DeSantis says Parkland shooter should have gotten the death penalty


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Who here agrees?

Here is what one of the fathers of one of the victims said after the gunman shot dead 17 kids in school

"I'm disgusted with our legal system. I'm disgusted with those jurors," said Dr. Ilan Alhadeff, whose daughter Alyssa was one of the murder victims. "What do we have the death penalty for?"

I hear that it is even cheaper to house such criminals for life than it is to put them through the process of killing them if they do agree to the death penalty.

And even though the legal system says the shooter will never get out, in the back of your mind you just know their is a Fetterman like democrat just waiting to reverse that decision and let them out.
I support the death penalty when its 100% that the person did it.
Just take him out back and put a bullet in his fucked up head.
The law stipulates thought that if they are "mentally ill" then you can't do that.

So the question begs, what sane person would go on a murdering rampage like that?

I think we need another biologist to define mental illness for us.

The easy way would be just to ask them if they are a democrat.
Evidently, there were three jurors who would not agree to the death penalty.

When you are interviewed as a juror in a death penalty case, you are asked if you oppose the death penalty.
If you say you are unwilling to consider it, you are dismissed by the judge
What I don't get is that the shooting happened in 2018 and was only tried 4 years afterwards even though the suspect was in custody the whole time.

Didn't look like that complicated of a case to me.

Also, why wasn't this case prosecuted as a Hate Crime. I didn't see much love being shown by Mr. Cruz at all.
Evidently, there were three jurors who would not agree to the death penalty.

When you are interviewed as a juror in a death penalty case, you are asked if you oppose the death penalty.
If you say you are unwilling to consider it, you are dismissed by the judge

That assumes the people are telling the truth.

Who here agrees?

Here is what one of the fathers of one of the victims said after the gunman shot dead 17 kids in school

"I'm disgusted with our legal system. I'm disgusted with those jurors," said Dr. Ilan Alhadeff, whose daughter Alyssa was one of the murder victims. "What do we have the death penalty for?"

I hear that it is even cheaper to house such criminals for life than it is to put them through the process of killing them if they do agree to the death penalty.

And even though the legal system says the shooter will never get out, in the back of your mind you just know their is a Fetterman like democrat just waiting to reverse that decision and let them out.

If you willingly, intentionally and knowingly kill even 1 person you should die. No death row, no appeals, no nothing. Right to death.

And not even make it news. Announce they were sentenced to death and that's it.
What I don't get is that the shooting happened in 2018 and was only tried 4 years afterwards even though the suspect was in custody the whole time.

Didn't look like that complicated of a case to me.

Also, why wasn't this case prosecuted as a Hate Crime. I didn't see much love being shown by Mr. Cruz at all.
A death penalty case means you get death penalty lawyers and many more due process hurdles to surmount. Hate crimes are charged when you can make the case the motive had a terrorist basis against a race or group. In this case no sane person can even understand his motives.
Those three jurors lied during void dire. Period. If any case warranted the DP, this was it. When they were asked whether they could vote to execute, they answered in the affirmative. They lied.

Democrats. No doubt about it.
Evidently, there were three jurors who would not agree to the death penalty.

When you are interviewed as a juror in a death penalty case, you are asked if you oppose the death penalty.
If you say you are unwilling to consider it, you are dismissed by the judge
But those opposed to the death penalty are more likely a democrat

And if they are a democrat, they are more likely to lie.
If you willingly, intentionally and knowingly kill even 1 person you should die. No death row, no appeals, no nothing. Right to death.

And not even make it news. Announce they were sentenced to death and that's it.

The nation is broken

I'm reminded of a story from the 1800s where this teenager was stealing from people over a months time, and when they caught up with him and discovered what he was doing, they hung him on the spot

The story just illustrates how the culture back then has changed from what it is now in reference to permissiveness of anti-social behavior, as we compare the lunacy of modern day culture with that of the past.

Who here agrees?

Here is what one of the fathers of one of the victims said after the gunman shot dead 17 kids in school

"I'm disgusted with our legal system. I'm disgusted with those jurors," said Dr. Ilan Alhadeff, whose daughter Alyssa was one of the murder victims. "What do we have the death penalty for?"

I hear that it is even cheaper to house such criminals for life than it is to put them through the process of killing them if they do agree to the death penalty.

And even though the legal system says the shooter will never get out, in the back of your mind you just know their is a Fetterman like democrat just waiting to reverse that decision and let them out.

If you kill someone you take away from them everything they ever had and ever were, take away everything they have and are, and take away everything they will ever have and ever will be.

You take away their hopes, their dreams, their future, and the impact they may have on people in their lives / future. In turn, you take away what changes those people may have experienced due to elimiating that future meeting / impact.

You take away from their loved ones and friends all the experiences, having the person in their lives, and everything that entails.

Killing someone is no small thing that ends when that person dies. The consequences are like a massive ripple effect through time and people's lives, even those who have not met them yet.

Taking a life is a cruel, horrible fate dealt to both the victim, their families, friends, and others. It is a wound, a scar, the living will carry with them the rest of their lives.

Now multiply that by the number of people who were killed by the murderer.

That being said, IMO, the perspn who took that life owes a debt that they can never truly repay in life. Even if they are sentenced to prison with no hope of parole they still get to go on living, an option they have taken away from others. Too often the one who took the life has their life interrupted for a time by being sentenced to prison but are then released to resume their lives.

