Despite being told location of hostages by Brits/French intel, WH refused to act to save them


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
They didn't act until too late.

Daily Beast is breaking a big story. French Intel shared their information on the hostages location in March and the Brits in June. All three hostages are dead now.

Obama and his security team didn't trust their intel. Damn. This is a sad article. Brits and French are frustrated because they believe the hostages might have been saved if Obama had acted early enough.

"British intelligence had learned in May of last year from released ISIS captives the locations of two or three places where hostages were being held captive, according to the Daily Beast.

The UK also had surveillance images from satellites and drones, and the results of some 'electronic eavesdropping.

The information wasn't certain until early June, however. By then the British government had a 'positive identification and that information was shared with Washington,' according to a British source who spoke with the Daily Beast.

National Security Council spokesperson Bernadette Meehan insisted that 'U.S. forces conducted this (rescue) operation as soon as the president and his national-security team were confident the mission could be carried out successfully and consistent with our policies for undertaking such operations.'

But Foley's mother Diane said the U.S. also had intelligence from the French government about the hostages' whereabouts as early as March 2014 but did nothing about it."

Obama White House dithered as UK told them ISIS hostages Kayla Mueller James Foley intel Daily Mail Online


DITHERER-IN-CHIEF: President Obama, shown yesterday with Secretary of State John Kerry and outgoign Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, allegedly wasted precious time last year without acting when British and French intelligence pinpointed possible locations where ISIS was holding US hostages
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So I guess he sleeps at night and can look at himself in the mirror and say to himself job well done.
Interesting timeline. French had intel in March and passed it on. First intel by the Brits was in May.

BUT the Bergdahl trade was going down. May 31st he was released.

Either they couldn't multi task or they didn't want to jeopardize getting the Taliban head honchos out of GITMO and over to Qatar in that secret transaction.

I'll say both of the above.
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Do you really not realize how silly retrospectively armchair quarterbacking international relations is?
Defending the indefensible is so much proof you are an idiot.


What is it you think is "indefensible"?
Knowing where they were and not acting but even worse claiming you did not trust your allies information. These people were murdered and our Government KNEW that was what was going to happen. They did NOTHING about it even though the had actionable intel on where they were being held.
Time to play the devil's advocate here.............................England and France have special forces as well........The SAS are some of the best in spec ops................

So, why didn't they act as well.............

To Obama, if you knew and didn't do anything, then I'd agree with the OP......................Yet, CATCH 22............what was the military assessment of this place..................Was it viable.............

There are many equations in a rescue op..............many dangers.................I don't have that info...........

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