws are applied ruthlessly. There is another class of citizenry against whom laws are barely applied at all.

This dichotomy between the favored citizens and the “subordinate citizens” can be expected to help fuel the likely red wave.
The Dims see it coming. That’s why we have this clown show hearing going on. And we can expect more violence before the midterms to give the media something else to rail about against “those” evil Republicans.

But still, the wave is forming.
Here are some reasons why. This is a piece by a brilliant political analyst and commentator, Victor Davis Hanson.

The application of law to our own citizenry is not done equally. And I’m not talking about they somewhat mythical “systemic racism” stuff. As Hanson puts it, there is a class of citizenry against whom laws are applied ruthlessly. There is another class of citizenry against whom laws are barely applied at all.

This dichotomy between the favored citizens and the “subordinate citizens” can be expected to help fuel the likely red wave.
The Dims see it coming. That’s why we have this clown show hearing going on. And we can expect more violence before the midterms to give the media something else to rail about against “those” evil Republicans.

But still, the wave is forming.
Red wave. Hah.
Here are some reasons why. This is a piece by a brilliant political analyst and commentator, Victor Davis Hanson.

The application of law to our own citizenry is not done equally. And I’m not talking about they somewhat mythical “systemic racism” stuff. As Hanson puts it, there is a class of citizenry against whom laws are applied ruthlessly. There is another class of citizenry against whom laws are barely applied at all.

This dichotomy between the favored citizens and the “subordinate citizens” can be expected to help fuel the likely red wave.
The Dims see it coming. That’s why we have this clown show hearing going on. And we can expect more violence before the midterms to give the media something else to rail about against “those” evil Republicans.

But still, the wave is forming. we can look forward to the Republicans solving Inflation immediately.
I'm telling you...the dems are backed in a corner....all they got is criticizing the former president and ignoring the death and destruction of the current one. They will do anything...ANY. THANG to hold onto their power. Joe Biden is going to be the cause of many deaths from freezing and exposure this coming winter because of his ill conceived politicies.
Here are some reasons why. This is a piece by a brilliant political analyst and commentator, Victor Davis Hanson.

The application of law to our own citizenry is not done equally. And I’m not talking about they somewhat mythical “systemic racism” stuff. As Hanson puts it, there is a class of citizenry against whom laws are applied ruthlessly. There is another class of citizenry against whom laws are barely applied at all.

This dichotomy between the favored citizens and the “subordinate citizens” can be expected to help fuel the likely red wave.
The Dims see it coming. That’s why we have this clown show hearing going on. And we can expect more violence before the midterms to give the media something else to rail about against “those” evil Republicans.

But still, the wave is forming.

I think they have gone to the well so often that citizens no longer care. They are indifferent. They just know that their lives are worse off now, their border a sieve, the number of family members addicted to poisons, prices sky high, they just can't wait to vote them out of office.

If Trump, or any other GOP candidate ran on the same stuff Trump ran on in 2016, but they also throws in a promise to enforce term limits for politicians, they would be very popular with the 2024 electorate I would imagine.
Here are some reasons why. This is a piece by a brilliant political analyst and commentator, Victor Davis Hanson.

The application of law to our own citizenry is not done equally. And I’m not talking about they somewhat mythical “systemic racism” stuff. As Hanson puts it, there is a class of citizenry against whom laws are applied ruthlessly. There is another class of citizenry against whom laws are barely applied at all.

This dichotomy between the favored citizens and the “subordinate citizens” can be expected to help fuel the likely red wave.
The Dims see it coming. That’s why we have this clown show hearing going on. And we can expect more violence before the midterms to give the media something else to rail about against “those” evil Republicans.

But still, the wave is forming.
Conservatives considered the rightwing terrorist attack on 1/6 and Trump’s coup attempt to stop the peaceful, lawful transfer of power ‘nonsense.’

Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance; indeed, they have contempt for it.
Conservatives considered the rightwing terrorist attack on 1/6 and Trump’s coup attempt to stop the peaceful, lawful transfer of power ‘nonsense.’

Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance; indeed, they have contempt for it.
Wrong. There was no right wing terrorist attack. :cuckoo: The claim that there was any such right wing terrorist attacking is what we properly label as “nonsense.” Yiu orrsonally are almost always nonsensical Adam_Clayton. Repeating your wished-for fantasy storyline doesn’t make it any less fantasy.

And it is the Democraps who have proved that they are incapable of honest, worthwhile, rational governance. I have contempt for the Democraps who have contempt for our republic and the Constitutional principles upon which it was created.
Red wave. Hah.
Actually, more of a blue ebb tide – Democratic voters staying home or otherwise not voting.

There will be the usual low voter turnout with the Republican minority voting in large numbers; Republicans will take control of Congress, with the return of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
Wrong. There was no right wing terrorist attack. :cuckoo: The claim that there was any such right wing terrorist attacking is what we properly label as “nonsense.” Yiu orrsonally are almost always nonsensical Adam_Clayton. Repeating your wished-for fantasy storyline doesn’t make it any less fantasy.

And it is the Democraps who have proved that they are incapable of honest, worthwhile, rational governance. I have contempt for the Democraps who have contempt for our republic and the Constitutional principles upon which it was created.
Republicans have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance; they attack our democratic institutions and seek to undermine the political process, all in an effort to establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule, and to pursue a failed, wrongheaded conservative agenda contrary to the will of the majority of the American people.
Republicans have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance; they attack our democratic institutions and seek to undermine the political process, all in an effort to establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule, and to pursue a failed, wrongheaded conservative agenda contrary to the will of the majority of the American people.
Again, repeating your blithering imbecility doesn’t convert it into anything of value. The Democrap Party is anti-American. So are you. You could be the next Brandon.
Conservatives are propagating that exact lie now, and they’ll continue to do so.

Such is the dishonesty of the reprehensible right.
You Democraps keep trying to use your ceaseless lie as a campaign commercial. Not one of you gives a damn about truth or about the actual well being of this republic. You all are the reprehensible ones. Own it. It’s all on you and your filthy ilk.
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