What right do the murderers have to a life going forward after they have viently ripped that opportunity, that right, from others? After a the damage they have done to so many?

When an animal, like a bear, kills a person they are 'put down'. Many will immediately argue there is a huge difference between a human being and an animal. They are right - humans have a conscience, morals, ethics, know the value of human life, know right from wrong, and know murder is wrong. If anything, humans should be held to a higher standard than the one we hold that bear / animal to.

There are some people in this world, as well, who are broken, sick, evil, and offer no socially redeeming value.

Do I believe in the death penalty? Yes

Part of me believes murderers should die in the same exact way in which they killed their victims. Part of me wonders why we try to give vile, myrdering people a 'humane' death.

The answer, of course, is because we are better than them, because that is the difference between us.

I believe in spanking a child as part of discipline. Before doing so my own rules were always clear: Never spank in anger, ensure the child understands the rules and the repercussions, and always explain what rule was broken and why rhe spanking was coming.

Similarly, I believe the death penalty should not be carried out due to anger or a sense of revenge but because someone violated a set rule / law they fully understood before committing the act.

In the world we live in today there is hardly any consequences for actions / laws broken...which is why tjings have gotten worse, lawlessness has increased.

In the same way if we do not enforce rules / boundaries with children they will keep pushing them farther and farther to see how far they can go, the out of control crime and anarchy we see today is a result in our govt / society refusing to enforce laws and hold people accountable.

In the same way we discipline our children out of love, holding them accountable for their actions so they are raised to be good, law-abiding citizens it is our duty to enforce laws and hold people accountable.
If you kill someone you take away from them everything they ever had and ever were, take away everything they have and are, and take away everything they will ever have and ever will be.

You take away their hopes, their dreams, their future, and the impact they may have on people in their lives / future. In turn, you take away what changes those people may have experienced due to elimiating that future meeting / impact.

You take away from their loved ones and friends all the experiences, having the person in their lives, and everything that entails.

Killing someone is no small thing that ends when that person dies. The consequences arelimke a massive ripple effect through time and people's lives, even those who have not met them yet.

Taking a life is a cruel, horrible fate dealt to both the victim, their families, friends, and others. It is a wound, a scar, the living will carry with them the rest of their lives.

Now multiply that by the number of people who were killed by the murderer.

That being said, IMO, the perspn who took that life owes a debt that they can never truly repay in life. Even if they are sentenced to prison with no hope of parole they still get to go on living, an option they have taken away from others. Too often the one who took the life has their life interrupted for a time by being sentenced to prison but are then released to resume their lives.

What right do the murderers have to a life going forward after they have viently ripped that opportunity, that right, from others? After a the damage they have done to so many?

When an animal, like a bear, kills a person they are 'put down'. Many will immediately argue there is a huge difference between a human being and an animal. They are right - humans have a conscience, morals, ethics, know the value of human life, know right from wrong, and know murder is wrong. If anything, humans should be held to a higher standard than the one we hold that bear / animal to.

There are some people in this world, as well, who are broken, sick, evil, and offer no socially redeeming value.

Do I believe in the death penalty? Yes

Part of me believes murderers should die in the same exact way in which they killed their victims. Part of me wonders why we try to give vile, myrderibg peopleca 'humane' death.

The answer, of course, is vecause we are better than them, because that is the difference between us.

I helievevin spanking a child as part of discipline. Before doing so my own rules were always clear: Never spank in anger, ensure the child understands the rules and the repercussions, and always explain what rule was broken and why rhe spanking was coming.

Similarly, I believe the death penalty should not be carried out due to anger or a sense of revenge but because someone violated a set rule / law they fully understood before committing the act.

In the world we live in today there is hardly any consequences for actions / laws broken...which is why tjings have gotten worse, lawlessness has increased.

In the same way if we do not enforce rules / boundaries with children they will keep pushing them farther and farther to see how far they can go, the out of control crime and anarchy we see today is a result in our govt / society refusing to enforce laws and hold people accountable.

In the same way we discipline our children out of love, holding them accountable for their actions so they are raised to be good, law-abiding citizens it is our duty to enforce laws and hold people accountable.
But the DNC, which controls government, the media, and academia, does not believe in "evil". They think society is to blame, (i.e. rightwingers) and/or they can always be saved somehow, if only we show mercy to them.

That is, unless you were part of the January 6th crowd or get labeled a racist.
But those opposed to the death penalty are more likely a democrat

And if they are a democrat, they are more likely to lie.
Most of the free world opposes the death penalty
Democrats included

Republicans align with China and Muslim countries who enjoy it
As long as the trial was for someone who was obviously guilty, as well as the sentencing phase, shows just how much money is wasted in the months long trial process. Had the California rapist/serial killer from the 70's and 80's not pled guilty, his trial was expected to cost millions. Hard to say how much this one cost.
Most of the free world opposes the death penalty
Democrats included

Republicans align with China and Muslim countries who enjoy it

No one "enjoys" the death penalty.

But there are plenty of nations outside America, China and the Muslim World that have this most appropriate penalty.

India, Japan, Korea, Russia as well as most of Africa have the death penalty as well.

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