desantis threatens to withhold paychecks of school board members who defy his masks ban


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Why is little trump, desantis trying to kill school children? He is is putting himself in the camp of Doctor Death Randy Paul.

When the first child dies because ronnie has banned masked in school, he will be sued. And I hope Randy Paul and Abbott the Ass are in the court with him.
Let the local communities decide. Why should a governor who knows absolutely nothing about education, hard work, or life in general decide what each community does? In every single case ever local communities always know what is right.

Why is little trump, desantis trying to kill school children? He is is putting himself in the camp of Doctor Death Randy Paul.

When the first child dies because ronnie has banned masked in school, he will be sued. And I hope Randy Paul and Abbott the Ass are in the court with him.
This makes you so fucking mad.

I love it.

Your power and control is DEAD, Karen!!!

When the first child dies because ronnie has banned masked in school, he will be sued.
You make that sound important, or menacing. Here's the deal, Cletus... IF he chose to forcibly refuse the kids masks it might be actionable. He isn't DOING THAT. He's refusing to allow any member of FLA government to MANDATE that those kids wear masks. Can you really not grasp the difference? Is government by compulsion such an inherent thing with you that actions not forced by government seem somehow invalid or ineffective? The world would really be a saner, less stressful place if folks like you would just...stop. Just leave people the hell alone and let them live THEIR lives.
You make that sound important, or menacing. Here's the deal, Cletus... IF he chose to forcibly refuse the kids masks it might be actionable. He isn't DOING THAT. He's refusing to allow any member of FLA government to MANDATE that those kids wear masks. Can you really not grasp the difference? Is government by compulsion such an inherent thing with you that actions not forced by government seem somehow invalid or ineffective? The world would really be a saner, less stressful place if folks like you would just...stop. Just leave people the hell alone and let them live THEIR lives.
Let me respond, Jethro....I have listened to several School Superintendents in Florida that have responded to "little trump's" bullying and threats. They are willing to do without pay, rather than put their teachers, staff and children at risk.

The first time that a child dies in Florida when a school district folds to "little trump's' stupidity, all the media outlets are gonna print it and blood will be on his hands. Then the political career of "little trump" will be over. I hope you understand that. If you can't, go ask Jed and Ellie May to explain it to you....maybe they will t a l k r e a l s l o w l y.

Why is little trump, desantis trying to kill school children? He is is putting himself in the camp of Doctor Death Randy Paul.

When the first child dies because ronnie has banned masked in school, he will be sued. And I hope Randy Paul and Abbott the Ass are in the court with him.
Explain how any school children are going to die from this.
Mask are bad for you, especially kids. If Democrats want Americans to do something, it would be wise for Americans to do the opposite.
wait until kids start dying,,,,then you can celebrate
Kids can’t die from coronavirus. They literally don’t have the ACE 2 cell receptors in their lungs for it to infect.

If they die with coronavirus it’s no different than them dying from regular influenza, which can happen but is ultra rare.
DeSantis is no different than other Trump supporters, conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right – reckless, irresponsible, and willfully ignorant.

Like Trump, DeSantis is a petty despot and tyrant.
A tyrant for allowing parents to have a choice?

If you want your kid to wear a mask, you can. It’s stupid since they can’t get the respiratory infection, but you can do it.
By the way, Arizona has banned mask mandates in schools too. It’s not like DeSantis is the only one doing it.

I know batshit crazy liberals that are so distraught over it they are fleeing AZ to go back to commiefornia, which they originally fled to get away from high taxes.

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